Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Thank you all so much!

Rogeryermaw - 1-10-2010 at 18:27

i'm not really sure who to address this to but here goes. (feel free to move it or delete it)i don't know if the moderators own this site or just staff it or what. i don't know if it is a collaborative effort or what but that is moot.

i just want to express my sincere thanks for your dedication to this community. i have received much help and wonderful advice here as i know so many others have. you have all taken your own time to give assistance for little or no compensation from us and given us a place to bounce ideas off each other and vent about the daily nonsense that makes our lives difficult as chemists. you keep it going. you make sure it is here for us to use as a resource. you mediate when things get out of hand and i have no idea if anyone has let you know how valuable it has been to all of us.

if i wasn't made poorer (monetarily) by my hobby i would show my gratitude financially, and though words are a crappy second, i give them. thank you. for what it's worth i thank you with everything that is in my chemical filled heart for the great service you have all done for our small community of misfits. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

hissingnoise - 2-10-2010 at 08:29

Are you listening Polverone - you've got a lot to answer for . . .

blogfast25 - 2-10-2010 at 12:47

No worries, we'll send you an itemised bill later... ;-)

madscientist - 2-10-2010 at 13:38

The moderation team has had the task of keeping discussion moving in the right direction, but it's the community - all of you - that truly makes this site what it is (including even the weirdos in Detritus).

Sandmeyer - 2-10-2010 at 14:34

Quote: Originally posted by Rogeryermaw  
if i wasn't made poorer (monetarily) by my hobby i would show my gratitude financially, and though words are a crappy second, i give them. thank you. for what it's worth i thank you with everything that is in my chemical filled heart for the great service you have all done for our small community of misfits. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

Yeah, now give me back my Bud Light... :D

Polverone - 2-10-2010 at 14:40

Thanks for the kind words. You and people like you make this site worth visiting, by trying things and sharing the results. I just keep the hosting bills paid (often with the help of member donations) and the site running. I could not do it without the help of my fellow moderators, who have been volunteering their own unpaid time for years.

peach - 2-10-2010 at 19:18

I was going to ask who actually pays for this and owns it.

Is there a donate button? If not, get one sorted through paypal, that might help with the hosting costs. Alternatively, I run Unbuntu and have the computer on pretty much 24/7, and would donate it's resources and connection. I'm sure one of my fellow nerds will have written some free server software for mirroring.

Roger, the typical way to say thank you at science madness is to provide a naked photo of yourself, covering yourself with some form of scientific apparatus. Like this...

[Edited on 3-10-2010 by peach]

aonomus - 2-10-2010 at 19:26

Oh god my eyes!

I think that the forum is an awesome place because it allows free discussion of ideas without the stigma of peer review ripping you to shreds, or your PI/professors/bosses laughing at you for an 'out there' idea.

Even though we don't do bleeding edge science, we seem collectively to find better ways to do some supposedly simple things. How many attempts at making anhyd. AlCl3 have there been within the last few weeks? Normally I'd just order a bottle from Sigma Aldrich or Alfa Aesar, but the whole thought process behind the production really puts things into perspective (and also into perspective of how much SA can rip you off!).

Rogeryermaw - 2-10-2010 at 20:27

sorry fellas the closest i will come to that is the pic i already posted of myself:

and i bet that they will thank ME for sparing them of any worse!

[Edited on 3-10-2010 by Rogeryermaw]

peach - 3-10-2010 at 23:32

ROCK! ;)

I have an Ibanez, but haven't really played it for any length of time in years. Buying a 100w JCM800 half stack in a densely populated area, with a devout catholic complainer on one side and an 80 year old on the other, was perhaps a mistake.

Until recently, and for a long time before that, if you visited, you'd only get one page, a picture of two middle age women, drunk and kissing on a bed with the words "You know who you are!" written over it.

I tried the Marshall Powerbrake, but it made it sound kind of mushy, the opposite of what I was after.

Interestingly, and annoyingly if you want a valve amp, the human sense of hearing works pretty close to logarithmically in terms of volume. Meaning a ten watt amp is only about half as loud as a 100w stack to human ears, assuming the room is the same size and so on. Which is why it's tricky to tell the difference between a circular saw, jet engine and bomb. They're all just 'loud'.

It's close to logarithmic, but not perfectly so. If you buy pots for your guitar or amp, they come as linear, logs and audio logs. As the name implies, it's the latter that's good for volume controls.

If you're using an amp from the 80's or earlier and it's kind of mushy or humming a bit too much, swap the big electrolytics in the power supply for some new ones. Works great.

[Edited on 4-10-2010 by peach]

dann2 - 6-10-2010 at 04:31

Hey Peach,

That must be a real piss-off not being able to play your 'half stack'.
Why don't you cure the problem by burning down their trailers :D


[Edited on 6-10-2010 by dann2]

peach - 6-10-2010 at 08:09

Unfortunately, the houses round here are all cemented to their partners, and built from solid, fired clay bricks, two layers thick. Making movement difficult.

It was something of a kick in the balls that, after I sold the amp and went to uni, the woman moved out as well.

Bowdlerize - 29-6-2011 at 05:09

Hi all, I just want to thank all the mods and contributors of this great site. With a special thanks to quicksilver for the recent work cleaning up Energetic Materials.

I don't mean to play favourites I just spent most of my time there. :D

quicksilver - 4-7-2011 at 08:54

Quote: Originally posted by Bowdlerize  
Hi all, I just want to thank all the mods and contributors of this great site. With a special thanks to quicksilver for the recent work cleaning up Energetic Materials.

I don't mean to play favourites I just spent most of my time there. :D

Thank you. I honestly appreciate that.

I tried to make it comfortable having folks PM me rather than start new threads as a mechanism to slow (or stop) repetitive posting or inappropriate queries. But unfortunately I don't get too many messages other than from people who I've known for some time; & then the discussion(s) very rarely delve into Topic issues.

I would much rather have a one to one discussion than have to delete material, etc.
One of the most difficult things about written communication is (obviously) you can't see the person's face or inflection in their voice. "Smiles" or "Emoticons" simply don't get it as a way of imparting the undercurrent of communication.
This has always been a challenge in written communication.