Hazard to Others
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Tetraaminocopper dihydroxide
So I'm in the middle of a tetraaminocopper dihydroxide prep, and I have several questions:
I currently have a filtered blue copper hydroxide paste drying on a watchglass and dish. I know that copper hydroxide slowly oxidizes in air, but how
long can I leave it out to dry? How can I clean the insoluble residue from my equipment?
Thanks in advance.
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International Hazard
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Ammonium hydroxide is used to dissolve the insouble residue If the copper hydroxide oxidizes to copper oxide a ammonium hydroxide solution will
hydrate the copper oxide and convert it to copper hydroxide. You can also form the product by using copper wire and ammonium hydroxide it would take
much longer.
International Hazard
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Blue copper(II) hydroxide will not oxidize in air, but it may dehydrate to the oxide. Hydrochloric acid should take the stains right off.
Please remember: "Filtrate" is not a verb.
Write up your lab reports the way your instructor wants them, not the way your ex-instructor wants them.
Hazard to Others
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OK, thanks for the responses.
Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood a single word. (attributed to Niels Bohr)
I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. (Richard Feynman)
International Hazard
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You can try to wash copper hydroxide with some volatile solvent like ethanol, methanol, acetone, diethylether, methyl acetate, methyl formiate etc. to
speed up drying. Copper hydroxide don't dehydrate quickly, but after a day in solution you can observe some black spots in blue precipitate. But when
it is dry, it's perfectly stable (I have one kilo of it with very decent purity and it doesn't have any black spots).