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cleaning sulfuric acid [quote][i]Originally posted by MagicJigPipe[/i]
Another thing that told me to steer clear of it is ... |
19-5-2008 at 03:56 by: ADP |
Nitric Acid Synthesis I purchased that one on eBay about 3 years ago, it's does really well for my expectations. |
18-5-2008 at 19:09 by: ADP |
Liquid Lightning I don't know what the HELL consists of the "12 buffers" added to the "Virgin sulfuric acid" in liqui ... |
18-5-2008 at 19:05 by: ADP |
Magnetic stirrer/hotplate I looked today because I am going to buy one as well. Best bet is a used one on ebay unless you wan ... |
17-5-2008 at 20:31 by: ADP |
cleaning sulfuric acid I did a vacuum distillation of HNO3 today, I am going to go buy a new propane tank and nozzle and at ... |
17-5-2008 at 19:30 by: ADP |
HNO3 Vacuum Distillation Alright guys so after coming home for the summer and rummaging through my chem supply, I decided to ... |
17-5-2008 at 19:23 by: ADP |
Nitric Acid Synthesis Just did a vacuum distillation of HNO3, pics soon to follow. I'm pretty excited considering it's ab ... |
17-5-2008 at 17:10 by: ADP |
cleaning sulfuric acid I'm interested in attempting a vacuum distillation of sulfuric acid from drain cleaner. If I do thi ... |
17-5-2008 at 10:46 by: ADP |
Picric to Styphnic My crystals that I recrystalized from HCl differ from normally filtered ones. The crystals that are ... |
5-3-2006 at 19:20 by: ADP |
Capsaicin extraction and isolation [quote][i]from Wikipedia:[/i]
The chemical compound [i]capsaicin[/i] (C18H27NO3) (8-methyl-N-vanill ... |
12-2-2006 at 18:06 by: ADP |
Chemical Storage Containers Methyl Ethyl Ketone does wonders too.. Dissolves polyvinyl chloride among other things.. |
25-1-2006 at 18:51 by: ADP |
separating solvents Is there a certain solvent you are trying to isolate? |
15-1-2006 at 08:33 by: ADP |
Ethanol/Acetone Azeotrope Lol the acetone should evaporate out first. |
14-1-2006 at 23:08 by: ADP |
Distillation of Ethylene Glycol from Antifreeze I performed a distillation of antifreeze at 197dC (Ethylene Glycol's BP) and had wonderful results. ... |
8-1-2006 at 18:11 by: ADP |
Chemical Storage Containers Perhaps acetone or something could remove this...? |
8-1-2006 at 09:56 by: ADP |
Playing with EGDN Nevermore I'm not sure what kind of antifreeze you may have used but I believe that many kinds of an ... |
1-1-2006 at 10:53 by: ADP |
Nitroglycerin + Ammonium Nitrate If there were a book that were up to date and covered the same topics, I would buy it in a heartbeat |
29-12-2005 at 11:56 by: ADP |
Picric acid: different instructions When using HNO3 for the nitration of the phenol-4-sulfonic acid, what is the best temperature and ni ... |
27-12-2005 at 06:42 by: ADP |
Sucessful Procedure I used the following reagents in my procedure:
10g ASA (purifyed via acetone)
20ml H2SO4 (98% ACS) ... |
26-12-2005 at 22:15 by: ADP |
Picric acid: different instructions Many thanks IPN, I will post results later. |
26-12-2005 at 14:59 by: ADP |
Picric acid: different instructions I am also in the works of performing a Picric acid synth and my sulfonation produces a very dark col ... |
26-12-2005 at 13:55 by: ADP |
Nitroglycerin + Ammonium Nitrate [quote][i]Originally posted by oneup[/i]
Who or what is COPAE?
[Edited on 25-12-2005 by oneup] [/q ... |
25-12-2005 at 20:36 by: ADP |
Mercury Reactions Thanks for the info guys that's really helpful. |
23-12-2005 at 06:25 by: ADP |
Mercury Reactions Recently I placed a small sample of mercury in a bottle with a lid that was lined with aluminum. Aft ... |
22-12-2005 at 22:55 by: ADP |
Cleaning Glassware I know that H2SO4 + H2O2 --> H2SO5 + H2O at temperatures lower than 10 degress celcius but I'm no ... |
18-12-2005 at 06:55 by: ADP |
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