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Sb2O3 to Sb2S3
Yes, I intended to use it for pyrotechnics...

Can not just the colloidal material be ground to a ...
20-11-2003 at 04:27
by: rooster
Sb2O3 to Sb2S3
Hi! I have an interesting problem...

I have some antimony trioxide lying around. I want to conver ...
17-11-2003 at 04:01
by: rooster
I have seen PVA with molecular weights from 10.000 to 100.000. The 100.000 is the most dense I have ...
26-10-2003 at 23:54
by: rooster
I am wondering if anyone has made PVN (polyvinylnitrate). It sounds like an interesting compound, an ...
26-10-2003 at 09:23
by: rooster
YESSS! Finally I found microcrystalline cellulose at a lab. It is like powder. When you nitrate it f ...
22-10-2003 at 00:22
by: rooster
ETN / PETN ( 2 / 5 ) Melt Composition by Mr. Anonymous
Erythritol is sold as a sugar substitute. I can get erythritol from a lab, but it is labelled meso-E ...
21-10-2003 at 06:12
by: rooster
Ammonium Dynamite
I can only speak from experience, because I don't have any literature on the subject handy at t ...
20-10-2003 at 01:10
by: rooster
KABOOOM: That was what I tried to put words on, the monomer/dimer thing. Now I get it all!

I have ...
20-10-2003 at 00:13
by: rooster
Vulture, I can't find any info on the structure of hexanitrocellulose, powerlabs only has the f ...
17-10-2003 at 12:10
by: rooster
There is no such thing as hexanitrocellulose. As the cellulose polymer only has three -OH alcohol gr ...
16-10-2003 at 22:52
by: rooster

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