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I've deleted about three over the past week. So yes, I have the p0w4h! 
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The spamming signups have been very strong the last couple of days! In addition to the usual porn and gambling sites, there's one site
that's registering repeatedly to promote plain-text reviews of video games. If harm were to befall this site ( it would bring me satisfaction.
Does anyone have an idea of how much bandwidth costs in bulk, and therefore how much (say) an automated script that repeatedly sucks down a spamming
porn site might eventually cost said site?
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Quote: |
Does anyone have an idea of how much bandwidth costs in bulk, and therefore how much (say) an automated script that repeatedly sucks down a spamming
porn site might eventually cost said site?
Not really, but I volunteer to DDOS the site since I have a flat rate, and perhaps even to write the download script.
I know one price though: I know the the look in the site owner's face when he sees the bill: Priceless.
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Admins check out this user: coriho1sa
He's a new member. Well check out his homepage . He seems another of those
automated subscriptions from porn-sites.
[Edited on 6-6-2004 by Esplosivo]
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He wasn't the only one. Deleted three users.
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I have my suspicion about these users, they all have similar porn sites for their homapage I agree with the earlier statement that URLs should maybe need approval from a mod, although as the bots never log in, I'm not too
sure if it would work.
[Edited on 5-7-2004 by Reverend Necroticus Rex]
We seem to be getting many bogus users from the site and affiliates/subsections thereof, of all the bogus users I have noticed,
100% of them are coming from here, would it be possible to filter the string "teen-hard-porno" or something like in the users sites in the
profiles so as to dissallow this site from clogging up the board?
[Edited on 7-7-2004 by Reverend Necroticus Rex]
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Hi all.
I could mod the page so that there was a simple extra code to enter that would have to be entered to get the registration to work. Something simple,
like "To register, enter the answer to the following sum. 4+3=" and have the answer checked against whatever random number was added to 4.
It would keep some of the Kewls out too, I guess.
I would need to be sent a copy of the registration page, as well as the new user creation script, both of which are going to be .php files.
/talk/member.php seems to be the one, actually.
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And this would be the perfect cloak for a hacker to get his way into MSDB....
Certainly if this is your only post...
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PHP code isn't that hard to read, you just have to look or ask to someone who can code in PHP (if i can, surely some admin too) to detect fail
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Type in the number you see
Blind Angel, you referred to the method that keeps out automatic
registration. I think it's a good idea if it can be implemented. It's bad
enough that my e-mail gets flooded with a rash of these damn things
along with the scams and other crap spam that no one cares about !
Now they want access to all forums ?
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I stand by my offer. I'm trustworthy. It would be a simple matter to tweak a few lines, but as for stealing passwords, well, I could put a
mailto: into the code and trap any new registrations, sending them to somewhere else, but why would I bother?
Besides, all you do is a comparison of the before and after versions. Anything I changed would be really obvious, but I would comment it properly,
and, since it's a trivial change and PHP is easy to read, I would be wasting my time to "try" anything.
Is this just because I never got banned from RS, unlike some people?
Edit: Actually, it's quite complex, this one. I can't find the exact place that generates the actual HTML output part, as it is built up
from so many places. I've got the testing of the answer done, and the "error bounce" too. I just can't quite work out where to get
the HTML inserted to ask the question!
I d/l'd the BB last night and it's installed on my laptop now, under Apache and MySQL.
[Edited on 4-8-2004 by JC]
Chemleo, well, Vulture seems very harsh, since I offered free help. He seems very upset that he got banned from RS, but it isn't anything to do
with me. I objected to a few bans, then NBK2000 said that if I mentioned it again, I would be banned too. At that point, I left it alone.
As for quiz questions, well, I could ask anything - what are the suggestions? I would rather only have one or two smple questions, though - none of
this "name this with DEAC Rules - W3F5OH3CH" stuff! 
[Edited on 4-8-2004 by JC]
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Well, you can download the forum software from xmb, do the modifications as you deem necessary, and then send it to Polverone.
It's then up to him whether to implement it or not, and to decide whether the code is safe or not.
But why bother? In my opinion the abuse of member registrations is not a problem enough to require immediate attention. Most members are still
And the spam I get... well it's my spam account anyway. A few more or less won't make a difference 
>Is this just because I never got banned from RS, unlike some people?
I don't see the relevance. Surely little snides like that are not helpful to the discussion.. are they?
[Edited on 3-8-2004 by chemoleo]
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I like the idea of a quiz like JC suggested. If I could put in my two pence, how about a chemistry related quiz, such as: "what is the name of
this functional group ...". That would stop bot-registrations I guess, and also stop people who would register only to let us all in on a few
secrets on making black powdar (sic).
- D
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Mission completed
Right, the edit is done.
I eventually sussed it out, the templates are actually stored in the database.
Right, here goes:
In "member.php" you want to insert the following code, on line 239 (after the bit about the username):
Code: |
// JC edit to stop bot registrations
// Added few lines to registration page (in database, Table xmb_templates, id= 87) to ask what is 3 + 4)
if($botcheck != '7') { // If not '7' then tell them they got the password test wrong
$message = "< b>$lang_error:< /b> ".$lang_pwnomatch."";
eval("$header = "".template("header")."";");
eval("$error = "".template("error")."";");
eval("$footer = "".template("footer")."";");
echo $header;
echo $error;
echo $footer;
// End of JC edit
and then in the db, go to your forum database, and table xmb_templates. Select row 87, with name = member_reg (The name is important, rather than the
Hit edit, and scroll down to the line above $pwtd, then insert the following:
Code: |
< !-- JC edit start -->
< !-- bot jammer -->
< tr>
< td bgcolor="$altbg1" width="22%" class="tablerow" >Bot jammer - What is 3 + 4?< /td>
< td bgcolor="$altbg2" class="tablerow">< input type="text" name="botcheck" size="2" maxlength="2" />< /td>
< /tr>
< !-- JC edit end -->
| is the new entry.
Copy both sections into your editor of choice, and remove the spaces after every < or the code will not run (it was the only way to get it to
display right here - I think the XMB code has a bug in the [ code] implementation) then it will work.
Obviously you can change the question to whatever you like, as long as the answer is 7. If you want to change that, the
if($botcheck != '7') {
bit should have the 7 changed to whatever. (Put it in single quotes for safety)
[Edited on 4-8-2004 by JC]
[Edited on 4-8-2004 by JC]
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Quote: |
Chemleo, well, Vulture seems very harsh, since I offered free help. He seems very upset that he got banned from RS, but it isn't anything to do
with me. I objected to a few bans, then NBK2000 said that if I mentioned it again, I would be banned too. At that point, I left it alone.
Getting personal are we? First of all, I don't know any E&W member called JC, furthermore if I did, there are many other people here that
aren't banned from RS and I don't throw vicious comments at them everyday like you just did.
Take a look at my post count at RS, then take a look why I was banned. Then kindly STFU before you say something that you might regret.
You really seem thrustworthy to me now, yes...*rolleyes* certainly because your loyalty to RS.
[Edited on 4-8-2004 by vulture]
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No, just saying what I see.
Rightly or wrongly, you got banned. A hell of a lot of people did, many for no obvious reason. If it ever comes back, I might find myself not welcome
there for saying this, on this board.
I nearly got banned when I suggested that if NBK disliked a certain thread about the issues that America seems to have with itself and others, he
should just skip reading that thread. He didn't appreciate it.
I feel this place is a little more enlightened when it comes to people talking freely, in some ways.
I have seen your post count, and I am not trying to offend anyone.
I offered a little help with modding the board, which took me a few hours last night trying to get to grips with, and half an hour today when I
realised what I had missed at 1am. I have offered my help in the most transparent way I can, that of clearly visible public review. Anyone who can
read code can tell what the two small changes I made do, and that they are not harmful.
Besides, why would I want to fight a Belgian? I used to date a very pretty Belgian girl, and once took a *great* roadtrip there.
I only registered on this site after RS bought the farm, but I had visited a few times before. Regardless, I am not one to pick fights. Please accept
my apologies. I perhaps ascribed incorrect motives to your response to my original post. Sorry.
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Don't be unjust, JC. Vulture is not upset about being banned from Roguesci. From ALL the people who got banned from there, he is one of the few
who accepted it without getting upset.
[Edited on 4/8/2004 by Sarevok]
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That's why I apologise.
I realise that I ascribed the wrong motives to his comment about how I was untrustworthy.
I feel that is still unfair - I am unproven, not untrustworthy. I feel the difference is important.
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Ok, ok let's forget this little incident and carry on.
If the code works, fine. It's just that there are so many possible exploits for PHP code that I'm always a bit paranoid about such things.
Also, we once got hacked by a PHP (although remote) exploit. I like to err on the safe side.
It's just that a new poster to the board directly offering such help is usually too good to be true.
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Ok, cool.
To go through the code really carefully:
The conditional statement if($botcheck != '7' {
simply means that if the variable $botcheck is not equal to 7, run the code between the { } brackets.
The ' (single quotes) are to ensure nothing "clever" gets sent in and evaluated, should anyone hack the page.
The actual code between the curly braces is actually the password comparison code from just next to it in the script.
For the next part, that's just normal HTML. The < tr>< td> is a new table cell, and
< input type="text" name="botcheck" size="2" maxlength="2" />
is just the usual HTML for a new input cell. It's limited to a maximum length of 2 characters, in a length 2 box.
The < /td>< /tr> is just closing off the HTML.
For the record, the code for this board omits one important thing in the input sections checking code, which is rather dangerous, and on a
mis-configured server could allow arbitary code to be executed. Of course, it would also allow me to get my proper username, since the single quote
isn't allowed, but now I can, except my email address is bound to the username...
Who should I email/u2u about it?
Also, there is a slight oddity, in that I simply added the new variable, and didn't have to tweak any declarations. I'm not sure whether
that's a problem or not. I can see that some variables are passed via the URL string, and so, now, someone looking at this bit of code could
perhaps use that variable name to attack the system.
Of course, just tweak both the variables so they are the same, but new and hidden from everywhere else. 
The code is freely available, as pointed out above, of course!
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Woo Woo!
Looks we got a 'maturehousewife' looking for some sweet chem action. Get her while she's still here!.
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Vulture, check out the latest guest - freepasswords. Seems to be another with those pretty websites.
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freepasswords, xxxxxx69, xxxfree, nfsof4r, rreettt, bbw_lucker and nylonfeet have been deleted.
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EDIT: Deleted
[Edited on 2004-9-20 by axehandle]
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I've come to the conclusion that it is really not necessary to tell the moderators when an automated service puts up a sex site. They all check
though the list periodically and delete them without me adding to this thread.
And axe, wouldn't posting their web address in this thread serve the same purpose as them making their own profile, you know, by increasing the
number of pages the adress is on and therefore increasing their google ranking?
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