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Red P from matchbooks: crazy but brilliant innovation
Axehandle, I'm 99.99 percent sure the protein in hair and nails is keratin. Casein is the prote ...
11-6-2004 at 12:49
by: Limpet Chicken
Red P from matchbooks: crazy but brilliant innovation
The point of the thread was, that by running a lighter flame along the strip, the glue melts allowin ...
11-6-2004 at 11:05
by: Limpet Chicken
Red P from matchbooks: crazy but brilliant innovation
It is quite definately red P on the strikers, along with a little binder and glass frit, because I h ...
11-6-2004 at 11:00
by: Limpet Chicken
Red P from matchbooks: crazy but brilliant innovation
I Just discovered a way to extract 99.9% of the phosphorus coating from matchbox strikers, simply ru ...
11-6-2004 at 10:15
by: Limpet Chicken
Unionised, you say there won't be much of a yield from the H2S+alcohol reaction, if it isn' ...
11-6-2004 at 05:12
by: Limpet Chicken
Yellowcake separation from ore
I was under the impression that yellowcake was U3O8, if that is correct, then perhaps reduction in a ...
10-6-2004 at 18:34
by: Limpet Chicken
When I was about 13-14 I used to be totally fascinated by phosphorus
(I still am :D) , at that age ...
10-6-2004 at 17:55
by: Limpet Chicken
Metal melting points
What are the melting points of tungsten and molybdenum? I keep getting conflicting information on t ...
10-6-2004 at 16:48
by: Limpet Chicken
Just how radioactive IS DU? How dangerous would say 500 mg-1 gram be to handle, I'm starting an ...
10-6-2004 at 16:15
by: Limpet Chicken
Suspicious company
Well phosphorus IS my favourite element...:D

Could somebody post a link to a list of UK forbidden ...
10-6-2004 at 15:59
by: Limpet Chicken
Suspicious company
Have a look at their (crappy) website, they don't seem to HAVE anything even remotely innocent, ...
9-6-2004 at 19:19
by: Limpet Chicken
Suspicious company
I'm pretty new to chemistry, What do you reckon would draw the least attention?
also, i'v ...
9-6-2004 at 17:52
by: Limpet Chicken
Suspicious company
Hi, I'm new here, and don't know if it is alright to post this, but has anybody ordered fr ...
9-6-2004 at 17:31
by: Limpet Chicken

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