Sciencemadness Discussion Board

"parasites" biochemistry research

FANTOMAS - 24-1-2007 at 13:57

Re-reading Nitro-Genes reply to "gordion worm" tread, I wish to add few thinks.

1}Is not really a new biology discovery. A new interest in it ,
Yes , but no new.Some Knowledge about interaction of Human parasites/human behavours was old as ... science ,
or research , itself. Goes back in time to the begin of civilization. I found refs. in diverse "fields" of study , myself.
More on it ,if tread pick up.>suggest interest on argument,
by other members.

2}A new "strange" correlation is between singing and herpes simplex virus ,HSV. [one of the many]
It goes beyond a verruca on the throat of the singer.
Is "stimulating" the " wish to sing" in the host ; is somehow
helping intonation,(or this came trough pratice?). It can "came and go", leaving the host /singer lost ,for voice or inspiration. IT does "make you sing!" . More than normally done , whitin the same individual! {habits,capacity of}

Post is gettin' long . I'll add more example if needed.
PS. Nitro-genes : no more fleminj faking.

Dubecco ,never heard of.Found new ref. last night in:
U.S.patent 5488135 , looking for other thinks.But some connection with this tread is there too .

IIf tread not for biochem, please move to miscellaneus.
If you are not interested about it,pass.

FANTOMAS - 24-1-2007 at 16:57

I have a question ,here .What other body parts are protected by tiny barrier like,or smaller,as the brain?

nitro-genes - 25-1-2007 at 03:38

lol, I've been to Scotland several times, does that count?

Sorry I had to put you on my ignore list for U2U Gil, I became really tired of sharing your psychotic episode experiences. Maybe you should get rid of some of your own parasitic demons first before you keep posting crap like this...

Herpes stimulates singing mood, christ what a load of bullshit! Did you make that up yourself, or was there some parasitic voice in your head telling you this? :P

[Edited on 25-1-2007 by nitro-genes]

Maya - 25-1-2007 at 09:37


The joke I was making about Dubecco, Iscove, McCoy and Waymouth is that these are all the names of Tissue Culture Mediums which are used to grow cells in a lab.

Really , this points out what annoys and irritates me so much about your threads is that they do not show much if any logical cohesion , in fact, they are mostly ( at best ) half-baked un-proven ideas. Although they may be worth investigating on the off chance they hold merit. Still , you do not subscribe to the scientific process. None of your claims or hypothesis would even come close to standing the test as put forward by you.
Lastly, your diatribes barely make sense. I am barely able to make your conclusions and I am well thru advanced level coursework. That's what really hurts

I'll try not to respond to any more of your posts, but unfortunately you keep posting them. Please try and post some sense

nitro-genes - 25-1-2007 at 10:21

Not only that, but anybody that doesn't agree with him on the slightest thing is subjected to extensive flaming and insults even by U2U. This is a discussion board, so if you get dissapproving reactions of other members you post facts, articles, citations from books to prove your point, you don't start some pointless terror campaign by U2U...;)

Ozone - 25-1-2007 at 17:38

I have found that it is much easier to translate when considered phonetically, viz. "ipotesys=hypothesis". Try to ignore the letters and consider the "sound". A problem, here, is the schizophrenic use of multiple identities. Please try to resolve this issue (medicate more/less, as necessary).

It just doesn't look good,


bacterial origin of ideograms

albabatter - 20-2-2007 at 13:33


2}A new "strange" correlation is between singing and herpes simplex virus ,HSV. [one of the many]
It goes beyond a verruca on the throat of the singer.
Is "stimulating" the " wish to sing" in the host ; is somehow
helping intonation,(or this came trough pratice?). It can "came and go", leaving the host /singer lost ,for voice or inspiration. IT does "make you sing!" . More than normally done , whitin the same individual! {habits,capacity of}

we reached 70 HPV correctly identified.
2 thinks: what we know/what we dont know. X
what we personally know/what humanity know,as part of the scibile X
past/present/future knowledge/happening X
etc...etc...etc...various combination

the same people using ideograms are, statistically , more intonated than Western or other ethnic groups.Officially,because they have a musical language IE the same word on a different note has a different meaning. But that, to my (un)knowledge, is almost universal.

Wright bros were in dire need of psychiatryc help too,the Dotti
having none of that nonsense.

someone said the only valuable think is intuition.Did he irrefutabily proofed it? nSo from the voice of ignorance I say ideograms are of bacterial origin .are, not may be of

ps the only people who received hormonal U2U by....are the people that U2U to .....pretending to be frisian,ex-platoonic,C.Hynde pals or the like.Who is not listed above,better look elsewhere

[Edited on 20-2-2007 by albabatter]

[Edited on 20-2-2007 by albabatter]

albabatter - 24-2-2007 at 06:52

The "strange" correlation does the stimulation.I cannot prove it is direct cause of HPV or not.I never say it.
Not that rare at all, givin what I experienced ,and observed around!
Those are two separate effect,I did not encounter both on the same subject. Both were observed around te same times.

And various account from old people, now deceased,hearing sounds,pianos play at bedtime, etc.

[Edited on 24-2-2007 by albabatter]