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New chemicals for sale !
What would we do without mario
13-5-2021 at 12:07
by: Cou
Does anyone else love reading through Detritus threads?
Detritus is a comedy goldmine.
15-4-2021 at 10:29
by: Cou
Rare and hard to obtain chemicals for sale
sticky this
14-4-2021 at 11:04
by: Cou
Question about storage of recycled solvents
at home I recycle ether by simple distillation with a graham condenser with ice cold water and recei ...
12-4-2021 at 17:59
by: Cou
Latest chemical order?
i'm thinking about blowing $20 on a bottle of skatole, just to find out what it smells like.
12-4-2021 at 15:19
by: Cou
Do not buy from
laboy glass has been consistently shipping wrong items, not responding to messages, and not shipping ...
12-4-2021 at 15:10
by: Cou
Question about storage of recycled solvents
when you recycle solvents by simple distillation, do you pour the recycled solvent back into the ori ...
12-4-2021 at 15:04
by: Cou
Isopropyl Salicylate
i think isopropyl salicylate smells decent and unique. I have had my sample for over a year now. lat ...
1-3-2021 at 04:00
by: Cou
Latest chemical order?
for making ethers:
500 grams of bromobutane

250 mL of methyl tert-butyl ether
23-1-2021 at 01:24
by: Cou
Latest chemical order?
25 grams of indole - for fragrance collection
100 grams of zinc granules - for reducing ketones to ...
25-12-2020 at 14:12
by: Cou
New organic chemistry youtube video: Making isobutyl bromide
[rquote=652002&tid=156803&author=ChemichaelRXN]No problem, I messaged you.

Also I tried t ...
25-12-2020 at 12:41
by: Cou
New organic chemistry youtube video: Making isobutyl bromide
[rquote=651984&tid=156803&author=ChemichaelRXN]Nice work! If you want some sulfurol for free ...
25-12-2020 at 11:48
by: Cou
New organic chemistry youtube video: Making isobutyl bromide

I made isobutyl bromide from isobutyl alcohol, red ph ...
25-12-2020 at 01:58
by: Cou
mercury (I) chromate + photos
Holy sh*t, mercury AND chromate all in one? That's a toxicity double whammy!
24-12-2020 at 23:00
by: Cou
Is it normal to get low yields all the time, or am I a bad organic chemist?
My yields tend to be around 50%. I got a 42% yield making isobutyl bromide from isobutyl alcohol usi ...
24-12-2020 at 20:23
by: Cou
Latest chemical order?
500 grams of potassium permanganate from amazon, for making elemental bromine.
24-12-2020 at 17:29
by: Cou
What are most dangerous toxic chemicals you are comfortable handling in your home lab?
The most toxic chemical I've handled is probably bromoethane.
24-12-2020 at 17:25
by: Cou
Domestic (USA) sodium borohydride or lithium aluminum hydride?
[rquote=651772&tid=156778&author=monolithic]Try but you will probably pay ...
21-12-2020 at 21:07
by: Cou
The synthesis of methyl sorbate
epic x)
14-12-2020 at 20:29
by: Cou
Report on purification of octyl acetate w/ DES, and Keq of fischer esterification
Neither a deep eutectic solvent made of glycerin and choline chloride, nor water, were able to extra ...
12-12-2020 at 14:03
by: Cou
2020 Secret Santa [tell everyone how it went]
I too got a postcard from Madhatter. I didn't know this was happening, I signed up but never saw an ...
8-12-2020 at 20:58
by: Cou
Dxm chemistry
How about ether cleavage to get a phenol, then Williamson ether synthesis with various alkyl bromide ...
1-12-2020 at 20:26
by: Cou
Is there a limit to what alcohols you can make with the grignard reaction? steric hinderance?
I guess I have to get into organolithiums if I want to make diiisopropyl carbinol.
organic chemistr ...
30-11-2020 at 22:10
by: Cou
Is there a limit to what alcohols you can make with the grignard reaction? steric hinderance?
That is nuts, you can't even make tri-t-butyl carbinol from t-butyl lithium and hexamethylacetone.
30-11-2020 at 02:37
by: Cou
Is there a limit to what alcohols you can make with the grignard reaction? steric hinderance?
i have yet to actually do it. i'm still collecting needed supplies, but the grignard reaction fascin ...
29-11-2020 at 23:49
by: Cou
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