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Bakelite from resorcinol Hello,
It's been a while since I've been here but I wanted to restart some home chemistry after ... |
28-3-2017 at 00:47 by: Jylliana |
Glassblowing I haven't read the full thing, but it may be interesting for people here to read
[url=http://www ... |
24-4-2015 at 01:53 by: Jylliana |
Simple energetics A gram of potassium nitrate and some powdered charcoal make a nice, docile 'flash powder'.
That's ... |
13-4-2015 at 04:27 by: Jylliana |
Bad Habits In The Lab Curiosity over safety sometimes...
'Nitric acid on my skin, I will wash that off LATER'
But, now I ... |
6-4-2015 at 00:50 by: Jylliana |
Another Free product... They messed something up in their system, I think. I received these on my home adress(instead of my ... |
5-4-2015 at 07:15 by: Jylliana |
Interesting test of how well you know your labware 93%
Got my condensers mixed up. I never call them by their name xD
I got the graph that went wit ... |
26-3-2015 at 23:41 by: Jylliana |
Another Free product... I got a free 250ml Nalgene beaker, woopwoop |
26-3-2015 at 05:18 by: Jylliana |
Rador Labs Challenge #2: Chemical Conflagrations VOTING PHASE [sub][color=LimeGreen]Very soft bump [/color][/sub] |
21-3-2015 at 04:26 by: Jylliana |
Rador Labs Challenge #2: Chemical Conflagrations VOTING PHASE Thats why write-ups will be posted |
15-3-2015 at 04:14 by: Jylliana |
Homemade and Repurposed Lab Gear [rquote=396782&tid=61783&author=radiance88][rquote=396776&tid=61783&author=Jylliana] ... |
13-3-2015 at 13:23 by: Jylliana |
Homemade and Repurposed Lab Gear What an awesome thread idea!
The only thing I can contribute now is that I throw almost no glass st ... |
13-3-2015 at 05:28 by: Jylliana |
Another Free product... Took the chance and ordered a Nalgene beaker.
As long as it doesn't cost me anything, I'll hamster ... |
9-3-2015 at 05:19 by: Jylliana |
Rador Labs Challenge #2 - Chemical Conflagarations I just submitted a photo. Since the winner will be chosen through voting, I thought I could do that. ... |
4-3-2015 at 10:35 by: Jylliana |
An interesting (probably illegal) find Indeed an amazing (but illegal) find.
I agree with going to the police with the honest story and a ... |
3-3-2015 at 03:38 by: Jylliana |
The Short Questions Thread (4) What type of glass are (large) petridishes usually made of? Soda glass or borosilicate?
I was rathe ... |
26-2-2015 at 04:35 by: Jylliana |
Rador Labs Challenge #2 - Chemical Conflagarations Ka[b]BUMP[/b]
Is everybody busy with other stuff or something?
We want to see some more fire! : ... |
23-2-2015 at 09:05 by: Jylliana |
Things That Frustrate As A DIY Chemist Too little room to store things properly.
Too much chemical waste and trouble getting rid of it.
... |
8-2-2015 at 12:04 by: Jylliana |
A science/chemistry show
Video, with english subtitles
...funny that the ... |
5-2-2015 at 00:41 by: Jylliana |
A science/chemistry show I did my show today and it went great! Video to come! |
4-2-2015 at 09:58 by: Jylliana |
Bromine salt testing reagent My former colleague stuck a label on it with
[ Potassium bromate, KBr. ] written in her own han ... |
2-2-2015 at 05:55 by: Jylliana |
Bromine salt testing reagent Is there a way to (sort of quickly/easily) test a (potassium) salt to determine whether it's a bromi ... |
2-2-2015 at 03:25 by: Jylliana |
Blue-Orange... Or not :/ [rquote=388580&tid=61254&author=woelen]Hmm... this does not look really good. The experiment ... |
22-1-2015 at 12:45 by: Jylliana |
Blue-Orange... Or not :/ [rquote=388569&tid=61254&author=woelen]Does the book really call for adding hydrogen peroxid ... |
22-1-2015 at 04:52 by: Jylliana |
Best non-polar solvent for caffeine The first solvent that came to mind was dichloromethane, but that has chlorine.
So... the next best ... |
22-1-2015 at 04:12 by: Jylliana |
Blue-Orange... Or not :/ Threads can be merged if a mod sees this |
22-1-2015 at 03:57 by: Jylliana |
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