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laser unit in FT-IR

The visible light laser in a modern FT-IR instrument is used to calculated the position ( ...
30-3-2011 at 09:20
by: aeacfm
laser unit in FT-IR
could you explain more pls
29-3-2011 at 00:02
by: aeacfm
laser unit in FT-IR
[b][u]what is the use of laser unit in FT-IR ?some body told me it makes alignement to the Ir beam b ...
27-3-2011 at 10:36
by: aeacfm
Eqwt , Eqs , normality
2 - calculate the concentration of NaOH if 48.19 ml ...
28-2-2011 at 01:43
by: aeacfm
Eqwt , Eqs , normality
thanks a lot for your reply

[rquote=202864&tid=15652&author=Chordate]You're given the re ...
27-2-2011 at 21:33
by: aeacfm
Eqwt , Eqs , normality
some takeaway problems make me confused too much .

simply , equivalent wt what i know is that eq ...
27-2-2011 at 11:18
by: aeacfm
voltage, electron donor &electron accepetor
[rquote=199372&tid=15327&author=squirrelwax]it would yes splitting of the moon I like that w ...
6-2-2011 at 17:09
by: aeacfm
voltage, electron donor &electron accepetor
so no relation between donor , dificient and voltage sign
23-1-2011 at 02:07
by: aeacfm
voltage, electron donor &electron accepetor
my friend told me some thing i looked for it but i didnt find useful thing, he said that :

electr ...
21-1-2011 at 09:47
by: aeacfm
spectroscopic or electrometric
simply , which is better spectroscopic methods of analysis or electrometric methods of analysis ? w ...
3-1-2011 at 14:01
by: aeacfm
catching H2S
[b][u]a month ago i was going to make a post like that but asking about if the sample contain sulfid ...
23-12-2010 at 03:13
by: aeacfm
Why do onions irritate eyes and smell ?
so does this lacrimator do that it self or react with air when the onion cut and do that ? i know ...
21-12-2010 at 00:28
by: aeacfm
what is the difference between on-line , in-line and insitu measurement ?
17-12-2010 at 00:04
by: aeacfm
uniform corrosion
[rquote=194860&tid=15040&author=psychokinetic]If it was uniform, wouldn't that exclude the p ...
12-12-2010 at 03:37
by: aeacfm
uniform corrosion
so you mean no anodic no cathodic sites found
12-12-2010 at 01:13
by: aeacfm
uniform corrosion

Does uniform corrosion is electrochemical (anodic & cathodic sites) or chemical corrosion (ox ...
11-12-2010 at 09:05
by: aeacfm
need explanation pls
[rquote=194525&tid=15008&author=matei]I think the iron compounds in the crucible will cataly ...
8-12-2010 at 10:23
by: aeacfm
need explanation pls
i thought that for the first time but i didnt thought it is exothermic reaction
to be honest i eve ...
7-12-2010 at 13:27
by: aeacfm
need explanation pls
some times we measure sulfide by oxidation (conversion to sulfate and then determine sulfate) but ...
7-12-2010 at 12:59
by: aeacfm
soap - kerosene
simply , i was washing some lab glasswares with kerosene and by mistake i put soap on it , i know so ...
7-12-2010 at 10:43
by: aeacfm
charge transfer catalysts
i am sorry i forgot to notify that i mean charge transfer catalysts to increase electrolysis efficie ...
7-12-2010 at 10:39
by: aeacfm
charge transfer catalysts
i searched the web for charge transfer catalyst but noway !!!
do any body know links for charg ...
5-12-2010 at 10:34
by: aeacfm
Sucking water
i find this video it is amazing

13-11-2010 at 15:03
by: aeacfm
Sucking water
[rquote=192434&tid=14852&author=aeacfm]my friend
i was imagining if there chemical can abs ...
13-11-2010 at 14:58
by: aeacfm
NaOH dissolution fumes

Suppose the NaOH grains are porous. This s ...
13-11-2010 at 14:46
by: aeacfm
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