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Finding small amounts of Plutonium or U235? what a waste of time...
Yes isotopic separation can be done at home pretty easily, depend which is ... |
26-11-2024 at 03:50 by: neptunium |
Methods for Identifying Chemicals This is the Thermo Finnigan Trace 2000 combo as explained in the vids..
[file]102989[/file] |
24-9-2024 at 13:05 by: neptunium |
Methods for Identifying Chemicals anybody interested in some GC/MS analysis ?
I guess I ... |
24-9-2024 at 12:54 by: neptunium |
Radioactive lightning rods It would be very difficult to find one these days. At least in Europe and the US. they have (all?) b ... |
8-5-2024 at 14:24 by: neptunium |
Thorium presence in uranium ores. If you are talking about Th232, this is a geology question. The way the 2 metals oxidation states br ... |
27-4-2024 at 06:50 by: neptunium |
Isotopic separation at home - can it be done? Yes |
2-9-2023 at 18:12 by: neptunium |
Isotopic separation at home - can it be done? It worked.. and I may have found a ways to separate lithium isotopes without a calutron... Stay tun ... |
31-7-2023 at 15:09 by: neptunium |
Extracting decay products from uranium ore There is not much to extract from 2 kg of ore my friend. A lot of the hydroxide are insoluble if I r ... |
11-4-2023 at 16:10 by: neptunium |
Amateur synthesis of plutonium? There is a lot of misconception and information in these last few messages. As I see it here 6 years ... |
11-4-2023 at 15:33 by: neptunium |
Detection and Identification of Radioactive Materials I recently analyzed (again) my digested sample of Trinitite for trans uranium element ...
https: ... |
27-3-2023 at 14:28 by: neptunium |
RGA as Mass spectrometer I was able to detect a bit of Krypton but still no Xenon, neon20 and Ne22 did show up as well... I f ... |
5-12-2022 at 08:55 by: neptunium |
RGA as Mass spectrometer Here is a quick update,
I extended the range to 300 amu successfully. To verify everything works I ... |
26-11-2022 at 07:52 by: neptunium |
RGA as Mass spectrometer [rquote=678584&tid=159081&author=Metacelsus][rquote=678568&tid=159081&author=neptuni ... |
17-11-2022 at 12:24 by: neptunium |
RGA as Mass spectrometer [rquote=678563&tid=159081&author=Texium] what is your ionization method, and do you have any ... |
16-11-2022 at 16:16 by: neptunium |
RGA as Mass spectrometer Yeah, I guess your right... I thought it would not hurt to ask, but i see how much traffic I get els ... |
15-11-2022 at 15:49 by: neptunium |
RGA as Mass spectrometer Mass spectrometers are incredibly useful tools for a multitude of reason,
-Checking the purity of ... |
15-11-2022 at 15:12 by: neptunium |
Detectable radioactivity from rubidium? [rquote=672318&tid=123201&author=Crazy_Chemist]I can't measure something from my ampoule wit ... |
23-4-2022 at 18:19 by: neptunium |
Book of all radio active nuclei and their decay products I use the Janis software. its free and very complete
... |
23-4-2022 at 18:17 by: neptunium |
Cheap radioisotope sources [rquote=671913&tid=85255&author=Crazy_Chemist]Thanks for a good video!
Such a button woul ... |
12-3-2022 at 11:02 by: neptunium |
Cheap radioisotope sources oh since we`re on Radium, I just made a video about it so let me take this opportunity to toot my o ... |
11-3-2022 at 10:35 by: neptunium |
Cheap radioisotope sources [rquote=671879&tid=85255&author=Crazy_Chemist]Made a nice deal today (I think)!
Found thi ... |
11-3-2022 at 10:33 by: neptunium |
Vacuum pump for Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) I`ve used these for a very good roughing pump ... |
11-3-2022 at 10:27 by: neptunium |
YouTube Channel Resurrection I noticed that too...I think YouTube has continuously changed its algorithm and many smaller channel ... |
22-2-2022 at 15:56 by: neptunium |
YouTube Channel Resurrection very impressive lab! Most of us start small and slowly grow an audience before getting any serious e ... |
21-2-2022 at 21:34 by: neptunium |
Cheap radioisotope sources Of course, with a detector so small, you cant expect high resolution and short acquisition time, I t ... |
19-2-2022 at 22:40 by: neptunium |
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