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Chance for a Voice! This may seem obvious, but I would caution anyone who participates to be careful. This may be good ... |
7-1-2013 at 18:35 by: triplepoint |
Life after detonation Yamato71 - thank you for the reminder. I think every person on this board needs to hear what can ha ... |
3-1-2013 at 22:37 by: triplepoint |
Potassium carbonate from banana skins [rquote=269202&tid=16803&author=elementcollector1]What about grass clippings, how much potas ... |
20-12-2012 at 08:22 by: triplepoint |
DEA drop kicking doors in! [rquote=269151&tid=21338&author=neptunium]holly crap! how do you find out what is and isnt l ... |
19-12-2012 at 16:25 by: triplepoint |
Copper salts, a cautionary tale. This s an AMATEUR chemistry board. If you think you may be suffering from poisoning, see a real doc ... |
19-12-2012 at 16:09 by: triplepoint |
Formaldehyde [rquote=268362&tid=22664&author=PooPoo]I bought a bottle of 37% Formaldehyde off of an aucti ... |
11-12-2012 at 01:06 by: triplepoint |
Westleys bleach white I don't know where you are, but it appears to be available on ebay or
Buy Westleys Bleach Tire C ... |
9-11-2012 at 04:03 by: triplepoint |
Bad days in the lab or with glassware? [rquote=264351&tid=13214&author=zenosx]
I got yet another lecture from the wife of ("I thou ... |
7-11-2012 at 15:50 by: triplepoint |
Mettler balance - Error 4 - Way to repair without sending to company? I also recommend calling the manufacturer. I saw a discussion about an error on a different mettler ... |
7-11-2012 at 15:26 by: triplepoint |
Tons of demos and experiments but how to share? I believe that book is a compilation of articles that appeared in JCE. I think that anyone who is a ... |
5-11-2012 at 22:46 by: triplepoint |
Electron Affinity You may find this link useful. It is a chemwiki from ucdavis: ... |
4-11-2012 at 15:12 by: triplepoint |
Whimsy? "Whimsy Everything under the sun. Access must be requested of Polverone." |
4-11-2012 at 08:48 by: triplepoint |
Bismuth from its Subsalicylate (Pepto-BismolĀ®) [rquote=264393&tid=11912&author=DJF90]Found this whilst browsing online, figured it might be ... |
2-11-2012 at 05:47 by: triplepoint |
post count decreasing Thanks for the info. I had recently posted several spam reports. That explains it. |
1-11-2012 at 04:51 by: triplepoint |
post count decreasing I have noticed that my post counter has been decrementing rather than incrementing over my past few ... |
31-10-2012 at 18:45 by: triplepoint |
hurricane sandy I am in northern NJ. Power has been out since yesterday, some damage to my house. Luckily, no flo ... |
30-10-2012 at 08:08 by: triplepoint |
Pentaerythritol 1000g *SEALED* Perhaps there should be a dedicated thread for equipment/reagants for sale |
28-10-2012 at 07:26 by: triplepoint |
Dental Mercury Amalgam I second (or third, or whatever) the comments saying that one amalgam filling is unlikely to be the ... |
27-10-2012 at 16:37 by: triplepoint |
Tired of reporting spam [rquote=263451&tid=16937&author=hissingnoise]If spammers were ignored completely they'd soon ... |
25-10-2012 at 04:24 by: triplepoint |
Tired of reporting spam [rquote=262983&tid=16937&author=hissingnoise]Polverone is compiling the list as we squeak . ... |
24-10-2012 at 23:21 by: triplepoint |
Seismologists Were Found Guilty of Manslaughter If its an act of God, why doesn't Italy prosecute God? |
23-10-2012 at 20:49 by: triplepoint |
Ball Mill questions There really is a lot of information available. I suggest you try tweaking your search terms a litt ... |
23-10-2012 at 16:06 by: triplepoint |
Sorry for the downtime perhaps a thread like this should be locked after a reasonable time in order to prevent people from ... |
22-10-2012 at 20:16 by: triplepoint |
Distilling HCl I know this sounds obvious and self-evident, but if you do get something bumping and boiling after h ... |
21-10-2012 at 09:04 by: triplepoint |
Resorcinol synthesis [rquote=206675&tid=507&author=smuv]I understand. Either way, you might want to check out th ... |
20-10-2012 at 19:36 by: triplepoint |
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