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Low-level atomic gardening of Ocimum basilicum
I just started my experiment with atomic gardening of Ocimum basilicum (Sweet basil) by Am-241. In exactly one month from February 17th, 1:07 AM UTC,
I will germinate and garden the seeds. For now, I will post my hypothesis and variables.
For my low-level radioactive source, I'm using approximately 3.5 μCi of Americium-241 (wrapped in aluminium foil to block α-particles and any
possible β from reaction chains), taped to 20 seeds. The seeds are receiving about 2.56 μSv/hr of γ-radiation (this was calculated with this
((x - y)0.80) = z
x being the reading of the source, y being the reading of the source through the seeds, z being the radiation absorbed by the seeds, all with
estimated 80% efficiency.
(11.30 μSv/hr - 8.11 μSv/hr) x 0.80 = 2.56 μSv/hr absorbed. 1 month is 730 hours, so 2.56 μSv x 730 = 1.87 mSv absorbed dose, possibly more. The
80% efficiency was a generous subtraction
I hypothesize that the irradiated seeds will germinate and initially grow faster because the γ-rays will sterilize any mould or disease, but after
the initial weeks, the growth will be stunted from genetic damage. I doubt that there will be any actual visible change- this dose is very low.
I'll post a report a few days after March 19th, and give an update on germination rates and any other notes. And, of course, updates when the plants
actually grow.
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National Hazard
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quote: "I hypothesize that the irradiated seeds will germinate and initially grow faster because the γ-rays will sterilize any mould or disease, but
after the initial weeks, the growth will be stunted from genetic damage. I doubt that there will be any actual visible change- this dose is very low."
To begin with, let me make the disclaimer that I know very little about biology, have never taken any biology course, or know very much about plant
growth. This is not meant in any way to demean your experiment, and I am looking forward to reading about your results. That being said, if you doubt
that there will be any actual visible change" how do you intend to identify any effects from the radiation. Will you also plant unirradiated seeds as
a control?
And also, where did you get the americium? I have seen references to Am being isolated from smoke detectors, but I have never personally attempted
Good luck with your experiment!
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Quote: Originally posted by CharlieA  |
how do you intend to identify any effects from the radiation. Will you also plant unirradiated seeds as a control?
And also, where did you get the americium?
Yes, I forgot to mention I'll be growing a control group with the same amount of seeds. I will check the effects by just looking at them, as well as
comparing leaves under a microscope, and just by regular growth observations. I'll post any results I find
Yes, I got the Am-241 from smoke detectors. I'm using four, 0.9 µCi pins from the detector source. Here's what they look like
"There is a shadow of a nation behind you, the hope of a people... yet it may not matter. The Divide still stands against us."
National Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by sauveurdumonde  | Quote: Originally posted by CharlieA  |
how do you intend to identify any effects from the radiation. Will you also plant unirradiated seeds as a control?
And also, where did you get the americium?
Yes, I forgot to mention I'll be growing a control group with the same amount of seeds. I will check the effects by just looking at them, as well as
comparing leaves under a microscope, and just by regular growth observations. I'll post any results I find
Yes, I got the Am-241 from smoke detectors. I'm using four, 0.9 µCi pins from the detector source. Here's what they look like
Thanks for the reply. I'm looking forward to reading your observations.
International Hazard
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I'm afraid you will need something a bit more radioactive, 0.1 kGy would be 100 Sievert.
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Since I don't want to have to worry about storing extremely radioactive γ sources, I'll probably construct a "hard" x-ray generator. I have managed
to generate very weak x-rays with regular vacuum tubes (and 15 kV) but I think I'll order one specifically designed for it.
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My cat knocked over the control group. There will be a bit of delay as I make another.
"There is a shadow of a nation behind you, the hope of a people... yet it may not matter. The Divide still stands against us."
International Hazard
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Shouldn't you have the control group next to the irradiated group?
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They are right next to eachother. Only the control was knocked over, so I'll just replant in the same conditions and make an offset. Not ideal but the
best I can do
E.G.: Experimental's day four is now control's day one
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zinc finger
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Please keep your cat away from your radioactive samples. If it somehow incorporates any parts of them, the radiotoxicity could have very serious