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YES! I managed to change the first letter of the title to lower-case!
I used this template: {{DISPLAYTITLE:''sec''-Butanol}} at the beginning of the page. However it still might appear as upper-case in the activity log,
but that's OK.
Now I can finally write the page for tert-butanol properly.
[Edited on 10-4-2016 by Mabus]
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I can't upload images on wiki. Can anyone help me?
Hazard to Others
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A serious question:
When many pages have the only reference being "wikipaedia", what is the point of creating a separate wiki for these?
I suppose you simply want to make it better and more accessible/ comprehensive?
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Yes, that is the idea. Though it would be great to have more original information contributed by forum members that can't be found on Wikipedia. Not
that I'm one to complain since even though I created the thing I haven't contributed to the wiki in ages.
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For general stuff, Wikipedia is the most convenient source. But I agree, more info/experience from members should be on the wiki.
Hazard to Others
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There is a mistake on the formic acid page
"The haloform reaction of ethanol/acetaldehyde and hypochlorite will yield chloroform and sodium formate."
It should be:
"The haloform reaction of ethanol/acetaldehyde and sodium hypochlorite will yield chloroform and sodium formate."
Otherwise, someone using calcium hypochlorite(pool chemicals) would obtain calcium formate.
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I uploaded all the missing photos since it was getting frustrating to keep seeing missing images on pages. The only images that I didn't upload are
the ones for the Miscibility table, because I have different plans for that "abomination" and the images are useless anyway.
Now the only thing missing are the video links, maybe I'll take care of that too, I don't know.
I also uploaded a smiley face for the Whimsey template image, if anyone has a better image suggestion, feel free to change it.
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Thanks for the update, Mabus! As always, the work you do on the wiki is much appreciated. I know I keep saying it and not delivering, but I'm hoping
to get back to working on it soon as well.
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Thanks. Take your time, most of the "heavy work" is almost completed, so now it should be easier to add more info without having to begin from
physics inclination
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Hello, I have one correction to the wiki page on "nitric acid" and I did not want to start a whole thread just to mention this, but in the
"preparation" section it says:
Quote: |
It is possible to produce nitric acid with an Ostwald reactor, or by reacting nitrogen and oxygen in air with an electric spark.
However this is incorrect, the device that makes HNO3 from NOx from the spark is called a Birkeland-Eyde reactor. On the other hand, I believe the
Ostwald process uses a device that converts ammonia, usually from the Haber process, into nitric acid.
My sources are from wikipedia pages on each respective process:
This is kinda a specific thing I know, it's just what I know a bit about. But also kind of important because there are numerous interesting videos on
the birkeland eyde reactor (like this: that one would not find if searching by the wrong name.
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Quote: |
It is possible to produce nitric acid with an Ostwald reactor, or by reacting nitrogen and oxygen in air with an electric spark.
The word "Or" is there because this sentence is talking about two different processes. It is possible to make nitric acid from ammonia using the
Ostwald process, and N2 + O2 react in an electric spark to make NOx, which is dissolved in water to yield nitric
acid. It's just then name of the second process is not given.
[Edited on 8/8/2017 by Geocachmaster]
physics inclination
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Quote: Originally posted by Geocachmaster  |
The word "Or" is there because this sentence is talking about two different processes. It is possible to make nitric acid from ammonia using the
Ostwald process, and N2 + O2 react in an electric spark to make NOx, which is dissolved in water to yield nitric
acid. It's just then name of the second process is not given.
[Edited on 8/8/2017 by Geocachmaster] |
Ok sorry I must not have seen that "or" in the many times I read the article, my mistake oops. But maybe still mentioning the name of Birkeland-Eyde
reactor would be helpful for others who are skimming through the article?
Hazard to Others
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Hey everyone,
I really like the idea of what you're trying to achieve here and I'd like to ask a few questions relating to it if that's ok?
1. How is the design of the Wiki being dealt with? As in who has built it thus far? Are there any limitations due to how the site has been written
that could be rectified by using a different writing practice (ie writing it using the React library and/or the Angular framework, Bootstrapping it so
it works well on all devices)
2. Is there a clear consensus on how you want the site to function; other than the obvious? (its a Wiki...), how about how the site functions on a
practical level? (info boxes, widgets, written tools, linking and info trail design? Does it look pretty while using a cool little 'bells and
3. What do you want this to be exactly? Just like a regular Wiki but one connected to the users and members of this board for the benefit of said
board (project to share, peer encouragement, pure hedonism thru shared passion, teaching and inspiring younger, newer, less knowledgable members? ....
Is there some epic ideal goal potentially in mind the scope of which is unknown at the juncture?
Let me know... I know alot of you are very busy people as you have very highly skilled jobs and probably study and work at the same time as alot of
ppl do (i don't know how...) and it's difficult to work on outside project... well I have nothing but free time and before I go back into Normie world
in the next year I'd like to make the most of the short time I have left in the free world to good use, where the pursuit of knowledge for knowledges'
sake is possible and can't be sullied via carrot nor stick... only then can you get a true glimpse of why it's known as mankinds greatest virtue...
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International Hazard
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Could I suggest to add to the wiki of nitric acid production such as the Oswald style nitric acid generator without platinum.
Also how can I get access to create new wiki pages or add info such as paraformidahyde with oxone or copper peroxide
[Edited on 25-12-2017 by symboom]
Hazard to Others
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I don't have editing privilges at this point and at my level of knowledge on the subject it's a rather moot point anyway.
Regardless, there is no page covering NaO2. Thought I'd mention it...
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@symboom Contact Polverone or Zts if you want to edit the wiki. And yes, I'd really like to see more pages about synthesis made by our fellow
chemists, there aren't many articles about personal experiments. Though I'd prefer if the person who performed the experiment wrote the text, as he
knows more.
International Hazard
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Thanks I just want to add the ones I have made
Contributing to the wiki
[Edited on 11-1-2018 by symboom]
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Since nobody answered what's the purpose of the Conveniences section supposed to be, I'm going to add various makeshift lab equipment in that section, like NurdRage's Dean-Stark jury rig thingy.
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Added a few chemistry apps to the software page, mostly a few Android apps I had time to test see if they're useful. I see that there are a few for iOS that are useful, but I don't
have an iPhone, so I can't check them.
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I can’t seem to log in to the wiki, but I can post here? Not sure if there’s something I need to do to get editing privileges.
If it’s too complicated, then could someone who has editing privileges add a link to
From the projects section of the copper sulfate page?
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It's a separate login - send a message to Texium (zts16) and they'll set up an account for you.
Hazard to Others
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Sorry for reviving this old thread, but I thought maybe it would be better if I kept this small question in a thread that has already been made.
Is it still possible for people to get an editor account for the wiki? There's been only one editor the furthest I could look into the history. I had
already asked for permission to edit and I didn't get an answer for a while, so I thought that that may be the case.
Sorry if I missed something obvious.
Collected elements:
Al, Cu, Ga, C (coal), S, Zn, Na
Collected compounds:
NaOH; NaHCO3; MnCl2; MnCO3; CuSO4; FeSO4; aq. 30-33% HCl; aq. NaClO; aq. 9,5% ammonia; aq. 94-96% H2SO4; aq. 3% H2O2
citric acid, sodium acetate, sodium citrate, petroleum, mineral oil
International Hazard
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I was just looking at the Barium Chlorate page on the wiki and I think that it has some erroneous information in the physical properties section.
The page claims that barium chlorate is less soluble in water than potassium chlorate, which is not the case.
It then goes onto say that' "in a cooled solution of BaCl2 and potassium chlorate, the double displacement reaction proceeds almost fully." I do not
think this is correct.
Weirdly the numerical solubility data presented is correct, as are the methods of preparation further down the page.
Do these pages get updated?
Hazard to Others
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Quote: Originally posted by B(a)P  | I was just looking at the Barium Chlorate page on the wiki and I think that it has some erroneous information in the physical properties section.
The page claims that barium chlorate is less soluble in water than potassium chlorate, which is not the case.
It then goes onto say that' "in a cooled solution of BaCl2 and potassium chlorate, the double displacement reaction proceeds almost fully." I do not
think this is correct.
Weirdly the numerical solubility data presented is correct, as are the methods of preparation further down the page.
Do these pages get updated? |
I'll update it. Thanks for reporting the error.
Collected elements:
Al, Cu, Ga, C (coal), S, Zn, Na
Collected compounds:
NaOH; NaHCO3; MnCl2; MnCO3; CuSO4; FeSO4; aq. 30-33% HCl; aq. NaClO; aq. 9,5% ammonia; aq. 94-96% H2SO4; aq. 3% H2O2
citric acid, sodium acetate, sodium citrate, petroleum, mineral oil
Hazard to Others
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Is it correct now?
Collected elements:
Al, Cu, Ga, C (coal), S, Zn, Na
Collected compounds:
NaOH; NaHCO3; MnCl2; MnCO3; CuSO4; FeSO4; aq. 30-33% HCl; aq. NaClO; aq. 9,5% ammonia; aq. 94-96% H2SO4; aq. 3% H2O2
citric acid, sodium acetate, sodium citrate, petroleum, mineral oil
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