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Sassafras Essential Oil
I am posting this expecting a bunch of garbage about MDx synthesis, but hoping for some useful information. I do not want advice on not making MDx,
Now that this is out of the I make soaps and I cannot find this product anywhere. Am I out of luck?
Feel free to tell me if this is not an appropriate topic. I am a new poster, but familiar with the site due to job and schooling.
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You can buy sassafras oil that has been "denatured" by the removal of safrole to render is useless for MDMA manufacture without any problems as it is
not a restricted substance. Its used in cooking so that may be a place to start looking.
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So far all I have found is so-called Fragrance Oil. It does not smell anything like the Sassafras I am used to. If this is the best that there is, I
am just not going to make it. Thanks for the input...i'll check it out.
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Seems widely available at least in the USA, see e.g . Granted they have limits to how much you can buy but for any amateur soap/perfumery purposes
those limits are so high as to be nugatory.
The less you bet, the more you lose when you win.
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Aarnav exports sells it but it's only 50% safrole. I don't know what they dilute it with.
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Do you have sassafras trees near you? I know there are plenty where I live.
You could try getting the oil yourself if it is not illegal.
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Quote: Originally posted by 99chemicals  | Do you have sassafras trees near you? I know there are plenty where I live.
You could try getting the oil yourself if it is not illegal. |
I definitely do, but getting enough oil would require me killing several neighborhood trees. This is unacceptable, obviously. I am going to check
out the other sources; thanks a lot!
I do quite a bit of essential oil extraction, but mostly high-dollar stuff like tuberose and jasmine.
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Candles: 1 oz per pound wax... lol.
Soaps: We will see, but I'm guessing more like candles than perfume.
International Hazard
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There are many places to get safrole and sassafras oils of several types. One I know of is virtually all safrole. I would never post the information
here or anywhere else. That would be the fastest way to lose a source. It's stupid to ask. Gain trust and eventually someone may tell you. Better
yet, get creative with searches. Better still, establish credibility as a legitimate researcher (by being one).
"When you let the dumbasses vote you end up with populism followed by autocracy and getting back is a bitch." Plato (sort of)
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Quote: Originally posted by chemrox  | There are many places to get safrole and sassafras oils of several types. One I know of is virtually all safrole. I would never post the information
here or anywhere else. That would be the fastest way to lose a source. It's stupid to ask. Gain trust and eventually someone may tell you. Better
yet, get creative with searches. Better still, establish credibility as a legitimate researcher (by being one). |
I'm on my way, hopefully. I am still fairly inexperienced with wet chemistry, having done mostly low pressure gas phase surface chemistry in
reactors. However, I am very willing to learn. You still seem to think that I am trying to buy a shit ton of your precious oil and make MDMA in my
front yard. Then, when I get busted, I'm going to tell them that it was you who told me to go to the source of interest. LOL at you not reading my
first post. It is pretty hard to research when you have no materials.
But, I am sure that you have your reasons for this...maybe you got burned in the past? Whatever the case, if you'd like to help me out, feel free to
PM (U2U?) me. If not, thanks for posting? I have a regular job where I make plenty of money...I just thought that this would be a good chance to
talk to resourceful people with much more experience than myself.
International Hazard
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I have had a Google and found places that will sell sassafras oil. Why do you not try the same?
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I is almost always NOT sassafras oil, but something which is rigged to smell similar. It does not smell similar. I have done a lot of
searching, and I have talked to a lot of people. I didn't type "I wan sasifraz" into Google and then get mad and come here. I have been looking on
and off for awhile now.
Hazard to Self

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I'm on my way, hopefully. I am still fairly inexperienced with wet chemistry, having done mostly low pressure gas phase surface chemistry in
reactors. However, I am very willing to learn. You still seem to think that I am trying to buy a shit ton of your precious oil and make MDMA in my
front yard. Then, when I get busted, I'm going to tell them that it was you who told me to go to the source of interest. LOL at you not reading my
first post. It is pretty hard to research when you have no materials.
But, I am sure that you have your reasons for this...maybe you got burned in the past? Whatever the case, if you'd like to help me out, feel free to
PM (U2U?) me. If not, thanks for posting? I have a regular job where I make plenty of money...I just thought that this would be a good chance to
talk to resourceful people with much more experience than myself.[/rquote]
Starting a post with such agression b4 anyone had even read what you were looking for wouldn't have helped.
If your a soap maker, you would have seen countless sites where you can purchase this oil, both with and without safrole in it.
You may well be into soap making and genuinely be looking for and not have seen sassafrass oil, but if you look at it from the perspective of others,
asking about it on a chemistry forum & not a soap making forum, well you can understand why people would think along those lines. Just an
observation MM
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Quote: Originally posted by mineralman  |
Starting a post with such agression b4 anyone had even read what you were looking for wouldn't have helped.
If your a soap maker, you would have seen countless sites where you can purchase this oil, both with and without safrole in it.
You may well be into soap making and genuinely be looking for and not have seen sassafrass oil, but if you look at it from the perspective of others,
asking about it on a chemistry forum & not a soap making forum, well you can understand why people would think along those lines. Just an
observation MM |
After perusing this site in order to see if there was a post which covered this already, I ran into a lot of people getting peeved at tweakers.
Rightly so, for I'm sure it makes it harder for you. As we can see, it sure makes it harder for me.
If I came off as aggressive, then I failed to achieve what I wanted: emphasis. I just didn't want the thread filling up, as it is doing now, with
people blah-blahing about illicit practices. Apparently, it just attracts it. Do you think if it were easy for me to find these oils that I would
have gone to the trouble to make an account, make a post, and then monitor this post? Dude, people around here looked at me strangely when I got
essential oil distillation equipment...and my yard is chock full of tuberoses, jasmine, and gardenias.
Also, what makes you think I haven't asked a soap making forum...or several? What makes you think I haven't contacted other soap manufacturers
directly? What makes you think I haven't tried to go to the local farmer's market and ask those people. This is, so far, my last choice.
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Sorry, I am just frustrated.
Hazard to Self

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Where are you based? UK/US?????
After searching some soap making sites, it apeares that the initial sent from sassafras dissapeares but still leaves a beautifull scented soap, but
for all the problems surrounding its purchase, is it worth it? if its just out of curiocity that you want to make it, lets face it, were all curious
by nature which is why were hooked on chemistry, just buy a small quantity in kit form.
Also, there are wild species of tree which are classed as a neusance plant/tree, im sure that if there are trees near you there must be someone
willing to let you clear them for the wood/root bark.
I see that it would seem that the safrole, being the major constituant of the oil is needed to get the requied scent, so if you have nothing to worry
about legaly, just order it and make sure you have any & all nessesary lisances and secure storage that may be needed for when they come round and
inspect your premasies.
All legal and above board use is catered for on most of the sites selling the oil for soap making.
So I don't understand why your finding it so hard to get. MM
[Edited on 19-6-2012 by mineralman]
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Southern US
Hazard to Self

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Most of those sites are US based, so you can just order away. Send me a bar when youve made some, it sounds lovely. MM
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Quote: Originally posted by mineralman  |
All legal and above board use is catered for on most of the sites selling the oil for soap making.
So I don't understand why your finding it so hard to get. MM |
Unless you are looking at things I haven't seen, it isn't actually essential oil. It is a mix of garbage that is supposed to replicate it. It does
not. If it says fragrance oil, it isn't real. I have already purchased several of them and none of them were to my liking. If you have a link to
something that I haven't seen, I would be grateful. However, you do bring up a good point about going to the local DEA office and asking for
paperwork. That is what you have to do to get any piperonal or safrole containing product. Piperonal also happens to be a ubiquitous component of
fragrance that I can't get, but the analogs are better.
[Edited on 19-6-2012 by ItsAChitzen]
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Quote: Originally posted by mineralman  | Most of those sites are US based, so you can just order away. Send me a bar when youve made some, it sounds lovely. MM |
Do you like spicy, eugenol-y, woody stuff? It has shea butter in it too, if that matters.
Hazard to Self

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I just liked the sound of it after reading peoples descriptions of the end result, I have no idea what sassafras smels like, but I love root beer. So
I guess the answer would be YES.
I had no idea it had so many uses, from flavoring to painkilling to perfume and the list go's on.
I grow bonsai trees and my grandfather owned a saw mill & lumber yard, so Ive loved the smell of wood from an early age. MM
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Quote: Originally posted by mineralman  | I just liked the sound of it after reading peoples descriptions of the end result, I have no idea what sassafras smels like, but I love root beer. So
I guess the answer would be YES.
I had no idea it had so many uses, from flavoring to painkilling to perfume and the list go's on.
I grow bonsai trees and my grandfather owned a saw mill & lumber yard, so Ive loved the smell of wood from an early age. MM
Indeed, it is quite useful. I just called the DEA office in my state.... over 1000 USD per year to obtain a permit to get this essential oil. Now I
see why they don't mind putting chemicals on that list. Large businesses can handle that cost, but, I am never going to pay that cost on principle.
These are the kind of laws that make people disregard all law.
Hazard to Self

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The ones I saw were selling the sassafras oil @ 80%+ safrole content, try looking harder.
How much are you trying to get?? small quantaties are readily available, but if your going to get into makeing enough soap to warrent those costs,
you need to work on your bread & butter lines. Then you can get a permit and recoup the money through sales of rarer scented soaps. spend some
time on presentation and the money will just roll in. thats how small buisnesses survive in the world of big buisnesses. Thats how we survive in the
face of cheap labour & mass production from india/china and others. MM
[Edited on 19-6-2012 by mineralman]
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Quote: Originally posted by mineralman  | The ones I saw were selling the sassafras oil @ 80%+ safrole content, try looking harder.
How much are you trying to get?? small quantaties are readily available, but if your going to get into makeing enough soap to warrent those costs,
you need to work on your bread & butter lines. Then you can get a permit and recoup the money through sales of rarer scented soaps. spend some
time on presentation and the money will just roll in. thats how small buisnesses survive in the world of big buisnesses. Thats how we survive in the
face of cheap labour & mass production from india/china and others. MM
[Edited on 19-6-2012 by mineralman] |
I am saying that according to the local office, any amount is controlled. Maybe that is bullshit, but that is the official line.
Hazard to Others
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End users need not be licensed for small amounts.
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