Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Calling all French Members

Sauron - 8-6-2007 at 23:29

We need your help.

We have been frustrated in trying to locate French chemical journals on the Internet.

The only one we have found so far is Comptes Rendu de l'Academie des Sciences Paris 1835-1965 which is available at Gallica free, and its 1998-present form through one of the commercial publishers.

We are looking for online editions of:

Rec.Trav.Chim. du Pays-Bas

Bull.Soc.Chim. France

Bull.Soc.Chim. Belg.

Any help will be much appreciated.

I posted here rather than References so as not to exclude those without a password.

S.C. Wack - 9-6-2007 at 03:03

You're not going to find them anytime soon, they don't exist. Pardon my non-Frenchness.

Some very old Rec trav and Bull Soc chim can be downloaded complete from google:
and a couple more hidden in

for the Germans they have J Prakt, Z Anorg...
and some nifty non-journal volumes like Gmelin, Beilstein, Abegg, Dammer...

I hit them hard a couple months ago and found that they didn't seem to have download restrictions.

They've really expanded their QD pdfs since they started but sadly they seem uninterested in whether the books are readable or not. Unbelievably bad scanning - a total waste of time in many cases.

[Edited on 9-6-2007 by S.C. Wack]

Sauron - 9-6-2007 at 07:00

You might be right but, vovan78 says he saw some of the old French journals I named on Ingenta and Elsevier which means they have been digitized.

That the links are dead, suggests a squabble over copyrights.

Until a few days ago I would have been equally skeptical about Comptes Rendu but there it is for free in Gallica, 130 years of it, 1835-1965, available free, page by page same as their Berichte collection. For anything in Berichte pre-1902, no one needs Wiley.

I posted the url in References. AFAIK no one had ever found this and made it available to forum members before. I did not find Berichte on my own, a member pointed it out to me (thanks Leu) and this is my way of thanking the entire forum for such kindnesses.

And that is why I started this thread.

[Edited on 9-6-2007 by Sauron]

solo - 9-6-2007 at 07:23

Originally posted by Sauron
AFAIK no one had ever found this and made it available to forum members before

that's not exactly true....the source for that journal at Gallica has been known by many and posted on this and other (edited:) hobby chemistry forums for a long time, and at the Hive by Sam.

Actually this has been posted more recently and it point to it's archives at

Note: as a point of interest , one might want to investigate the holdings here......

[Edited on 9-6-2007 by solo]

Polverone - 9-6-2007 at 08:44

Can we stick to the topic of French journals and not turn a minor, now-corrected derail into a major derail that consumes the thread and any value it once held? Thanks.

Sauron - 10-6-2007 at 00:23

So far we have comments from a few well informed and well intentioned members but neither of them is French.

My colleague and I were hoping to bring the focus of some French expertise to bear on the problem of these French journals.

quino - 28-10-2009 at 21:50


Is there any web address or download
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France or
Bull Soc Chim Fr
