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Thoughts On Anodes That first question is a doozy. The bottom line is that you don't want too little current density, o ... |
21-1-2009 at 19:09 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes y2k: a 15" long piece of that sheet would want more along the lines of 200A, not 30. You might look ... |
21-1-2009 at 17:30 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes I should add that you can use that MMO mesh for the cathode material as well - it's perhaps a bit of ... |
20-1-2009 at 23:06 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes That's awesome, at least he's getting better money for those sheets since I told him what the coatin ... |
20-1-2009 at 22:15 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes [quote].in which case you are probably not really better off using a Ti substrate than simply going ... |
17-1-2009 at 23:26 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes Bah! All this talk of successful LD plating is giving me the itch. I'll filter off some of that copp ... |
15-1-2009 at 15:31 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes [quote][i]Originally posted by Swede[/i]
Holy cow what an effort. Good news + bad news. With the ... |
14-1-2009 at 15:45 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes That's a damn good idea, Rosco - I wonder if the acetic acid would have any stress benefits as well, ... |
6-1-2009 at 08:33 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes I got that Ti mesh material today for cathodes - I'd like you fellas to put an eyeball on this and t ... |
13-12-2008 at 09:58 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes Swede: If it's anything like copper nitrate, it might be forming a ligand with the water.. Did you s ... |
10-12-2008 at 14:42 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes You could sheathe a heating element (like a hot water heater element or similar) in a piece of coppe ... |
2-12-2008 at 10:30 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes I wonder if my local photo shop has the kodak product. I might go check tommorow if my wife doesn't ... |
25-11-2008 at 11:30 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes Rosco: Bi doped tin oxide I believe to require tin (iv) nitrate, or some other +iv decomposable tin ... |
25-11-2008 at 08:58 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes dann: Agreed, I'm going to plate it proper this next time, using a tartrate bath like you successful ... |
24-11-2008 at 19:52 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes I used some 4 gauge wire I've been carrying around for about 2000 miles through various moves.. It's ... |
24-11-2008 at 07:39 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes dann: Apparently older/some HDD platters used a cobalt-platinum-something alloy, that was up to 40% ... |
23-11-2008 at 22:32 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes Well, it's hooked up and running at 18.1A / 6.2V - no idea why the current is so low for this voltag ... |
23-11-2008 at 13:53 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes I realize it's a tad off topic, but I wonder if that alumina stuff is what the "pre treatment" is fo ... |
23-11-2008 at 09:05 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes One pass could only work for perchlorate, unless you plan on forming all chlorate anodically (ineffi ... |
22-11-2008 at 07:48 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes Swede: I use my hotplate/stirrer for heating the bath.. I've found that a setting of just over "1" g ... |
19-11-2008 at 09:13 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes [quote][i]Originally posted by jpsmith123[/i]
Sorry if I wasn't clear but what I'm suggesting is us ... |
18-11-2008 at 15:07 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes jp: Why not just make RuO2 based anodes like the industry chlorate anodes (although those might not ... |
18-11-2008 at 11:53 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes The only problem I can see with rotation is the uneven current density - you might have alpha PbO pl ... |
18-11-2008 at 11:12 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes Swede: How will you arrange the plating cathode(s) so that the anode will be plated evenly? Not tryi ... |
17-11-2008 at 19:09 by: tentacles |
Thoughts On Anodes dann, if we can reasonably drive the chloride down to 30g/L.. the biggest problem I see is space. Th ... |
16-11-2008 at 10:27 by: tentacles |
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