Sciencemadness Discussion Board

help... Endnote forces me to do the dirty work myself

Dr. Beaker - 16-6-2007 at 12:14

Hi all,

I have many articles as pdf files sorted in folders.
Is there a way endnote can read those files and extract the bibiliographic data from them itself (like authors names, journal, year etc.?).
Because as I understood from the tutorials on the Endnotes site, I had needed to coordinate my literature search in sciefinder with it, but I installed it just now...

Darkblade48 - 16-6-2007 at 14:01

I think you will have to find the related articles on PubMed/whatever journal site you are getting them from, and then import them into Endnote in the appropriate format.

I.e. When I use PubMed, I download the article as a PDF file, but also save the bibliographic data and import it as a Medline file into Endnote.

Dr. Beaker - 18-6-2007 at 11:42

you're right.
I needed to search again and export the results as a "tagged .txt file"