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Preparation of cyanides
"If yes, another question. If the climate is very humid- say 80%, atmospheric water vapour will cond ...
23-2-2012 at 12:29
by: kotze
diacetyl peroxide formation
Yes you need to boil it down. ZnO2 is relatively temperature-stable and fixes most of the O-O before ...
2-2-2012 at 10:18
by: kotze
diacetyl peroxide formation
Zinc peroxide vigorously reacts with sulfur when heated and forms shock-sensitive mixtures with it. ...
31-1-2012 at 10:16
by: kotze
A new riddle
This is certainly sodium ozonide. "The inorganic ozonides" by Petrocelli and Chiarenzelli sheds some ...
24-1-2012 at 13:44
by: kotze
A new riddle
This could be sodium ozonide. It has been prepared from solid NaOH and ozone and is relatively stabl ...
22-1-2012 at 14:45
by: kotze

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