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Efficiency of a car’s catalytic converter
Looked up some patents and it looks pretty promising actually. This has a wealth of knowledge not j ...
24-4-2017 at 22:47
by: Douchermann
Substitute sodium hydride for potassium hydride?
@Nicodem - Thank you, I was misguided, I was just doing common association with hydrides.

The r ...
29-8-2009 at 11:23
by: Douchermann
Substitute sodium hydride for potassium hydride?
Hey guys, I've asked this question a few places. In the formation of Indole-4-boronic acid, can sod ...
28-8-2009 at 23:38
by: Douchermann
Methylation with sodium methyl sulfate?
Yes, thats the orgsyn page. Would anyone be able to get me the following article now?
JACS, 1914, ...
12-8-2009 at 10:08
by: Douchermann
Methylation with sodium methyl sulfate?
I recently came across a thread which I thought was here on SM that entailed the methylation of phen ...
11-8-2009 at 18:41
by: Douchermann
Figuring out ratio of binary mixtures with known specific gravity
You're right, i completely forgot about interactions. However, I could still get in the ball park, ...
19-6-2009 at 13:33
by: Douchermann
Figuring out ratio of binary mixtures with known specific gravity
Hey guys, sorry I couldn't word the title better. I have a solution of nitromethane and methanol. ...
19-6-2009 at 12:07
by: Douchermann
How is synthetic epinephrine prepared?
Ah, okay, that makes sense. Well thank you very much
26-4-2009 at 09:22
by: Douchermann
How is synthetic epinephrine prepared?
Hey guys, I spent some time searching around, and all I could find was the biosynthesis, or people t ...
26-4-2009 at 00:10
by: Douchermann
Best overall chlorine generator?
Yeah the TCCA method is unbeatable. I have used it for producing many many moles of Cl2. If you do ...
7-10-2008 at 07:17
by: Douchermann
methylenedioxybenzyl chloride + sommelet?
Excellent, thank you all.

Klute: In the sommelets I have performed, the HCl is quite dilute in th ...
25-9-2008 at 13:51
by: Douchermann
methylenedioxybenzyl chloride + sommelet?
Haha whoops, forgot to search other places than just sciencemadness. Well thank you.
25-9-2008 at 07:25
by: Douchermann
methylenedioxybenzyl chloride + sommelet?
In this link:

a metho ...
25-9-2008 at 06:53
by: Douchermann
nitroethane - and again
hmm, I like that a lot rosco.

On another note, I attempted the vapor phase nitration of propane ...
19-9-2008 at 20:36
by: Douchermann
nitroethane - and again
Haha well of course I like to experiment, but this reaction is sort of a one time chance, that's why ...
17-9-2008 at 20:31
by: Douchermann
nitroethane - and again
Well, would CaCl2 satisfactorily dry the ether and ethyl bromide? My sodium is of limited quantities ...
17-9-2008 at 19:29
by: Douchermann
nitroethane - and again
New question then. If the reaction using ether as a solvent was not completely anhydrous, would the ...
17-9-2008 at 14:11
by: Douchermann
nitroethane - and again
Hmm, so I attempted the procedure detailed in the first post and had no reaction whatsoever. The Et ...
12-9-2008 at 15:25
by: Douchermann
Source of bottle gasses - ethane?
My appologies, I'm located in the US. Thanks though.
24-8-2008 at 12:16
by: Douchermann
Source of bottle gasses - ethane?
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a manufacturer that sells consumer size ...
23-8-2008 at 21:21
by: Douchermann
Painless pyridine hydrochloride production possible?
Would an oven at least turn it from soup into a more solid mass? I figured, I could do the filtering ...
19-7-2008 at 09:47
by: Douchermann
Painless pyridine hydrochloride production possible?
I've spent a few hours determining the best method I have available to produce pyridine hydrochlorid ...
19-7-2008 at 01:12
by: Douchermann
Palladium (II) catalyzed oxidation of Eugenol
Thats perfect S.C. Wack, thank you very much. Perfect... but frustrating.
14-7-2008 at 09:57
by: Douchermann
Palladium (II) catalyzed oxidation of Eugenol
I searched thoroughly and could not find any information on a definite procedure. I figured it woul ...
14-7-2008 at 00:55
by: Douchermann
Finally! Povidone iodine extraction (this one works way better than Rhodiums extraction method)
I did use the search engine and didn't find the thread that it is now in. Perhaps my word choice wa ...
7-7-2008 at 22:32
by: Douchermann
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