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Author: Subject: A list of delayed-acting poison
White Yeti
National Hazard

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[*] posted on 20-11-2011 at 09:04

Quote: Originally posted by shivas  

Then other substances such as methanol shouldn't be considered toxic also, since its toxicity comes from our body's action on it, which oxidizes it into the both harmful formaldehyde and formic acid, but methanol itself isn't poinsonous.

In that case, there are tons of other substances that could be eliminated from that list. Ethylene glycol for one, wouldn't be a poison either. The body metabolises it into oxalic acid, which is toxic. Many poisons (especially the ones that are slow acting) are toxic because of what the body does with them. Many slow acting poisons are slow acting because they get metabolised into harmful intermediates before excretion.

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