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Possible OTC, 'safe' methylating agents That's a modification of reaction known for at least thirty years:
[url] ... |
25-9-2018 at 13:52 by: byko3y |
Demethylation of Vanillin and Eugenol Reaction and decomposition temperatures are both much higher than boiling temperature of water, so b ... |
23-9-2018 at 02:42 by: byko3y |
Nitroalkane syntheses ? [rquote=532638&tid=2995&author=Waffles SS]
Triethyl Borate + HNO3 = EtNO2
Schiff, H.; Lieb ... |
20-9-2018 at 12:00 by: byko3y |
TLC help - which solvent system - benzalacetone derivate There's very scarce description of the picture. What is the equal solvent strength for? LC, TLC, rec ... |
6-9-2018 at 16:58 by: byko3y |
"Unprecedented" reduction of amides Yea, but 1 mole of triethoxysilane costs approx 8 times more than a mole of LAH. And you can make al ... |
10-7-2018 at 17:30 by: byko3y |
Fourier transform spectroscopy The key part of the spectrometer and the one that is impossible to make yourself without complex too ... |
18-6-2018 at 18:09 by: byko3y |
Finding a low-cost IR Spectrometer for reaction monitoring? You are correct, I've never operated the FTIR.
I can see DB-25 parallel port on the MB104 and I hav ... |
10-6-2018 at 20:18 by: byko3y |
Finding a low-cost IR Spectrometer for reaction monitoring? Dunno, ... |
10-6-2018 at 16:00 by: byko3y |
Finding a low-cost IR Spectrometer for reaction monitoring? I really feel like the final budget of your project is similar to the price of working unit. |
9-6-2018 at 19:36 by: byko3y |
Security Alert VPN security breach of routers There's much more interesting question yet to answer: how did this malware infected the routers in t ... |
27-5-2018 at 09:28 by: byko3y |
Finding a low-cost IR Spectrometer for reaction monitoring? [rquote=519532&tid=51255&author=Tdep]In response to the original (old) question on low cost ... |
27-5-2018 at 07:58 by: byko3y |
Finding a low-cost IR Spectrometer for reaction monitoring? I was wondering why nobody tried to make a dispersive IR spectrometer using a diffraction grating? U ... |
27-5-2018 at 04:22 by: byko3y |
Looming DCM Ban (US) I was wondering, is there any serious health risk associated with DCM? I'm not talking about inhalin ... |
13-5-2018 at 16:49 by: byko3y |
What is cause of global warming? Heat or gases? [quote]It meets your criteria for "proof"! You have two outs here. The boring one is to come up with ... |
9-5-2018 at 19:02 by: byko3y |
Anthranillic acid from salicyclic acid [b]WangleSpong5000[/b], I don't understand what you mean by "action of nitrous acid/diazonium ion(s) ... |
21-4-2018 at 18:35 by: byko3y |
What is cause of global warming? Heat or gases? [b]MrHomeScientist[/b], they do not "absorb it all right back", the graph shows integration of hundr ... |
18-4-2018 at 10:42 by: byko3y |
What is cause of global warming? Heat or gases? [rquote=514725&tid=81554&author=DrP]You mean like the chart you gave yourself that shows a n ... |
18-4-2018 at 08:16 by: byko3y |
What is cause of global warming? Heat or gases? [quote]it's "proven" that you owe me $100[/quote]You may decide anything for yourself, but nobody ex ... |
18-4-2018 at 06:53 by: byko3y |
Indoles forming salts?
pKb of unsubstituted protonated indole i ... |
17-4-2018 at 14:38 by: byko3y |
What is cause of global warming? Heat or gases? [b]MrHomeScientist[/b], you might notice there's no units on the picture, it is carbon dioxide weigh ... |
17-4-2018 at 14:17 by: byko3y |
What is cause of global warming? Heat or gases? [b]MrHomeScientist[/b]Ocean contains approx 40 000 gigatonns of CO2 dissolved. Atmosphere contains 3 ... |
17-4-2018 at 10:18 by: byko3y |
What is cause of global warming? Heat or gases? You are making mountain out of molehill. I explaned in the very next message that "proven" means "no ... |
17-4-2018 at 01:40 by: byko3y |
What is cause of global warming? Heat or gases? [quote]Now you're changing the subject back to satellites vs surface records. I asked you about your ... |
16-4-2018 at 10:31 by: byko3y |
Modified Patent Route to Oxalyl Chloride Not only oxalyl chloride is a strong chlorinating agent, thus cannot be prepared from weak chlorinat ... |
16-4-2018 at 06:26 by: byko3y |
What is cause of global warming? Heat or gases? [quote]Whoa, hold on. You're changing the subject from modeled vs measured tropospheric trends, to t ... |
16-4-2018 at 02:34 by: byko3y |
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