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Dissolving unreactive metals in diluted sulfuric acid [rquote=440741&tid=65497&author=woelen]This indeed works, but the reaction is slow.
As a ... |
13-12-2024 at 03:26 by: chornedsnorkack |
Creating eutectics I am unsure that a double eutectic needs forceful mixing. A triple eutectic might. |
15-10-2024 at 04:24 by: chornedsnorkack |
Creating eutectics [rquote=696027&tid=160620&author=Fulmen]You need to melt them together. Once one of the comp ... |
12-10-2024 at 07:05 by: chornedsnorkack |
Spill of chromic acid - cleanup [rquote=429913&tid=64530&author=shivam]
Just in case of any mishaps or simply for reducing ... |
3-10-2024 at 13:48 by: chornedsnorkack |
Attempting anhydrous ethanol with CaO [rquote=695570&tid=88245&author=Precipitates]According to the [url=https://www.sciencemadnes ... |
25-9-2024 at 04:37 by: chornedsnorkack |
HCL from Cl2 and H2O [rquote=695389&tid=160568&author=Rainwater]
I think all HCl solutions contain hypochlorous ... |
15-9-2024 at 21:04 by: chornedsnorkack |
Aqua regia effects of formation There is a maxim, often stated as general rule, to "add acid to water, not water to acid".
There is ... |
13-9-2024 at 04:33 by: chornedsnorkack |
Tl properties Considering the simple binaries...
Low soli ... |
10-9-2024 at 12:58 by: chornedsnorkack |
Tl properties [rquote=695249&tid=160554&author=clearly_not_atara]IIRC it has some similarities to silver: ... |
10-9-2024 at 08:49 by: chornedsnorkack |
Tl properties Tl compounds are toxic. But so are compounds of Pb and Cd.
How dangerous is metal Tl, in applicatio ... |
10-9-2024 at 02:12 by: chornedsnorkack |
OsO[sub]4[/sub] water solubility? I have trouble finding detailed data about solubility of OsO[sub]4[/sub] and water at various temper ... |
23-8-2024 at 12:00 by: chornedsnorkack |
Pinches, pressure and azeotropes What precisely are a "tangent pinch" and "feed pinch" compared to true azeotropes?
Azeotropes famou ... |
16-8-2024 at 03:55 by: chornedsnorkack |
KCl + Ca does release K metal, but KCl + Mg not ? [rquote=694555&tid=160464&author=metalresearcher][rquote=694549&tid=160464&author=ch ... |
7-8-2024 at 12:59 by: chornedsnorkack |
KCl + Ca does release K metal, but KCl + Mg not ? [quote]empathy change with temp.[/quote]
Some key data:
KCl: ... |
7-8-2024 at 05:33 by: chornedsnorkack |
KCl + Ca does release K metal, but KCl + Mg not ? What is your source for delta-S? |
6-8-2024 at 10:58 by: chornedsnorkack |
SO3 preparation : help about excessive smoking [rquote=694405&tid=160449&author=Rainwater]Had this question show up on a test recently.
If ... |
2-8-2024 at 01:31 by: chornedsnorkack |
Diethylether (sulfuric acid saving method) [rquote=694372&tid=160329&author=Organikum][rquote=694371&tid=160329&author=chorneds ... |
29-7-2024 at 11:28 by: chornedsnorkack |
Diethylether (sulfuric acid saving method) Is it feasible to set up reactive distillation so that "no reaction" results in nothing distilling o ... |
28-7-2024 at 23:18 by: chornedsnorkack |
Ca+YF3 bad idea? [rquote=693263&tid=160346&author=BromicAcid]Calcium fluoride is non-toxic because it's prett ... |
27-7-2024 at 00:31 by: chornedsnorkack |
Melting tellurium powder [rquote=694272&tid=160037&author=EF2000][rquote=694270&tid=160037&author=chornedsnor ... |
22-7-2024 at 12:31 by: chornedsnorkack |
Melting tellurium powder [rquote=689523&tid=160037&author=Fleaker]Goodness gracious, you couldn't pay me enough to me ... |
22-7-2024 at 01:42 by: chornedsnorkack |
Interested in alloys via thermite. [rquote=694241&tid=60104&author=Fulmen]Because the Al is oxidized to Al2O3 while the iron ox ... |
19-7-2024 at 01:32 by: chornedsnorkack |
Interested in alloys via thermite. Now I am wondering how thermite can ever work in the first place... ... |
18-7-2024 at 23:30 by: chornedsnorkack |
Interested in alloys via thermite. For binary alloys, how about
Al is conveniently ... |
18-7-2024 at 02:38 by: chornedsnorkack |
Concentrating sulfuric acid by freezing [rquote=694219&tid=160434&author=Chemgineer]Is it feasible to concentrate say 80% sulfuric a ... |
17-7-2024 at 20:35 by: chornedsnorkack |
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