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Author: Subject: air-dry modelling PVC-based (intelligent) clay
National Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-10-2021 at 09:25
air-dry modelling PVC-based (intelligent) clay

I'm working on my thesis, and my primary objective is to make air-dry modelling PVC-based clay. I tried mixing different fillers. I tried to make polymer clay by mixing 15% solution of PVC to different plasticizers such as phthalates and fillers like borax, but all I got was standard oven-baking clay. Does anyone know what should I use as plasticizer and filler in order to get malleable air-dry clay?

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[*] posted on 22-10-2021 at 11:53

Salt-Flour clay is air dry and available as playdoh.
Some air dry clay can be made PVA based with a filler (flour) and boric acid not PVC based.
While oven dry polymer clays contain PVC/DINP and some additional agents.
Then there are oil based clays which are modified clay that has water replaced with oil. These are used extensively in drilling.

The first step would be determining the composition of popular existing clays. Playdoh, Sculpey, Fimo, AMACO, etc
The polymer clays seem to be oil based, possible with a drying oil like linseed oil or another drying oil or maybe it is a thermoset liquid resin so they harden when baked.

You should be able to make an air dry polymer clay by making PVC/DINP the filler. Flour traps moisture which the PVC/DINP will not. And I am pretty sure the Sculpey contains some kind of oil as opposed to water but it could be some other liquid resin. Given that most of the air dry and polymer clays are non-toxic, that limits the possibilities for components.

I know there are existing air dry modelling clays. You should analyze one of those as well.

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National Hazard

Posts: 661
Registered: 22-3-2019
Location: Georgia
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[*] posted on 22-10-2021 at 21:24

thank you macckone!

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