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International Hazard
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That might work, but at the temperatures where KOH actually gives up its water I think it also fumes K2O. Maybe you could dehydrate it in a stream of
potassium vapor.
If you post a thread in Chemistry in General or Beginnings, you can probably find someone who has actually attempted to dehydrate KOH and can tell you
National Hazard
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Found some inexpensive tech grade inorganics today, for general lab use.
Aluminum Sulfate, 4 lbs.
Ammonium Sulfate, 4 lbs.
Potassium Chloride, 4 lbs.
Calcium Hydroxide, 2 lbs.
All under 25 bucks. They all look quite pure.
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50g of nice crystalline CsCl. Looks like some nice lumpy crystals.
It's time to make some more Cs metal.
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That is nice. I am looking forward to doing the same.
Let us know how it goes. Include pics if you can.
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it took over a month but finally got the 3A Molecular Sieves i ordered from China.
National Hazard
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Made another order, this one to a pyrotechnic supply place.
1 lb Dextrin (they had it cheap)
1 lb Na Benzoate (make benzene from it?)
1 lb Powdered Ti (element collection!)
1 lb Lactose (just cause)
5 lb Mg turnings (drying, sodium production)
1 lb Gum Arabic (had some in my childhood chem set, why not?)
Previously, from a different pyro supplier, I got:
1 lb Zn powder
1 lb C powder
1 lb Sr(NO3)2
1 lb K2Cr2O7
1 lb 3A mole sieves
Very useful! Building a stockroom like this is kind of a delight for me, like I had playing with my chemistry set as a lad!
[Edited on 5/5/17 by PirateDocBrown]
International Hazard
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I bought some proper sodium hydroxide. No more Roebic drain cleaner
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You guys will probably laugh at me because I'm getting chemicals from Wal-mart...
but I'm on a budget and Walmart is cheap
Sodium hydroxide drain cleaner 1lb
Sodium hypochlorite (10% bleach) 64 oz
Sulfuric acid drain cleaner 32oz
Magnesium sulfate 2lb
Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) 64oz
Sodium Bicarbonate 2lb
Aqueous Ammonia (5%) 128oz
Acetone 32oz
Isopropyl Alcohol (91%) 32oz
Hydrochloric acid (26%) 128oz
On the bright side, it only cost me $40.
International Hazard
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2 kg technical sodium dichromate dihydrate. I won't have to dissolve silverware with hydrochloric acid, baking soda, and bleach ever again, but hey -
it's fun.
oh and also
10 pounds potassium carbonate
10 pounds anhydrous sodium sulfate
8 pounds magnesium sulfate heptahydrate
5 pounds sodium acetate trihydrate
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Not so much an order as an acquisition.
A kilo and a half each of NaBr and KOH. (Thanks diddi.) Half a kilo of Mg ingots. (Thanks smooth-dealer , green star)
I sense some additions to my element collection coming on.
National Hazard
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Magnesium ribbon!
Got some diatomaceous earth, too.
[Edited on 5/24/17 by PirateDocBrown]
Hazard to Self

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I bought some sodium bromide as a pool chemical to make bromine for my element collection. The supplier I ordered for either had the packets
mispriced or was really trying to get rid of them because they were $0.16 for a 2 oz packet. Needless to say I ordered 100+ packets, around 8 kg,
for $18. It is far more than I will ever use, but hey, I got a good deal.

[Edited on 25-5-2017 by Plunkett]
National Hazard
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I think that you have the same malady that I do: spending money to save money. I seem to always want to get my unit cost lower, so I'll buy a pound
instead of 100 g, etc., even though I'll probably never use the pound of stuff in my lifetime!
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That might explain why the melt was so irritating to be in the presence of, I didn't think such things as molten hydroxides HAD a vapor pressure to
speak of, there did seem to be a disproportionate amount of volatility to it when fusing it in a molten metal bath, KOH/NaOH mixed melt seemed to
deposit a fine layer of something up the wall near the pot, and the heating unit itself ended up coated in a dusty material that didn't seem nearly so
hygroscopic as KOH or NaOH, in places that didn't receive aid in the form of being splattered there by NaK behaving as it quite predictably likes to
Last orders were some large boxes of MgSO4 and garden lime, for use in drying things out, a couple of bottles of flowers of sulfur so I don't have to
spend the effort to powder the solid sticks I had/have, 250g fine zinc dust and I forgot which now, since its been a while waiting for it, but 100 or
200g Na metal, plus some NaBH4, 100g of the latter, came in the convenient form of solid tablets weighing 1g each. Saves on weighing the bulk of
whatever I need to use out and presumably improves the shelf life, although I gather NaBH4 already has a fairly good shelf life for a hydride reducing
Got a question about the Zn dust actually, if nobody minds too much. The mesh size wasn't specified, but it is very fine, finer than expected. The
labelling specifies to handle under inert gas and keep out of direct sunlight, due to claimed self-heating characteristics.
Is this mostly MSDS hype and BS, or is very fine zinc dust possessed of any pyrophoric tendencies? Zn isn't really a metal I've come to associate with
pyrophoricity but on the other hand I've never worked with its extremely fine powder form before.
Just woke up after my anticonvulsant meds knocked me out for the count for most of the day to find I'd gotten mail, and that a water aspirator vacuum
I'd ordered for less demanding applications had arrived,
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Mood: Corroded, just like my spatulas
950 ml of toluene 
Some people have trouble finding toluene, but my problem was finding the right size. All the stores I looked in only stocked the gallon size! I had to
special order this from a marine store.
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100g of Eu2O3
3 g of LaB6
Especially the Eu-chemistry may be interesting. It is a colorless ion, but it forms many extremely brightly fluorescent compounds. Eu2O3 itself also
is fluorescent (IIRC it emits red light under a UV-A source).
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200g potassium dichromates
200g potassium iodide
100g ammonium dichromate
100ml 1% gibberellic acid solution
All are ACS.
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2.5kg NaNO3 (really glad decided for postal safety reasons to order a nitrate, and do a distillation when HNO3 is needed, because the imbecile who
sent this used a thin piece of cardboard, an unmarked thin inner unlabelled plastic bag to hold the damn nitrate, with the result that opening it
caused plenty to drop out in my lap. Had it been HNO3 from the same moron...jesus that would have been mighty unpleasant! Managed to scoop it back up
without losing more than a few grains but had to apply tests for oxidizing ability and for nitrate anion to determine what the stuff was.
1kg NaBr, so as to have Br2 on tap without having to store much directly, alkyl bromide syntheses, aryl bromides etc. and to have a go at synthesis of
the Br/I and Br/Cl-containing interhalogens (skipping the fluorides, too damn nasty and ICl is bad enough when it comes to reactivity although
storable without problems in the chemical fridge (its dedicated to this purpose, I don't keep things other than occasionally cool down things such as
iPA or acetone temporarily in the fridge for food) in a glass container with a resistant plastic cap and seal, presumably some sort of fluoropolymer.
Also 5 liters of dry iPA and 1l acetonitrile, both ACS grade, the NaBr is pharm grade. The NaNO3..........anybody's bloody guess.
[Edited on 8-6-2017 by tsathoggua1]
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100g block of sodium metal that I'd been waiting for for a while finally came. Some slight tarnish on it, enough so its obviously not freshly cut but
still in good condition with a few oxide patches here and there.
Arrived well packed, unlike the NaNO3, this came vac-sealed into an inner plastic pouch, previously filled with enough mineral oil of some nature to
give it a protecting layer, then evacuated and hermetically sealed, and this primary inner container shipped within another hermetically sealed
pouch, filled with inert gas. The Na itself came as one large single brick, a bit smaller than a clenched fist. Cost? about £20-something. Given its
pyrophoric nature that isn't stored in any of my reagent cupboards, shelving, drawers etc. but within a glass tank so if it ever did catch fire, then
it would at least be contained, and too far to spread to the likes of fine, flammable metal powders, phosphorus (white, red), solvents (especially
away from those such as DCM, acetonitrile, etc. that could release noxious fumes if exposed to the heat of a metal fire. Now plenty warnings on it to
discourage the stupid from attempting to interact with it in any manner.
I'll not be throwing any in water though, I've seen it, I've done it and see little need and less gain from ever doing so again. Na-impregnated silica
gel might be one thing that it gets tested with, as well as for production of strong bases such as sodamide, Birch-type dissolving metal reductions
when formation of cycloalkadienes from benzene rings is undesirable, since Na won't overreduce either to a cyclohexadiene or result in loss of
aromaticity after reduction to a cyclohexane ring.
Bought some magnesium ribbon as well, mainly for a source of Mg that will react slower and more tractably than using the fine-mesh magnesium dust I
have. Damn glad it was only the one seller packaging the product (the NaNO3) like a complete cretin. Having to sit there whilst someone grabbed
something in order I could reclaim the spilled nitrate is annoying, but no more so than a gnat bite compared to what would of course happen with a
100g Na hot (and getting hotter by the second) brick fall in my lap and coming to rest on my dangly bits
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I got some goodies!
5 lbs urea, 5 lbs sodium nitrate, 2 lbs sodium nitrite, 2 lbs sodium benzoate, 1 lb ammonium chloride, 500g sodium thiosulfate, 140g sodium
persulfate, 100g potassium iodide, and 500 ml of benzyl alcohol. I also have 200g tin metal and 100 ml of n-butanol on the way!
International Hazard
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I bought some titanium dioxide. I'm thinking titanium thermite and titanium tetrachloride look like fun.
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Calcium Carbide
Weight - 2 ounces
Ferric Ammonium Sulfate
Weight - 2 ounces
1 ea. Potassium Dichromate
Weight - 2 ounces
1 ea. Potassium Ferricyanide
Weight - 2 ounces
1 ea. Potassium Permanganate
Weight - 2 ounces
1 ea. Sodium Ferrocyanide
Weight - 2 ounces
6 ea. Amber PET Wide Mouth Jars
Size - 2 oz.
1 ea. Zinc Metal Dust
Weight - 2 ounces
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2.5 liters of THF, some Zn, as fine dust (mesh size unknown, carries a warning about self-heating and states to handle under inert atmosphere.
Thinking along the lines of Urushibara catalysts for that). Most of my last buy was glassware, THF and Zn aside. (edit-forgot) a liter of toluene as
About to shopping soon. Could do with some dry EtOH, some CaO, CaC2, maybe I2. Would rather like some 4-DMAP and if there are leftovers then some more
MeOH, since I only have 5l left. Need some more nitrethane and nitromethane as well.
Plus, definitely time to stock up on conc. sulfuric (thanks sulaiman for the link)
[Edited on 19-7-2017 by tsathoggua1]
National Hazard
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Sent my ID to Firefox. I'm not making drugs or explosives, so I'm not concerned with government problems.
Ordered a quart of sodium silicate, a pound of iron powder, and a pound of P2O5.
Where are you guys going for THF? I'm distilling it from PVC cement. Nitroalkanes would be cool, but I'd like alkyl halides even more. Acyl halides,
CaC2 would be pretty sweet to find. I've pretty much given up on good quality CaO for anything like a decent price. But let me know if you find any.
Let me know.
[Edited on 7/19/17 by PirateDocBrown]
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ebay, last time, for the THF.
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