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Recrystallization questions
How do I go about researching a proper solvent system for purification of a specific substance or cl ...
17-3-2011 at 13:19
by: ketadd
How can I acquire a business address?
UPS store mailboxe is a good start. You can also use companies like Vitran and they will hold things ...
17-3-2011 at 13:08
by: ketadd
Middle Man/company to buy chemicals from? Starting a business?
If you plan on producing X, this is no way to go about getting chems. Not sure if it's true, but you ...
3-3-2011 at 20:48
by: ketadd
Middle Man/company to buy chemicals from? Starting a business?
Supplement business is very tough. You have to educate yourself on all legalities and especially ins ...
27-2-2011 at 15:26
by: ketadd

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