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Hazard to Others
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don't believe everything you read, verify it ; i looked up thier website and the isp was based in nevada.
Hazard to Self

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I got p-DMAB from them, reagent_shop is legit.
you guys need to lay off the meff.
National Hazard
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it is odd that most of the people defending them have very few posts here. i wonder that some of them may be affiliated with LE and are trying to push
people into buying things that are clearly a no-no. wouldn't that be entrapment? the act of encouraging someone to buy something or commit an act that
they would not normally do on their own? those of you defending this: you know what is going on with these ebay sellers is considered illegal in many
jurisdictions. you know that the whole scheme is questionable. enjoy your products and be happy if you slip under the radar. don't try to talk other
people into doing something that will cost them home, family, job and years of life.
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People with high post-counts are on the pay-role too. My colleague detective inspector mr.crow recommended them (; devious shit that he is.
I see another conspiracy; the birth of a police-state. Paranoid views become accepted-reality. The abilities of the authorities are exaggerated.
Strangers are treated with suspicion and accusations.
But what really worries me:
This is encouraged by someone from Hamburg?! I know your game Deutschlander; keep the old flame burning, right?
Anyway, get on with it.. 
[Edited on 21-7-2011 by tmb]
National Hazard
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Reagent Shop is legitimate. They are based in Korea and have tons of stuff for sale. Things like phosphorus are just another line in a long catalog.
They quickly deliver all kinds of non-paranoid chemicals.
If its illegal in your country then don't buy it. No one is going to rat you out except for customs if they open your package.
Of course the website is in the US. If they want to sell to Americans they get an English language website on a US host.
I know some similar US based sites are actual scams ( or so that's where the fear is founded.
As for the other more sketchy eBay sellers think of it like going to a bong store instead of an Indian smoke shop. They sell the same types of things
but to different crowds. Some people want a glass pipe instead of a nice briar wood one for obvious reasons.
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble
National Hazard
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me? from hamburg? surely you jest! obviously i am not paranoid. i actually purchased POCl3 over the internet. besides, perhaps the paranoia is a good
thing(to a small extent). when it is perceived that any reagent is out of reach, it fuels a mad dash to synthesize it from easily available materials
and thus, new techniques are born. for a good example of this, have a thorough read of the elemental phosphorus thread. many people have an interest
in phosphorus chemistry but the jerk-offs that make up our wonderful american government say we can't buy it. and so, through much trial and error,
many years of work by fine chemists, and they were able to outline a procedure that is within the reach of home chemistry. with the use of tube
furnaces and some creative piping, viola!
those of you that want to take the easy route and just buy everything, you will eventually run afoul of the scrutineers. remember that the other side
of the paranoia coin is complacency. also remember that this is not the 1950's and that we, as a breed, are feared and loathed because the t.v. tells
people to feel that way about us.
i wish i was from germany. they bred some of the finest chemists the world has ever seen. also, many of the best chemistry texts are written in
[Edited on 21-7-2011 by Rogeryermaw]
Hazard to Others
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Reagent Shop?
I'll endorse them. Got DABCO and DMAP from them at a reasonable price.
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I did jest - but no, I thought that you were German. Maybe it was the "Hamburg" next to 'Location:', and the quote from Baldur von Schirach?
With respect, claiming that numerous people are undercover cops trying to get you to buy chemicals does not show that you are 'obviously not paranoid'

Hazard to Self

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Quote: Originally posted by mr.crow  | [
I know some similar US based sites are actual scams ( or so that's where the fear is founded.
. |
nah, is legit too. expensive, but legit.
I got 1,4-BDO from them several years ago, albeit they requested a letter of intent and a scan of DL.
National Hazard
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i don't trust i did finally receive my order from them but it took over three months and legal threats.
Hazard to Self

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Quote: Originally posted by Rogeryermaw  |
those of you that want to take the easy route and just buy everything, you will eventually run afoul of the scrutineers. remember that the other side
of the paranoia coin is complacency. also remember that this is not the 1950's and that we, as a breed, are feared and loathed because the t.v. tells
people to feel that way about us.
i wish i was from germany. they bred some of the finest chemists the world has ever seen. also, many of the best chemistry texts are written in
german![Edited on 21-7-2011 by Rogeryermaw] |
People here are doing all sorts of chemistry. I myself have certain experiments I want to do, based on my University course. I don't have time to make
all the reagents I need from locally purchased materials.
Some people here do research in areas where synthesising everything is just infeasible or impractical, and buying each reagent is simpler, quicker,
I need to buy certain primary titrimetric standards for example: I would not have confidence in my results if I had synthesised the primary standard
myself - I don't believe my skill level as a chemist is high enough.
I don't think amateur chemists are loathed as a breed. I think persecution of clandestine drug cooks unfortunately is so strong in some areas, that
people doing chemistry at home as a hobby or for research, are caught up by overzealous authorities.
My Mum is German, she has told me that in Australia, where I'm from, the sciences are not as well regarded as a profession comparative to Germany when
she left.
But I don't think there's a great loathing for people who do science at home. Well, I should say I haven't heard many people express that view.
BTW I am not connected to law enforcement, I'm a University student and though the prices are high, ReagentShop does seem to me legitimate - the
seller originally mentioned in this post, however, was a bit dodgy.
(A quick off-topic aside: actually your quote isn't from Baldur von Schirach, it's from a Nazi play by Hans Johst called Schlageter about the
martyred Freikorps saboteur; the quote from the play I have put at the end of this post, it comes from Wikipedia.
Schirach himself, ironically enough, said that the "removal" of the Jews by deportation would "contribute to European culture."
He fancied himself something of a poet. One of his gushing screeds has these words,
"To the Führer. This is the truth which bound me to thee: I looked for thee and found my Fatherland. I was a leaf floating in limitless space. Now
thou art my homeland and my tree. How far would I be carried by the wind, wert thou not the strength that flows up from the roots."
He was often mocked for being effeminate, by other Nazi figures.
A good documentary about Schirach is here:
The Corrupter of Youth - Hitler's Henchmen
Here's the quote from the play:
"from Wikipedia,
"I know that rubbish from '18..., fraternity, equality, ..., freedom..., beauty and dignity! You gotta use the right bait to hook 'em. And then,
you're right in the middle of a parley and they say: Hands up! You're disarmed..., you republican voting swine! — No, let 'em keep their good
distance with their whole ideological kettle of fish.... I shoot with live ammunition! When I hear the word culture..., I release the safety
on my Browning!""
[Edited on 22-7-2011 by francis]
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by no means did i intend that people should make all of their reagents from scratch. there are just certain nasties that having a paper trail leading
to your name could be avoided by home synthesis. such a multitude of explosives have to be nitrated by concentrated nitric acid that those making big
booms may want to consider distilling their own to cover their trail. those embarking on the manufacture of methamphetamine may be safer distilling
their own phosphorus and preparing their own iodine at home rather than throwing their name out there.
on the other side of the coin, these reagents are useful for many legit purposes as well, and the over-zealous, under-educated law enforcement parties
end up descending on both chemist and cook. when this occurs, there are no innocuous chemicals; every chemical in your arsenal will be a lethal,
explosive, toxic, drug precursor and health and environmental hazard. all of this not to mention the hysteria that is spread when the media gets hold
of the story, which does our community no favor.
thank you for the correction on the quote. i am aware that there are several different people credited with either this quote or an adaptation of it
including hermann göring although i very much appreciate the depth to which you explain it. whoever said it or wrote it, it does reflect my attitude
to the whole socialist ideal of government control and zero accountability for personal actions.
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Quote: Originally posted by Rogeryermaw  | it does reflect my attitude to the whole socialist ideal of government control and zero accountability for personal actions. |
Surely you jest? National socialism broke the mold in its "government control
and zero accountability for personal actions".
Hazard to Others
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Quote: |
Textit is odd that most of the people defending them have very few posts here. i wonder that some of them may be affiliated with LE and are trying to
push people into buying things that are clearly a no-no. wouldn't that be entrapment? the act of encouraging someone to buy something or commit an act
that they would not normally do on their own? those of you defending this: you know what is going on with these ebay sellers is considered illegal in
many jurisdictions. you know that the whole scheme is questionable. enjoy your products and be happy if you slip under the radar. don't try to talk
other people into doing something that will cost them home, family, job and years of life.
my thoughts exactly roger, look thier ip up check them out don't believe what the shills on here tell you.
National Hazard
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i didn't say that there were undercover agents patrolling this board but i did suggest that it was a possibility. i said "i wonder". simply that it is
an idea to consider. and i would have to be pretty naive to think that no one from any law enforcement agency or any other alphabet agency ever
browsed this board looking for a shit storm to stir up.
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That's a really good documentary, thanks 
I found his socialist vision for German children particularly-touching:
"They won't be free for the rest of their lives."
Nice role-model you've got there Roger.
It's rare to find someone these-days who is in favour of unquestioning obedience and complete-control of their lives by the state. Good for you -
stand out from the crowd.
I must confess that I have been corrupted by the evils of Jewish liberal individualism. Maybe you should work for law-enforcement Roger? A
uniform, a badge, a set of rules by which to live your life. Think of the camaraderie; the colleagues; organized-sports; guns! Barack Obama as
commander-in-chief. Black-man doin' his thing! Sound good?
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Oh no! Something I said? I was just messing around - angling for a bite, my friend; but you stayed strong - like a Stormtrooper.
Don't mind me, I'm just the son of a cultured Polish mutt. What more can you expect?
This will cheer you up:
National Hazard
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john cleese is the man! dude you would find it easier to build your own nuclear reactor than to get a rise out of me. also i do not model my life
after any nazi, jew, muslim, christian, right-wing or left-wing, radical, activist, or any other jerk-off that thinks they know how better to live my
life than me. my chosen quote actually only represents a feeling of mine. it stems more from the days of european exploration and expansion. when the
portuguese, spaniards, and english (and eventually the majority of other european nations) started to discover other countries and found the un
"cultured" savages native to their respective regions, the decided it was ok to enslave and or murder them for their own financial gain...oops i mean
because it was the will of god! the filthy savages obviously did not know how to live their own lives and needed to be cultured.
in this context, the idea of "culture" is a dirty word and should make any man tighten his grip on his weapon.
International Hazard
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"Only"? No, it's never "only" when you're
quoting someone. You necessarily drag all the associations of the speaker into it as well, even if, in this case, it's the fictionalized sentiment of
a speaker. As much as you might, you can't simply divorce yourself of these connotations after the fact.
National Hazard
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^^ and where is that written?
and if my admiration of german chemists makes me a nazi affiliate then so be it. hitler perpetrated some pretty fucked up actions but scientists of
his era are responsible for a lot of great advancements in chemistry. and what race has not been guilty of atrocities? the jews are just as bad as the
germans are just as bad as the portuguese are just as bad as the romans are just as bad as the americans. at one time or another every race and creed
has pulled some effed up shit. for any one race to sit upon their pedestal and look down their nose at any other is just plain hypocritical. and it's
still going on to this day. i absolutely loathe any religion; look at how muslims dance in the streets preaching the destruction of the west. look at
how the greedy christian televangelists beg for money so they can go to other countries to indoctrinate foreign savages who do not worship the right
god. all of humanity is base and vile. the only save here is that some of us realize it and refuse to carry on the tradition. therefore, the word
culture is tantamount to "i know better than you and i will kill you if you do not adopt my ways" you have every right to your interpretation. so do
anyway this is all off the topic which i believe was about a particular ebay seller with some unscrupulous practices. legit or not it is wrong to
offer items that are highly regulated or illegal altogether when they know damn well those items are restricted in the jurisdiction they are being
offered in. ebay is well aware that iodine, phosphorus, safrole, hydroiodic acid ect. are not to be sold under the radar like that and would pull them
down if they were not in cooperation with some bullshit LE scheme.
these cats are not bothering to make sure the buyers have registered and hold the proper certifications to purchase scheduled chemicals and so they
and their buyers are openly breaking laws on a highly monitored auction site. there is a huge difference between paranoia and due caution.
[Edited on 24-7-2011 by Rogeryermaw]
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Do you think I would be safe to buy from this supplier:
It contains sea 'iodine' - this would make it restricted, right?
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Thread Closed 24-7-2011 at 14:50 |
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