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1,1,3,5,5-pentanitro-1,5- di-(5-nitrotetrazolato-N2)-3-azapentane
I've attached the only reference I have found. Don't get too excited though, it's in Chinese.

En ...
2-1-2017 at 03:04
by: Dornier 335A
Whistle mix with potassium persulfate and potassium benzoate?
No. Persulfate is not a good oxidizer for organic fuels. It's not even very good for aluminium, only ...
5-11-2016 at 14:31
by: Dornier 335A
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Not brisance. Aluminium does not react at the CJ-point and therefore won't increase detonation veloc ...
18-10-2016 at 04:06
by: Dornier 335A
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Greenlight, ETN and PETN have pretty much the same detonation velocity at a given density. PETN has ...
16-10-2016 at 01:18
by: Dornier 335A
High-order flash powder?
[b]MineMan[/b], BoomBoom314159 have performed tests with flash powder initiated ammonal. His conclus ...
18-9-2016 at 12:09
by: Dornier 335A
High-order flash powder?
That's interesting, can you demonstrate that it r ...
12-9-2016 at 06:28
by: Dornier 335A
Short question / quick answer - Thread
If you want VoD, hydrogen is the way to go. Basically, water increases the explosive gamma (adiabati ...
16-8-2016 at 13:16
by: Dornier 335A
Youtube Videos
I set all my videos to private after receiving a strike. I will appeal, but the future is uncertain. ...
8-8-2016 at 09:56
by: Dornier 335A
High-energy composite (HEC) propellants
MMO anodes are the best for producing chlorate (they are eroded less than platinum anodes!), but it ...
27-6-2016 at 03:42
by: Dornier 335A
New Energetic Materials - Current Research
Drawing new energetics is certainly fun Glymes, but not exactly useful if the theoretical compounds ...
23-5-2016 at 14:42
by: Dornier 335A
Exotic thermites & analogs
Sounds like bullshit. Please provide a reference - if you don't have one, don't post your ideas as f ...
23-5-2016 at 00:57
by: Dornier 335A
Short question / quick answer - Thread
But the ammonium perchlorate in your mixture provides that oxygen.

So called "vacuum bombs" rely ...
19-5-2016 at 03:23
by: Dornier 335A
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Good question indeed Liptakov.
I ran these calculations for a gas mixture at 1.03 bar and 298 K.
18-5-2016 at 07:58
by: Dornier 335A
Food grade compositions
I'm quite sure you mean what's called "ice flares" around my place: small fountains that burn with a ...
18-5-2016 at 02:43
by: Dornier 335A
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Thanks for that H2/O2 paper Liptakov! It confirms that my BKW implementation (calibrated for solid/l ...
18-5-2016 at 02:39
by: Dornier 335A
Short question / quick answer - Thread
I don't have access to nitromethane so testing the exact same mixture will not be possible. From wha ...
13-5-2016 at 23:58
by: Dornier 335A
5-ATZ(5-Aminotetrazole), the nitrotetrazolate ion and friends
Too bad your "findings" are full of errors and plagiarised material. I brought up some of them in [u ...
4-5-2016 at 10:21
by: Dornier 335A
Short question / quick answer - Thread
A high explosive with low critical diameter will reach full velocity regardless of how it is initiat ...
4-5-2016 at 04:51
by: Dornier 335A
Detonation Velocity of organic explosive cannot exceed 11 Km/s
Changes in VoD are certainly never negligible. Detonation pressure is the important parameter in thi ...
2-5-2016 at 13:37
by: Dornier 335A
Experimental explosives
Wikipedia does give a higher value for N2O4 and nitrobenzene. [url= ...
1-5-2016 at 06:35
by: Dornier 335A
Detonation Velocity of organic explosive cannot exceed 11 Km/s
[rquote=447408&tid=25538&author=a nitrogen rich explosive]Sorry Philou...

The famous Hide ...
30-4-2016 at 23:46
by: Dornier 335A
5-ATZ(5-Aminotetrazole), the nitrotetrazolate ion and friends
This thread might contain some clues...
26-4-2016 at 13:37
by: Dornier 335A
5-ATZ(5-Aminotetrazole), the nitrotetrazolate ion and friends
[b]NeonPulse[/b], is that Cu(NTZ)[sub]2[/sub] or is it the acid copper nitrotetrazole salt? Because ...
24-4-2016 at 13:53
by: Dornier 335A
Short question / quick answer - Thread
You missed the point. Highly nitrated alkanes are carbon rich and would thus not benefit from replac ...
24-4-2016 at 13:46
by: Dornier 335A
Short question / quick answer - Thread
I recall reading a report that investigated NF2 instead of NO2 as explosophore. Their conclusion was ...
24-4-2016 at 11:36
by: Dornier 335A
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