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International Hazard
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Artisanal pesticides, with citronella and lemon oil added.
Please remember: "Filtrate" is not a verb.
Write up your lab reports the way your instructor wants them, not the way your ex-instructor wants them.
National Hazard
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you can make soaps too but most soaps are expensive and its cheaper to just buy Dial or irish favorite soap is patchouli and it works as a
mosquito repellent as well.compost could sell if you have the time and space but if you cant keep up with demand then your business will end quick.the
public is fickle and unforgiving!
Hazard to Others
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Special sparklers or colored smoke pots. 4th of July is not far off.
National Hazard
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The best thing that doesn't require exotic organic reagents, would be extractions of food-grade products such as caffeine from black tea, vanillin
from vanilla extract, capsaicin from ghost peppers, and selling those white powders at the farmers market. But you would have to ensure they are food
grade... make sure none of the extraction reagents such as dichloromethane are mixed in there.
National Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by Cou  | The best thing that doesn't require exotic organic reagents, would be extractions of food-grade products such as caffeine from black tea, vanillin
from vanilla extract, capsaicin from ghost peppers, and selling those white powders at the farmers market. But you would have to ensure they are food
grade... make sure none of the extraction reagents such as dichloromethane are mixed in there. |
You are near reason here. Lots to do, effing legal as well.
Forum Drunkard
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Do the research : nothing has much of a chance of Success without putting in the Work to do the research.
All you need to do is go Observe, and ask Questions : find out what people would actually give you money for.
This essential part is far from Rocket Science, yet is vital.
When you go ask, and they say 'I'd like something to stop mosquitos biting me' then you get an idea of what they will give you money for.
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Mood: " I think we are all going to die. I think that love is an illusion. We are flawed, my darling".
Make Copper benzoate and offer it to amateur pyrotechnists who like to use ammonium oerchlorate for blue stars. Glaze/ceramics grade Copper carbonate,
food grade benzoic acid.
Rapopart’s Rules for critical commentary:
1. Attempt to re-express your target’s position so clearly, vividly and fairly that your target says: “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it
that way.”
2. List any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of general or widespread agreement).
3. Mention anything you have learned from your target.
4. Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebuttal or criticism.
Anatol Rapoport was a Russian-born American mathematical psychologist (1911-2007).
Forum Drunkard
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That'd be a bit Niche.
The idea is to make some 'quick money'.
Top be fair, meth would be the straightest solution.
To avoid getting banged up or killed, perhaps there are Cop labs that would welcome some independent lab making small quantities of meth via various
Kitchen methods in order to more exactly tailor their detection methods.
That would be fun, if there were paperwork given and guarantees of security.
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by aga  | That'd be a bit Niche.
The idea is to make some 'quick money'.
Top be fair, meth would be the straightest solution.
To avoid getting banged up or killed, perhaps there are Cop labs that would welcome some independent lab making small quantities of meth via various
Kitchen methods in order to more exactly tailor their detection methods.
That would be fun, if there were paperwork given and guarantees of security. |
You are talking about DEA licenses and security environments with specific storage units, documentation, records, etc., etc. This is half the battle
when any group wants to experiment with scheduled substances. It's the darn overhead and costs that make them look elsewhere.
Oh, believe me, they will take your sample, and then lock your ass in the slammer! lol
No thank you!
Hazard to Others
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Nitrous oxide? Diethyl ether? If its legal their is a market!
We are chemists , we bring light to the darkness. Knowledge to ignorant, excitement to the depressed and unknowing. we bring crops to broken fields
and water to the desert. Where there is fear we bring curiosity.
The Volatile Chemist
International Hazard
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Sigh, why? Just do reagent resale on ebay or something if you want to use your chem knowledge to make some change. Or sell Lemonade on ebay. That'd
make even more money.
International Hazard
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Do you really believe that? Sure, pocket money can be earned, before they shut you down for non-compliance to food hygiene regulations (and should
people really be allowed to sell non-regulated foods to the general public?)
Capitalism ain't called that for nothing: getting set-up legally and profitably costs a lot of money (capital). And even then you'll be up against Big
Hazard to Others
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Step one: Go to nearby university surplus store.
Step two: Buy quality Pyrex glassware cheap.
Step three: Sell on ebay for $$$.
But whatever you do don't go the UW surplus.... they always have terrible selection
The Volatile Chemist
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by blogfast25  |
Do you really believe that? Sure, pocket money can be earned, before they shut you down for non-compliance to food hygiene regulations (and should
people really be allowed to sell non-regulated foods to the general public?) |
From all the jokes I make, I'm surprised you didn't see that was sarcasm. I think the whole idea is silly. Small shops, though, could be a good setup,
resale is good, I guess.
Blogfast, do you own Oxford Chem, or does Bert?
Dangerous source of unreferenced speculation
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I've looked into this very problem quite heavily. My best advice is everytime you meet someone new, even when you have your car fixed, tell them "I'm
a chemist, do you have a problem I might be able to help you with".
A big part of smart innovation is identifying the problem. People who work in an industry are 1000X better at identifying a really big problem you
would never have guessed and believe me, they are very happy to tell you all about it.
As the chemist, you simply need to design a solution... usually the easy bit actually.
Case in point:
Just the other day (ok more like a year ago ) when repairing the air-con in my
car, the mechanic (after telling him the above) said that they spend a small fortune on aluminium flux powder and asked if I could make it for them.
They even offered to act as an agent to sell to other mechanics they know off who use the stuff 
It was not difficult digging through some old expired patents to find out how to make the stuff, not that I did, but that's another story.
[Edited on 27-7-2015 by deltaH]
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by deltaH  |
Just the other day (ok more like a year ago ) when repairing the air-con in my
car, the mechanic (after telling him the above) said that they spend a small fortune on aluminium flux powder and asked if I could make it for them.
They even offered to act as an agent to sell to other mechanics they know off who use the stuff 
It was not difficult digging through some old expired patents to find out how to make the stuff, not that I did, but that's another story.
So if I understand you well, you're sitting on a small goldmine but have decided to stay poor nonetheless? 
I think I may have spotted a small flaw in your business model though: things may sometimes be cheap to produce but producers need to make a profit.
That involves a large number of costs, aka the 'cost of sales'. If running successful businesses was easy, we'd all be millionaires. QED.
International Hazard
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Yes, it's me. Hard work to make some money, trust me!
Forum Drunkard
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Work = $
Smart work = $$$
the equation is very simple.
The hard part is coming up with a Plan.
The Harder part is Sticking to it, not allowing any other distractions to turn you away from the Plan.
International Hazard
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I think your upcoming book ('How to run a Successful Business') may be the shortest book in history! And 3 Chapters only!
Dispenser of practical lab wisdom
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It is the business part that is hard.
The legal mumbo jumbo actually does serve a purpose.
It keeps honest people honest.
Dishonest chemists become drug manufacturers.
That and burning rivers aren't good to drink.
If everyone had a chemistry lab and didn't
dispose of chemicals correctly think what it
would do to the water and air.
We like to make things that smell and go boom,
but that isn't a really good thing for the neighbors.
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by macckone  | It is the business part that is hard.
The legal mumbo jumbo actually does serve a purpose.
It keeps honest people honest.
G-d yeah, that explains why banks that were 'too big to fail' were rewarded for their incompetence/criminality with billions of bail out money!
Forum Drunkard
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3 chapters:
#1 1000
#2 1000000
still working on book #3
Powers of Ten are tricky.
Binary is easier.
International Hazard
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Try powers of complex numbers:
(a + bi)<sup>3</sup> 
(Easier than you might think, BTW)
[Edited on 28-7-2015 by blogfast25]
Corrosive Joeseph
National Hazard
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Anyone looking to make 'quick legal cash' in business will probably fail.
These things take years..........................
But if someone is hellbent on making money from chemistry l would recommend soaps, perfumes and essential oils.
The latter two are quite expensive in small amounts.....................
Being well adjusted to a sick society is no measure of one's mental health
Hazard to Others
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Get a goat like I had.But only had because the lack of time.
Only get it if you have time.Friendly,can replace a lawn-moover and makes milk--->fat--->soap---->add your artifical dyes and oils.Healty
lifestyle following people will love it.Personal experience:made my skin more mostionised and resistant to weather.
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