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Anti defuse clock bomb jar?
What is this silicon seal? If it is the kind that I am thinking of, it is entirely possible that it ...
17-2-2013 at 07:13
by: Vargouille
Making Hydrochloric Acid
If you try it with dilute sulfuric acid, you might get the 20.2% HCl/H2O azeotrope. Higher concentra ...
15-2-2013 at 15:28
by: Vargouille
Digestions with nitric acid
Well, I can't imagine that the jars would implode. Bubblers just don't work that way. What you could ...
15-2-2013 at 03:14
by: Vargouille
explanation of chemical symbols
There is, of course, a way to convert from molarity (moles per liter) to grams per liter. If you kno ...
14-2-2013 at 11:24
by: Vargouille
separating HCl and HNO3, possible?
You can't separate by boiling, because nitric acid and hydrochloric acid decompose to nitrosyl chlor ...
14-2-2013 at 11:19
by: Vargouille
Material Science+Chemistry or just Chemistry?
In the US, there is a requirement to do a bunch of general education classes. Literature, history, m ...
12-2-2013 at 16:29
by: Vargouille
Material Science+Chemistry or just Chemistry?
[quote]...and a 3 - 4 years PhD program.[/quote]

I'm very skeptical about this. Either the Ph.D. ...
12-2-2013 at 15:56
by: Vargouille
Material Science+Chemistry or just Chemistry?
Personally, I would get the B.Sc. and the Master's. You can get some good money with a Master's degr ...
12-2-2013 at 14:20
by: Vargouille
Suggestions for setup to pump CO2 into KOH
I don't quite understand. Are you asking me how to find an end-point for a reaction with a bicarbona ...
8-2-2013 at 12:12
by: Vargouille
Suggestions for setup to pump CO2 into KOH
I would suggest having your stoppered CO2 generator lead into a suckback trap (an empty Erlenmeyer s ...
8-2-2013 at 02:25
by: Vargouille
Salicylic acid solution turning pink
I can remember from other posts that they had solutions of acetylsalicylate oxidize to a pink soluti ...
6-2-2013 at 14:15
by: Vargouille
MgSO4 and CuSO4 best drying agents for FeCl3
Since you're just making a dessicator bag, the only thing that should matter for what your "dying ag ...
4-2-2013 at 01:58
by: Vargouille
F- From Tap Water?
Naturalistic fallacy? In my ScienceMadness?

The addition of fluorosilicic acid to water supplies ...
3-2-2013 at 17:31
by: Vargouille
F- From Tap Water?
True, the articles concerning fluoridation are imperfect. This is common among many studies of water ...
3-2-2013 at 09:35
by: Vargouille
F- From Tap Water?
[rquote=273506&tid=23255&author=chemrox]On the other hand both of these cites are medical re ...
3-2-2013 at 05:45
by: Vargouille
F- From Tap Water?
[rquote=273478&tid=23255&author=chemrox]There are no papers showing any benefit of having th ...
2-2-2013 at 19:00
by: Vargouille
phosphate polymer
Well, he says that mechanical action is required, but you might be able to solvate some of it by usi ...
2-2-2013 at 18:15
by: Vargouille
F- From Tap Water?
I second Kristof. The sheer amount of work that it would take to get even a small amount of a pure f ...
2-2-2013 at 16:33
by: Vargouille
The short questions thread (3)
The bands aren't ampoule codes, they're indicating where the ampoules have been prescored. See [url= ...
2-2-2013 at 16:01
by: Vargouille
Is dry ice a molecular solid or covalent solid?
To my knowledge, it is molecular. It's not like a diamond in that the atoms are bonded together, whi ...
2-2-2013 at 06:22
by: Vargouille
Clean Sulfur Dioxide Gas
Note that the contaminants that would come over with the SO2 if your acid is HCl or H2SO4 are either ...
31-1-2013 at 11:26
by: Vargouille
The short questions thread (3)
I can't imagine that it would, at least, not on a reasonable timeline. Copper isn't likely to even b ...
30-1-2013 at 15:10
by: Vargouille
The short questions thread (3)
Apparently there is a source (Lang's Handbook of Chemistry) that states the hygroscopy of certain co ...
30-1-2013 at 13:55
by: Vargouille
Clean Sulfur Dioxide Gas
The reaction between metabisulfite and hydrochloric acid is not dependent on the acid being hydrochl ...
30-1-2013 at 13:43
by: Vargouille
Confusion about synthesizing Ferric Oxalate
I would evaporate to the hexahydrate, dissolve in dilute hydrochloric acid to prevent hydrolysis of ...
30-1-2013 at 13:24
by: Vargouille
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