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Penicillin cultivation from mold? There ya go, ton of penicillin right there! Sterilize some fruit peals, and inoculate it with some o ... |
3-12-2012 at 19:28 by: magnus454 |
Agar substitutes Anyone try polyacrylamide crystals? I've doped them with a little miracle grow for plant growth medi ... |
23-11-2012 at 22:58 by: magnus454 |
Vacuum pump HELP Hey thanks for the tip on the oil, I have a US general 3cfm 25 micron vacuum pump I use for some of ... |
25-3-2012 at 21:15 by: magnus454 |
Radiation Exposure Sorry I am jumping in so late, sounds like a non destructive testing apparatus for metallurgy or soi ... |
25-3-2012 at 20:52 by: magnus454 |
Vacuum pump HELP Harbor Freight ( sells a good vacuum pump for around 87$ and a really good 25 ... |
22-3-2012 at 21:29 by: magnus454 |
Noble gas compounds [rquote=234231&tid=18631&author=AirCowPeaCock]If one were to say expose alpha partials to Xe ... |
22-3-2012 at 20:56 by: magnus454 |
Ion Chamber So I scrapped a simple ION chamber together from a soup can, aluminum wire, part of a pen cap, some ... |
22-3-2012 at 20:02 by: magnus454 |
Microbial Fuel Cell Ok, been awhile since I was on, been doing allot of electronics work (inorganic). Still building my ... |
13-3-2012 at 21:57 by: magnus454 |
Why does strontium block x-rays? I believe it has to do with electron configuration in the outer electron shells. Some lastics are ve ... |
13-3-2012 at 20:45 by: magnus454 |
Is it possible to build a DIY supercritical CO2 extractor? I live just south of Houston, TX. The FOLGERS Coffee plant just off of downtown does it all day long ... |
13-3-2012 at 20:02 by: magnus454 |
dimmer temp controller modification Humm, I bought a lutron 2000 watt light dimmer (with built in heat sink) and added it to an external ... |
13-3-2012 at 19:57 by: magnus454 |
My electronics/physics lab Here is where I am at, constructive criticism only please;
[*]Victor high resolution frequency coun ... |
13-3-2012 at 19:47 by: magnus454 |
Mercury collection I have a few ounces of mercury myself, although it's a little contaminated, I've been collecting mer ... |
13-3-2012 at 19:19 by: magnus454 |
help make white fuming nitric acid. Remember this is bad stuff, they mix it wife jet propulsion kerosene to make ICBM rockets fly! My fa ... |
7-10-2011 at 20:08 by: magnus454 |
Centrifuge, and heat problems? I lubed it, seems to run slightly quieter, I filled all six tubes up with tap water and ran it at fu ... |
7-10-2011 at 20:01 by: magnus454 |
Centrifuge, and heat problems? Actually I use a number of custom blended oils and greases of my own design. I use a mix of silicone ... |
7-10-2011 at 18:54 by: magnus454 |
Centrifuge, and heat problems? I'll double check it, it's acutally brand new, it's just a cheap chinese made one, although i get 22 ... |
7-10-2011 at 05:29 by: magnus454 |
Centrifuge, and heat problems? Anyone have a 6 space 10ml centrifuge or equivalent, and noticed allot of heat buildup while it's ru ... |
6-10-2011 at 13:56 by: magnus454 |
Anyone need a cheap eppendorf centrifuge? Yeah, and those lab equipment dealers will only buy for pennies, but resell at 1/2 to 3/4 the origin ... |
6-10-2011 at 13:55 by: magnus454 |
Gelatin for gradient centrifuging? Has anybody used plain gelatin or agar to make a gradient for centrifuging? If so what formula did y ... |
4-10-2011 at 20:29 by: magnus454 |
Voltage varying centrifuge problem Whats the web address for eGimp? searching just takes me to sites involving the Linux image editor g ... |
22-9-2011 at 22:05 by: magnus454 |
Bunch of shiite for sale. How much you want for the vacuum dessicator? Is it plastic or glass? |
22-9-2011 at 14:25 by: magnus454 |
Microbiology/Tissue culture incubator I may have found something so I can build a microbiological incubator for my samples, petri dishes, ... |
22-9-2011 at 14:23 by: magnus454 |
Is my organic chemistry teacher an idiot? That's bad, I thought my step-daughter's math question was a pretty good text book foul up. (8+3) x( ... |
19-9-2011 at 05:42 by: magnus454 |
Centrifuges Yeah, I suppose I could get some high alloy stainless there. I have a 35 volt dc power supply lab gr ... |
14-9-2011 at 18:32 by: magnus454 |
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