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National Hazard
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Nah you got to have a forum pet troll! and to be honest unlike most trolls he does get good replies that are well worth reading.
I also have to say that some the drug chemistry is really interesting!! I am not interested in the drugs but the chemistry side is amazing, also part
of me thinks that its safer to have drugs on the street that are safe (yes its all relative) than totally deadly. People will always take drugs and
others will always make them, An educated dealer is better than a you tube trained cook.
Besides lets face it people dont have to feed trolls if they dont want to, at least he isnt one of the ones that cause trouble. I would vote to keep
him but maybe put him on diet
Dont ask me, I only know enough to be dangerous
National Hazard
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I'll be honest, I sort of trolled (blatantly lied) on one thread, but that was only because I thought if I just asked a simple question that it would
be disregarded. I know that a lot of my genuine interest has come off kewlish or overly ambitious at times, but that's totally due to pure ignorance!
Maybe we should inquire on any actual interest he has or what he knows/wants to know before we judge him too harshly. Sometimes people just need a
little redirection. As long as someone shows some effort and improvement, they should not be banned. However, the multiple identities thing is what
makes me a bit more suspicious towards him. I say he needs a bit further investigation.
"Damn it George! I told you not to drop me!"
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Mood: " I think we are all going to die. I think that love is an illusion. We are flawed, my darling".
From a forwarded PM exchange another member had with ONE of the personalities in question, that particular person wished to stimulate conversation,
but expressed the view that he was essentially too important/intelligent to follow rules made for mere ordinary people (documenting sources, outlining
proposed procedures, transcribing (keeping?!) lab notes- You know. The BORING stuff.)
I'm too important too. Guess I'll go fishing and ignore the spam for a week or two.
[Edited on 11-1-2015 by Bert]
Rapopart’s Rules for critical commentary:
1. Attempt to re-express your target’s position so clearly, vividly and fairly that your target says: “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it
that way.”
2. List any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of general or widespread agreement).
3. Mention anything you have learned from your target.
4. Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebuttal or criticism.
Anatol Rapoport was a Russian-born American mathematical psychologist (1911-2007).
National Hazard
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Oh, I guess that's a bit more trollish. Maybe a ban is in order.
"Damn it George! I told you not to drop me!"
Forum Drunkard
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Whether to ban or not is entirely a decision for the site operator(s).
Nobody here is truly 'real' - we're all subject to the Mask Effect when communicating by proxy.
Personally i don't find much offensive, and if a thread is of no interest to me, i get bored and skip to another.
If the 'troll' posts/threads are interesting, overall they're a + no ?
The fact that this is even being discussed points to the posts being Stimulating in some way.
Multiple IDs is plain silly, as the writing style shows the personality, so should be disallowed purely on the basis of the sillyness.
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by aga  | Whether to ban or not is entirely a decision for the site operator(s).
Nobody here is truly 'real' - we're all subject to the Mask Effect when communicating by proxy. |
Some of us use our real identity on this site - anyone can figure out who I am with a simple Google on my monicker. Another that comes to mind is
National Hazard
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Using a pseudonym doesn't make anyone less real, maybe just a bit dehumanized. Back to the subject of banning, this thread is simply opinion based,
"Damn it George! I told you not to drop me!"
Forum Drunkard
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The Mask Effect is that we do not behave entirely as we truly are when wearing the Mask.
Whether you use your real name or not on a forum does nothing to mitigate the effect.
For example, an extremely shy person can be outspoken here, as the layers of normal physical social interaction are missing.
I could, in real life, be deaf and dumb, so in real life, could/would say nothing in a meeting of minds such as this is.
woelen could possibly suffer from a debilitating stammer in real life, yet here, stands as a very well respected fount of knowledge.
(with very good English spelling and grammar might i add)
The Mask Effect is that we know that *some* social norms do not apply, and we run wild in some ways that we would not, if we were in a standard
face-to-face situation.
At an extreme, the entire persona changes into something you would not recognise if met in the normal face-to-face way.
National Hazard
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Oh, I see what you mean.
"Damn it George! I told you not to drop me!"
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Mood: " I think we are all going to die. I think that love is an illusion. We are flawed, my darling".
I have spent some time recently "researching the research" on online fraud, lies, "astro turfing" and forum sock puppetry (my particular hot button
issue of late). Studying detection algorithms and their applications as well as the underlying motives for such activities, some fairly universal
"tells" to written falsehoods and the functionally required degrees and manners of correlation between multiple fake and occasionally real identities
wielded online to a purpose.
OF COURSE there's an app for detecting that- But the basic research on how, why, how frequently and to what extent people are lying on line has been
quite a revelation to me. And raised questions I had never had before.
We evolved for a good long period without written records... All our little lies (and eventually even the known big ones) disappeared into the mists
of time. We all lie. There are studies and published statistics, if you want to get an idea of the average numbers and types we tell every day. And
for the last tens of thousands of years of this fairly universal human behavior, very little or no documentation.
After writing became pervasive, our lies started to have more temporal persistence... But not much was recorded in hand written form, nor even in
printed format. No time, no motivation for so much of our daily communications, which were still mostly spoken.
Now, with the exception of your face to face time and some phone conversations- Every lie has a new and largely unprecedented level of persistence.
Another case of our technology outrunning our biologically hard wired and socially evolved stratagems. Texts, tweets, emails, FORUM POSTS. They never
really go away completely. Even if you lose your records, NSA has made sure THEIR copy will survive a nuclear war.
Diamonds aren't forever. But the time you went on the forum, pretended to be a woman, then later claimed you were a pre-operative tranny? Or that
other time, when you invented a career, an episode with substance abuse and a good bit of window dressing to support all that structure. It's all
going to outlive you. Even IP spoofing or masking isn't quite what some may think, especially if a user were so lazy or habit driven as use the same
methods on multiple occasions, forums and sock puppets-
Between the social engineering aspects and the intrinsic technological fingerprints, we have no more true anonymity or deniability. And this record of
our electronically committed deeds will outlive us all, short of a nova or such.
Ah, brave new world...
[Edited on 2-2-2015 by Bert]
Rapopart’s Rules for critical commentary:
1. Attempt to re-express your target’s position so clearly, vividly and fairly that your target says: “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it
that way.”
2. List any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of general or widespread agreement).
3. Mention anything you have learned from your target.
4. Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebuttal or criticism.
Anatol Rapoport was a Russian-born American mathematical psychologist (1911-2007).
Posts: 43
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Wow.....when did Bert became super administrator....I haven't even noticed when he became administrator?
Why're you mentioning me? I can't understand even a single word from this whole topic.
Correct, I was reinacenated as TerroristChemist, and that's all, because some police are searching for me on the internet, and they wanna arrest me,
because of (as they say) "torture, extortion, threat".
Back to chemistry...I'm very busy with my Gold production, here's the process:
1) concentrate heavy water by distillation or electrolysis
2) fuse deuterium to make neutrons
3) use solutions in water of elements to convert them to higher elements in periodic table (e.g. Fe=>...Cu...Pt=>Au) (neutron absorption)
* water is moderator
* get only stable isotopes of element which I want to produce, by using low neutron flux, and circulating it using dc motor underwater and electrode
or ion exchange resins...for example, first isotope formed by neutron absorptions is 197-Au (the only stable), and if it is quickly removed - that's
* Energy needed for fusion is ~ 1 MeV/atom = 26.801 MWh/mol of Deuterium
* maybe use spallation neutron source instead of deuterium
* use only dc voltage and capacitors and dc motor for making extremely high voltage (1 MV or more)
* use soil, wood, air, and water as free resources
* advantages: easy to find buyer and easy to carry (small)
* happy now? Ok, I am busy....leave me alone until I finish it
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Forum Hillbilly
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Mood: I just don't know...
Now that's some funny stuff right there. Makes a fella happy to be alive!
They tried to have me "put to sleep" so I came back to return the favor.
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Mood: " I think we are all going to die. I think that love is an illusion. We are flawed, my darling".
I did not mention your specific kettle of crazy. Or even THINK about "you" while writing that, there's a larger issue in play here.
Me, me, me. Get over yourself.
Rapopart’s Rules for critical commentary:
1. Attempt to re-express your target’s position so clearly, vividly and fairly that your target says: “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it
that way.”
2. List any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of general or widespread agreement).
3. Mention anything you have learned from your target.
4. Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebuttal or criticism.
Anatol Rapoport was a Russian-born American mathematical psychologist (1911-2007).
National Hazard
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Making gold can have the coppers on your back in no time.
Forum Hillbilly
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Mood: I just don't know...
Not to mention the Illuminatti's goon squad.
They tried to have me "put to sleep" so I came back to return the favor.
National Hazard
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Is banning possible or is there the Lazarus effect in play here?
Forum Hillbilly
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Mood: I just don't know...
From what I gather Lazarus effect is the crux of the thread. Mr' Bert has pointed to new Tech. to detect this but is seems to be a matter of leave
well enough alone or continually re-sift the hay for needles.
Play a guessing game? Deal with it?
Say the hell with it, and let the members decide what is worth response. You fellas do a GREAT job of keeping information correct, and worthy. Who
cares the motive of the OP.
Chasing a clown around, and dealing with disruption is a different issue. Unfortunately that is the part, and parcel of the nature of a forum. From
my experience on several forums... All these clowns eventually find something else to do, and vanish.
They tried to have me "put to sleep" so I came back to return the favor.
National Hazard
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Mood: No Mood
Some things never change.
Hazard to Others
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Ban him. He creates more problems then he fixes.
When the police come
\( * O * )/ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'̵͇̿̿з=༼ ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿ ༽
National Hazard
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Poor soul,
delusions of grandeur or really great meds.
International Hazard
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Banned, disgraced and fated to haunt the internet in shame until he does one good deed...
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Cheapest and best way to make neutron?
Which way is best?
1) heavy water, deuterium fusion (very low abundance)
2) proton electron fusion (need more information about this)
3) spallation neutron source (looks like needs very high voltage > 1 GeV)
4) other???
International Hazard
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For what purpose? Purchasing a neutron source like a cobalt-60 sample or building a fusor is probably cheapest for an amateur or small business, lab,
International Hazard
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Linear accelerator deuteron sources/deuterium loaded target (the way they make neutrons to trigger nuclear weapons) works well also. There are other
ion/target combos that generate neutrons, but D+D is by far the most prolific, unless you have access to tritium. The accelerator voltage required is
only 120 kV.
They actually sell tubes filled with several milligrams of tritium gas as warning signs (cost a few hundred $, and an NRC license to possess). If you
were clever enough to build a deuteron source using a few milligrams of deuterium gas, then you could do the same with the tritium (and violate the
NRC license) and get a way powerful source of high energy neutrons.
Tritium gas glow tubes are available from Europe and Israel up to about one milligram of tritium that you can buy online still, but doing so isn't
strictly by the rules.
[Edited on 12-2-2015 by careysub]
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