Sciencemadness Discussion Board

MS 3A vs 5A drying organic compounds

biomechem - 12-8-2017 at 12:18

I could hardly find any info about molecular sieves and its application in drying organic solvents. I know that you cannot use too big pores because the solvent will also be absorbed e.g. ethanol and 4A MS, but I have no idea how it works otherwise.

Wiki says that 5A are used to dehydration of liquid petroleum gas, but does the smaller ones (like 3A) can remove water from it as well?

What about aromatic compounds as benzene, toluene etc? Is it possible to dehydrate it with 3A, and why?

wg48 - 12-8-2017 at 13:18

Sigma has a technical note on them that may answer your question: