Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Forum pages showing as garbage (encoding trouble)

Polverone - 27-4-2007 at 22:33

I discovered this evening that forum pages were showing up as scrambled garbage in Firefox, or trying to download in IE. The problem appears to be the browser getting a gzip-encoded version of the page and for some reason not decoding it for display. I was able to fix it by modifying my headers to reject compressed pages, then disabling gzip page compression through the administration panel. I will try restoring the setting periodically to see if the problem has corrected itself.

I have no idea why the behavior would change now, as I've had gzip page compression enabled for years.

Sauron - 28-4-2007 at 00:55

IE was trying to download viewthread.php for a few hours this morning my time, thus I could not access and started to go into cold turkey forum withdrawal.

The problem has gone away now (mid afternoon) so I got my forum fix and am now a happy lil chemistry junkie again.

Thanks, @Polverone!

Darkblade48 - 28-4-2007 at 00:59

I was also experiencing this problem using Firefox earlier this evening. However, the problem seems to be fixed now, so everything is OK.

Good work with keeping the forums working just dandy, Polverone

Sauron - 28-4-2007 at 03:18

I just had an entire thread up and disappear right in front of my eyes. I was composing a post and when I tried to post it, I got a screen asking for a password.

It was the ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST thread and I was having a perfectly civil if OT discussion with #Roscoe about transliteration and dead languages.

No rancor, no politics, no controversy.


vulture - 28-4-2007 at 03:21

Glitch probably. I don't have such exhilirating admin powers that I can sabotage your posting attempts. I can only remedy after the shit hits the fan, which explains why we're cracking down on garbage posts.

vulture - 28-4-2007 at 03:36

I assume you mean this thread? I moved it to whimsy.