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muffle oven/furnace
Dear All,
Since we develop the NiS analytical method for PGMs analysis, we need to purchase one muf ...
22-8-2008 at 22:22
by: David1205754
Dust Control?
I just checked the website and it still could not solve my issue. I would like to explain that miner ...
16-10-2007 at 22:25
by: David1205754
Dust Control?
I think adding mineral oils or oils into our product to do dust control. It is very common way in ro ...
16-10-2007 at 18:17
by: David1205754
Dust Control?
Sorry!! Our product is concentrated metal materials which is coming from PCB or electronics customer ...
16-10-2007 at 06:32
by: David1205754
Dust Control?
Our product is drying product by high-temperature drying cyclone.
I think this is our standard met ...
15-10-2007 at 21:45
by: David1205754
Dust Control?
We have the shipping materials, and which the particle size is around 200 mesh to 1/2 inch. There is ...
15-10-2007 at 18:53
by: David1205754
Free cyanide and complexed cyanide?
Thnaks for your explanation.
one further question regarding the free cyanide and reactive cyanide. ...
22-7-2007 at 21:40
by: David1205754
Electroless copper sulfate information
Could anyone has the electroless copper sulfate product information, formulation, application and th ...
19-7-2007 at 19:29
by: David1205754
Free cyanide and complexed cyanide?
Could anyone tell me the difference between free cyanide and complexed cyanide? What is the total cy ...
19-7-2007 at 19:21
by: David1205754
fire assaying- cupellation control
Dear All,
I am doing the fire assaying process - cupellation. But my silver dope recovery rate is l ...
6-6-2007 at 21:53
by: David1205754

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