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Hazard to Others
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Always sad to lose a great mind! Rest in peace.
Hazard to Others
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I saw this notice a couple of days ago and I had the same feelings I have when I discover that an author that I love is dead and that there won't be
any more books I loved his approach and the clarity of his posts.
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I send my condolences to his family... I am truly sorry to hear that.
International Hazard
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It is all ways sad to hear of ones passing, but I like to look on things as such, He shall be immortal on the internet, his wisdom shared to millions
and more importantly his family, Non of us escape life alive, I hope the transition was swift and painless for him and he will be deeply missed by
I hope good fortune to his family during these hard times, celebrate his life, and do not dwell on the past but never forget it.
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I attended his funeral yesterday afternoon. There were many people there. I brought a letter that I wrote along with printouts of this thread, email
that members sent me, and U2Us that members sent me. I was able to give all these writings to one of his sons. I met both of his sons and his wife and
tried to briefly say how Don -- Magpie -- had inspired us.
I also spoke briefly in remembrance to say how he had touched lives around the world as well as the many people he was close to by geography or
The church bulletin contained the same obituary that was in the earlier newspaper scan so I haven't scanned it, but there was a clearer picture of him
which I am attaching here.
PGP Key and corresponding e-mail address
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It is even sadder if you have a good picture, not even mentioning the condolences in the newspaper which alone are enough to make one sad.
Despite never having spoken to him directly, I read many of his experiments and he was a great addition to our community.
Rest in peace Don!
It was good to have you here 
I hope it is much better where you are now 
Thank you Polverone for being such a good guy and attending the funeral, I am sure you made his family happy with the things you could report to them

I just noticed he was born at almost the same day as me, how touching, for being such an almost irrelevant coincidence!
[Edited on 22-12-2019 by karlos³]
International Hazard
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So you
did mention his SM username to his family?
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His family already knew. His son initially contacted me and woelen when they found his account and extensive post history here. Most of the messages I
delivered from members also referred to him as Magpie.
PGP Key and corresponding e-mail address
Hazard to Others
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Rest In Peace brother. I will alway think fondly of our conversations on alternate fume hood fan designs, 10+ years ago. His demeanor and clarity in
posts are the benchmark the rest of us should strive for. I can only hope to be as inspired in my retirement, years from now, as he was to chemistry.
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National Hazard
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rest in peace.
International Hazard
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Just now saw this.
RIP Don, you were an example to us all. I will miss our talk of autoclaves and all the knowledge and great stories you shared on and off forum.
Neither flask nor beaker.
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International Hazard
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Oh dear.
It's tragic to hear of his passage and know that this corner of a tiny world will glow less brightly. He was a voice of patience and reason (often
when severely tested), and a mentor to members new and old alike (apparently in-keeping with his off-line life, which is a great thing reflecting real
character). He had my respect, and now my condolences. I sincerely hope that his family can get something out of the fact that he meant so much to so
many, here.
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Mood: ....getting old and drowning in a sea of knowledge
My respect to his family for the loss, he will be missed my only contact with him was obtaining studies for him....he will be missed and his posts
will continue to be with us guiding us through what he did best.....solo
It's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees....Emiliano Zapata.
Elemental Phosphorus
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That's very sad news, this forum, and the excellence of some of the contributors on here were what made me interested in amateur chemistry. He was one
of the best, a real scientific man. I never had contact with him but his posts and syntheses were always excellent and reliable.
May he rest in peace.
yobbo II
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Another asset gone.
One sometimes does not appreciate what is there until it is gone.
Forum Drunkard
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Magpie was a Huge Inspiration.
Seeing what he did was like adding fuel to an inquisitive mind on fire.
His contributions will be deeply missed.
To my shame i have not yet repeated his Congo Red preparation, which i promised him i would do
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Well, good to see you aga.
I share your feelings on Magpie. A couple of weeks after the event and I am still stunned when I think about it.
Maybe doing the congo red will be just the thing...
National Hazard
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Thank you Magpie for your contributions here (and elsewhere).
You were always kind, helpful, and encouraging, and I am grateful that we chatted even a little bit!
Thank you Polverone as well, for bringing it to our attention, and posting the obit., etc...
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I never met Magpie. In fact I did not know of his existence until today, having joined this form after his passing.
However, just from reading what has been said about him here I am saddened by his death. It would have been an honor to know him and to work with him
in these intellectual pursuits. We should all strive to be more like Magpie, and I know I will.
Hazard to Others
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This is so sad.. he was a friend.
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I received an email from Rosco, intended for Magpie. I think that it is appropriate to place this into this thread.
For Magpie from Rosco:
Song of Divine:
National Hazard
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So sorry to hear that. We lost a true alchemist.
Rest in peace Magpie. Your memory live on forever.
violet sin
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I am saddened to hear Magpie has leveled up... His input was fantastic. The care in responses was most appreciated. I feel I learned from him, not
just chem.
When I saw the news here, one of our interactions on SM came to mind. It was his copper boiling flask thread. I was so keen to chime in as I loved
working with copper and it was nice to feel shared ground with an accomplished and respected member. At least in that I'm familiar with working
copper and could shop talk a bit. Got all into the discussion and threw up an illustrated drawing of my take on drillbits, complete with incorrect
assumptions I later realized, which led to some embarrassment. I, just a couple posts later, went so far as to ask a dumb question about price and
was kindly referred to the opening post link... My battleship was sunk...
I thought of this from time to time, when feeling compelled to throw in a few words just to be a part of the conversation. A good lesson.
I also was reminded that just because you take a couple things to be so b/c of some minor observations, sans actually looking into it... You can be
wrong, and it can be embarrassing
And lastly, I was nice to know that I'd been a chatty pest, been wrong and short sighted... But was only met with a kind reminder of where the
information was located... WHAT A CLASS ACT!? I can only hope to aspire to that level of understanding one day.
You will be missed Magpie, RIP
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