Hazard to Others
Posts: 147
Registered: 28-9-2014
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Mood: Chlorine Trifloride Flame Thrower
Any One Want To Trade?
Good News Every One!
I found a 400w metal halide bulb any was wondering if any one wanted one and had something to trade such as salts of bromine or iodine. Here is the
type of bulb, shipping would be in Florida or the continental United States. Pictures will be up shortly!
We are chemists , we bring light to the darkness. Knowledge to ignorant, excitement to the depressed and unknowing. we bring crops to broken fields
and water to the desert. Where there is fear we bring curiosity.
Hazard to Others
Posts: 147
Registered: 28-9-2014
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Mood: Chlorine Trifloride Flame Thrower
Here it is,
We are chemists , we bring light to the darkness. Knowledge to ignorant, excitement to the depressed and unknowing. we bring crops to broken fields
and water to the desert. Where there is fear we bring curiosity.
Forum Hillbilly
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Hello electric company?
Yes, I'd like to inform you I built another house inside my house, and my electric bill will be um, more.
Hmmmm.. Maybe for the Xmas tree.
I'm pretty sure that is a 220 volt lamp, and it requires a ballast to start it. I had one on a barn that was on my property, and I couldn't get it to
work without spending 150.00 bucks on parts. It's still there as far as I know.
They tried to have me "put to sleep" so I came back to return the favor.
Hazard to Others
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Registered: 30-8-2013
Location: Seattle, WA
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I'm always interested in trading, but I don't need any giant light bulbs...
U2U me if you want to exchange chemicals!
Hazard to Others
Posts: 188
Registered: 3-4-2015
Location: USA
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Zombie is correct I believe anything requiring a 400W current is going to need a ballast to regulate that current. Those ballasts can be kinda pricey
new and if you get a used one it is probably going hum and sometimes kinda loudly at that. Then you will need a reflector with the proper style
I am not saying it isnt a valuable trade for those who have things already or wish to start. Extra lighting or bulbs in case one goes on you is vital.
Also running a 400W bulb for 18 hours a day will not use *that* much electricity at all. you gotta figure old style bulbs come in 40W and thats like
10 of those. It sounds like a lot until you think you have your computer, TV, and house lights on. I would think a lot of us have 400W going naturally
and if one can learn to limit usage and turn off the other lights you probably wouldnt even notice a difference in the bill, I think my friends went
up like 15 dollars when we installed one. He was also the type to leave his TV on at night, which probably uses a decent chunk of electricity.
Chemistry is a natural drive, not an interest.