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Early chemists obtaining their reagents from nature.
[rquote=174031&tid=13527&author=quicksilver] Cinnabar when "roasted" yields mercury (I have ...
19-4-2011 at 09:07
by: crystalXclear
Cheap platinum jewelry as anodes for DIY chloralkali cell?
they just dangled the ear wires toe's in the plating solution. lol

Theres allways the plat wire ...
19-4-2011 at 08:55
by: crystalXclear
Cheap platinum jewelry as anodes for DIY chloralkali cell?
Johnson Matthey for the UK
RIO GRANDE in the States, WoW, yer gunna love that site, She's My one &a ...
19-4-2011 at 07:43
by: crystalXclear
recieved via u2u from salmon.
thanks for your kind reply. I am just asking that i make black color ...
19-4-2011 at 07:36
by: crystalXclear
SALMAN, What cone temp are you useing? It maks quite a differance to the colour variations you will ...
19-4-2011 at 05:22
by: crystalXclear
Improvement in the yield of racemic PPA*HCl via Akabori reaction (35 % molar)
I must agree with the tasting of any known/unknown rxn soultion, as being one of the crazyist things ...
18-4-2011 at 21:01
by: crystalXclear
platinum coated mesh/wool
sorry to misslead, not intentional Xtal

[Edited on 19-4-2011 by crystalXclear]

18-4-2011 at 20:03
by: crystalXclear
Sorry old bean, I'm a little confussed by your question, do you wish to make the chrome oxide, dioxi ...
18-4-2011 at 19:52
by: crystalXclear
Cheap platinum jewelry as anodes for DIY chloralkali cell?
ANYTHING FROM EBAY WILL PROB BE SH1TE, proffit proffit profit, grubby little grabbers.

If you giv ...
18-4-2011 at 19:36
by: crystalXclear
Cinnamaldehyde from cinnamon bark powder
As to the glass, I have made and sucsessfully used a thin flurosent light bulb tube within a larger ...
18-4-2011 at 19:08
by: crystalXclear
Removal of malachite green from formaldehyde solution?
malachite is a mineral of copper carbonate if it helps. Xtal
11-4-2011 at 03:46
by: crystalXclear
bio ethanol instead of ethanol???????
high, thanxfor all thje info on meths, denatured and such, but the question of bio ethanol sill rema ...
7-4-2011 at 21:47
by: crystalXclear
bio ethanol instead of ethanol???????
Hello, I have been looking around, but can't see that anyone is useing cheap as chips bio ethanol, t ...
6-4-2011 at 02:31
by: crystalXclear
Preparation of Lithium Ammonia complexes in EtO2.(Lithium Bronze)
[rquote=169841&tid=13161&author=aonomus][rquote=169841&tid=13161&author=aonomus]Alth ...
7-1-2011 at 10:40
by: crystalXclear
Is it possible to build a DIY supercritical CO2 extractor?
As a possible point of interest, I have tried the butane extraction (copper pipe) that is used with ...
3-1-2011 at 04:52
by: crystalXclear

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