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A more durable improvised detonating cord? [rquote=183666&tid=14204&author=quicksilver]
ETN would be platelets; these shapes don't len ... |
28-7-2010 at 23:39 by: Deceitful_Frank |
A more durable improvised detonating cord? [rquote=183392&tid=14204&author=gregxy]I think the problem with shrink tubing and the like i ... |
26-7-2010 at 11:34 by: Deceitful_Frank |
A more durable improvised detonating cord? Hey guys it has been a while!
Just wondered if anyone can help with this one...
I have experim ... |
24-7-2010 at 02:56 by: Deceitful_Frank |
nitroglycerin As far as impact sensitivity I would say safer than NG but not as safe as EGDN to handle but unless ... |
27-1-2010 at 12:10 by: Deceitful_Frank |
nitroglycerin [rquote=170496&tid=949&author=mfilip62]
I never tried to nitrate glycerine and erythritol ... |
27-1-2010 at 11:24 by: Deceitful_Frank |
nitroglycerin I personally have never been able to (or taken the trouble to) to make NC with the ideal 11.5% nitro ... |
27-1-2010 at 00:01 by: Deceitful_Frank |
nitroglycerin 22ml of NG weighs 34.98 grams. The maximum theoretical yield when fully nitrating 10ml (12.5 grams) ... |
3-6-2009 at 13:09 by: Deceitful_Frank |
nitroglycerin [rquote=154105&tid=949&author=hissingnoise]
Fewer things can go wrong and you'll get ~22ml ... |
3-6-2009 at 04:06 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Unconventional Shaped Charges Sounds plausible. Copper sheet could be cut in to triangles and soldered in to the shape of a basele ... |
23-3-2009 at 11:34 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Blowing up a resistor at the end of 100m of wire Indeed, though 500mg of recrystalized ETN was more what I had in mind. Apparently it can cook off ni ... |
30-1-2009 at 12:53 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Blowing up a resistor at the end of 100m of wire Thanks guys for your input. I have posted this thread on three forums and the general view seems to ... |
30-1-2009 at 10:31 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Blowing up a resistor at the end of 100m of wire Hello again guys.
Today my new toy arrived via eBay, an 820uF 450V radial capacitor with screw te ... |
29-1-2009 at 15:31 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Det Cord Well,
I just returned from my test area to report that a 4mm column of ETN with 43% cellulose sli ... |
15-7-2007 at 12:38 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Recrystalized Detonating Cord A 60cm length of 2-ply toilet tissue with offset perforations and 3 gram mass was laid flat on a wor ... |
15-7-2007 at 02:47 by: Deceitful_Frank |
My third shaped charge 240 grams (approx 133ml) of 96% sulphuric acid was placed into a 600ml borosilicate beaker and using ... |
2-5-2007 at 13:47 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Plastic Energetic Materials [quote][i]Originally posted by quicksilver[/i]
There are a heck of a lot of interesting things that ... |
28-3-2007 at 10:00 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Overloading a 1/4 watt resister Shit yes you are right, I didnt think of that!
Hell it might even hold out long enough for the ca ... |
22-12-2006 at 15:10 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Overloading a 1/4 watt resister Forgive me if this is the wrong forum/section but...
Quick Question,
If I were to arrange for ... |
22-12-2006 at 14:45 by: Deceitful_Frank |
ETN synthesis problem Of course, distilling pure WFNA and using this to nitrate my erythritol and then precipitating with ... |
15-12-2006 at 14:15 by: Deceitful_Frank |
ETN synthesis problem Good point! I usually work between 5 and 10C... Deffinately worth a go though I do work indoors with ... |
13-12-2006 at 12:46 by: Deceitful_Frank |
ETN synthesis problem Hey guys, just a quick question concerning the synthesis of ETN using erythritol, ammonium nitrate a ... |
13-12-2006 at 11:31 by: Deceitful_Frank |
PLX type explosives Yes, though with kinepak type compositions the partical size of the AN should be small enough to hol ... |
6-10-2006 at 23:37 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Nitromethane based liquid explosives Hey guys!
I havent had a great deal of spare time of late with work and family commitments but I ... |
3-10-2006 at 02:11 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Unconventional Shaped Charges [quote][i]Originally posted by Mnky[/i]
I think PLX is 5% of 99%HNO3 and 95%Nitromethane?
Or does ... |
2-10-2006 at 23:03 by: Deceitful_Frank |
Determining percentage of nitration of nitrocellulose You really are a fucking idiot, and if you think that I am the only forum member that shares this op ... |
26-9-2006 at 00:56 by: Deceitful_Frank |
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