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Anolyte electrolysis
Can someone tell me in what will KNO3 decompose if it will be electrolysed in an anolyte cell? (with ...
20-8-2003 at 07:07
by: bonemachine
no sulfuric?
Is it possible for a sugar to be nitrated without the presence of sulfuric acid? The only reason i w ...
9-2-2003 at 13:28
by: bonemachine
Sorry for making a topic for this but i searched a lot and i can't find the chem. formula of cafeine ...
5-2-2003 at 04:07
by: bonemachine
Nitric from kno3/HCL
Well it is realy hard to distill nitric made out of HCL. So is there any other nitrations exept hexa ...
29-11-2002 at 11:29
by: bonemachine
Nitric from kno3/HCL
Can someone tell me what concentration of HNO3 can i take from dissolving kno3 to 35% HCL.
17-11-2002 at 06:55
by: bonemachine
Can't make CuO
The strange is that it was sky blue at the begining and when i aded 3% H2O2 it turned totaly green.
15-11-2002 at 03:17
by: bonemachine
Can't make CuO
Ok i tried this method and it works fine thanks!!
14-11-2002 at 02:02
by: bonemachine
Can't make CuO
I found nothing searching and i ask again what is this green stuff?
13-11-2002 at 04:45
by: bonemachine
Nitration with electrolysis
For example could some soluble in water fuels to be nitrated with electrolisis? Like carbonhydrates.
12-11-2002 at 08:47
by: bonemachine
Nitration with electrolysis
Anyone have tryed this?
11-11-2002 at 10:05
by: bonemachine
metallic peroxy salts
Maybe the action of H2O2 to KNO3 would form KNO4 with some way?
11-11-2002 at 01:46
by: bonemachine
metallic peroxy salts
vulture you said that HNO4 is stable and i wonder if something like kno4 could be prepared.
10-11-2002 at 12:49
by: bonemachine
Exotic thermites & analogs
I am quite sure that i read recent that Cu2O is prepared comercialy by elctrolysis but it doesn't de ...
4-11-2002 at 06:06
by: bonemachine
Exotic thermites & analogs
Actually my problem is the manufacture of sizeable amounds of CuO with starting material Cu. I manag ...
4-11-2002 at 06:00
by: bonemachine
Exotic thermites & analogs
Damn i tryed again CuO/Al and it didn't worked. Just some Al sparking and then it goes of. And the y ...
3-11-2002 at 11:49
by: bonemachine
Exotic thermites & analogs
I mix them in equal volumetric parts (i don't have a scale). There is no ceramics where i live wich ...
3-11-2002 at 01:39
by: bonemachine
Exotic thermites & analogs
I made some CuO (by heating strongly Cu(OH) from electrolysis cell until it turns totaly black) and ...
2-11-2002 at 09:56
by: bonemachine
Exotic thermites & analogs
Maybe this doesn't got to do much with thermite but i was always wondering what could hapend if a ho ...
1-11-2002 at 11:36
by: bonemachine
Potassium ferrate
What color suposed to be potassium ferrate?
1-11-2002 at 06:30
by: bonemachine
Can't make CuO
Then what could be that green stuff?
1-11-2002 at 06:29
by: bonemachine
Can't make CuO
Also i forgot.... Could someone tell me the exact color of CuO? I mean it is totaly black or dark gr ...
31-10-2002 at 11:57
by: bonemachine
Exotic thermites & analogs
So it seems that it has alot of blasting power. But compared to common flash powders how powerfull c ...
31-10-2002 at 11:53
by: bonemachine
Can't make CuO
because i don't have those materials and i prefer electrolysis.
31-10-2002 at 11:49
by: bonemachine
Exotic thermites & analogs
I am thinking to make 200grams of CuO/AL. If i confine this in paper tube will it be powerfull like ...
31-10-2002 at 07:55
by: bonemachine
Can't make CuO
Anyway my finished product is dark green and i have filtered it out. Looks like rust but the electro ...
31-10-2002 at 06:22
by: bonemachine
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