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so far as I know the Senate has not passed it and it still faces a veto from the President. Not that I in anyway support the bill but we still have a
little bit of hope on that matter.
Rosco Bodine
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It is pretty abysmal that the lamestream media has all for the most part become propaganda ministries which filter and selectively report and spin the
news with outright lies and with lies by omission as has become so plainly evident is the practice now. Fortunately the web has not yet succumbed to
the censors and propagandists who seem to control completely the major media. The web and talk radio and a few print publications are about all that
is left of honest journalism while the rest have gone the way of the old pravda in cold war era.
For example ...a huge news event took place in the last couple of days but went virtualy unreported in the bulk of mainstream media in the U.S. simply
because it does not fit the political correctness propaganda narrative which is the policy and practice of the media propaganda conglomerate which we
Americans now laughingly call the "Obama Media Group" or "leftstream media" or "lamestream media" and here's the story that went ignored
An absolutely unprecedented religious liberty First Amendment violation lawsuit was filed Monday by 43 Catholic dioceses against the Obama
administration for reason of religious liberty violations inherent to incorrect definition by the Obamacare legislation of what constitutes a
religious institution for purposes of application of rules made effective by the Obamacare law. The Catholic church is running television
advertisemants openly calling for Christians to see to it by their voting that Obama is defeated and not reelected in the November elections.
(unconfirmed) This is an unprecedented and historic event and yet it has been ignored by the major news media as if it had no special significance.
Bascially the significance is that adversely affected by Obamacare are 200 universities, 600 hospitals, and 1400 nursing homes who say not just no but
hell no to Obamacare and threaten to close and lock the doors to those institutions over a religious liberty issue on which there is no compromise
possible. That is a huge story and basically it is a showdown between the Catholic church and the government ....where the government absolutely will
lose. It is long overdue that the government be reigned in and put back on the reservation where it belongs and where the fence is the constitution
which it has been ignoring too long in so many ways. If Obama doesn't believe the church can get that job done ...he is insane because they can and
will get exactly that job done with a thoroughness that will be decisive. There is a 100% zero chance the government or Obama can prevail in their
unconstitutional and plainly Marxist ambitions regardless of what the Supreme Court may say to the contrary about what it "rules" to be its own
secular "interpretation of the constitution". To put it bluntly the "culture war" is about to have a reckoning which may not even wait until November
but it absolutely will be over then. People have had enough of this crap from all branches of government brazenly ignoring the constitution. It has
been a long time coming that it stop and reverse course. The plague on Americas house is not the church. It is the cure not the disease. A total of
12 separate lawsuits were filed collectively by 43 institutions including Notre Dame University.
AP wire
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[Edited on 24-5-2012 by Rosco Bodine]
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Im thinking there are not enough truly intelligent government agents who could actually keep up with this conversation. That being said I fail to see
how any government orginization or group of orginizations could sift through all the data, understand what they are reading, and have prosecutors that
could make an intelligent argument that would be convincing enough for convictions. To do so would require astronomical amounts of money, and so many
people that it would drain the economy and without all these intelligent people working to ensure our survival as a species we would be prosecuting
ourselves out of existence. I think the real reason for all the gathering of information is not to enslave/incarcerate the population but to give the
government a tool to destroy any individual or group that opposes them. Our government fears us (and rightly so) because they know there are people
out there that can see through their propoganda and who can identify them for what they really are and/or what they are really after. So I believe
most of their efforts are to produce fear to keep the population in check. The idea they are planning to incarcerate a large percentage of the
population is based on fear, as to do so would be counter-productive if not impossible.
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Catholic Church vs.US Govt.
Maybe this is what we have been waiting for. Many people in this country(USA) are fed up and want their Constitutional rights restored without being
re-defined or watered down. With the two partys that have been running this country for so long we have nobody else to vote for and they make it
harder and harder to vote. So we end up with low voter turnout and newer political parties have little chance of getting on the ballot. A very
frustrating situation for American citizens. The pressure is building and its only a matter of time before it becomes too much to bear. How about a
"Hundred million man march" on Washington DC?
Rosco Bodine
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A hundred million with a few million extra to spare would probably be true there.
What seems so incredible is the sheer arrogance of those in government who incorrectly think and incorrectly assert by their actions that there simply
are no constitutional prohibitions applicable to the excessive excercise of authority by government. A reality check on that score is definitely in
the works, and not only concerning obummercare but concerning a few other "transformative change" kind of rules, laws, orders, policies and practices
across a spectrum of areas which plainly trample the constitutional prohibitions which are the supreme law of the land and nullify any legitimacy for
such misconduct by government. Enough is enough already is exactly what people have been saying for a long time, and I think saying it loud and clear,
but not really "communicating" to a deaf dumb and blind audience in government. So maybe this is like the situation where a man is trying to talk to
a mule but first needs to smack the mule upside the head with a 2 by 4 just to get its full attention and make sure it is listening. You have to
believe that when things like this lawsuit are going on. This is where obummer gets taught how to say yes mam mother superior Barry is going to be a
good boy from now on and he promises not to misbehave anymore in class
S.C. Wack
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There are things we know, and things we don't know; the Washington Post says "they" want to make it all things we don't know -
Intelligence committees vow to stop leaks of secrets
By Greg Miller, Updated: Wednesday, June 6, 5:21 PM
The House and Senate intelligence committees announced plans Wednesday to draft new laws against leaks of classified information, adding to an uproar
on Capitol Hill over a series of recent stories that revealed details of terrorism threats and CIA programs.
BTW if I may ramble on/off too, Rosco used the word nullify innocently enough, but, is jury nullification an option when such laws are used? The Just
Us Dept. tried to set a slippery-slope precedent on prosecuting people who might say to someone that no, you don't have to convict despite the
oft-repeated lies from the judge saying that you do, just last year. Defendant: pot-smoking chemist.
Julian P. Heicklen, a 79-year-old retired chemistry professor, has often stood on a plaza outside the United States Courthouse in Manhattan,
holding a “Jury Info” sign and handing out brochures that advocate jury nullification, the controversial view that if jurors disagree with a law,
they may ignore their oaths to follow it and may acquit a defendant who violated it.
In a hearing last month, a prosecutor called Mr. Heicklen’s advocacy “a significant and important threat to our judicial system.”
They should have chosen a different defendant/District to test this, and they may do so in the future.
"Judge Wood made it clear that the indictment could be dismissed merely on a reading of the plain language of the statute"
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Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine | It is pretty abysmal that the lamestream media has all for the most part become propaganda ministries which filter and selectively report and spin the
news with outright lies and with lies by omission as has become so plainly evident is the practice now.
This is not really anything new, although it seems to have become worse over the years.
"...the political manipulation of the masses represents nothing but the final result of an incredibly tenacious and thorough manipulation of their
mind and soul. ... At first I could not help but be amazed at how short a time it took this great evil [the media] power within the state to create
certain opinion even where it meant totally falsifying profund desires and views which surely existed among the public. In a few days a ridiculous
episode had become a significant state action, while, conversely, at the same time, vital problems fell a prey to public oblivion, or rather were
simply snatched out from the memory and consciousness of the masses."
—Adolf Hitler, (in Mein Kampf)
"...logic is not independent of content..."
—Max Horkheimer, philosopher of cultural Marxism (on shaping public attitudes through the media)
Quote: Originally posted by Rosco Bodine |
Fortunately the web has not yet succumbed to the censors and propagandists who seem to control completely the major media. The web and talk radio and
a few print publications are about all that is left of honest journalism while the rest have gone the way of the old pravda in cold war era.
So true, I completely agree.
Hazard to Others
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Holy crap! They could just be like "Surprise computer grab" and rip out the
RAM and gather all of the information! Can they track down IP addresses even if you connect to different network connections sometimes? I hope they don't do that to me though, I'm just "that lonely loser" with no power
or influence. I'm just a voice that floats around the internet and is rarely heard. Stop CISPA!
White Yeti
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There is a silver lining to all this. I guess the fact that this project is publicised will also make it a potential target. Privacy infringement goes
both ways
They know where you sleep and you know where they watch you from. That will only continue for as long as the internet and the press are not censored
too heavily, but I think it's already being done and legislation is only one step behind.
"Ja, Kalzium, das ist alles!" -Otto Loewi
Hazard to Others
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Oh no!
International Hazard
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" all those antivirus programs you have on your computer to "make it safe" from
backdoors and trojans ? Guess what - they are the backdoors and trojans ! "
" According to news reports , ' Endgame ' is developing ways to break into
Internet connected devices through chinks in their antivirus armor."
" Endgame also offers its intelligence clients—agencies like Cyber Command ,
the NSA , the CIA , and British intelligence—a unique map showing them exactly
where their targets are located. Dubbed Bonesaw, the map displays the
geolocation and digital address of basically every device connected to the
Internet around the world "
" the client types in the name of the target organization , such as the Ministry
of Public Security’s No. 3 Research Institute , which is responsible for computer
security—or simply enters its address , 6 Zhengyi Road. The map will then display
what software is running on the computers inside the facility , what types of
malware some may contain , and a menu of custom designed exploits that can
be used to secretly gain entry.
Full story here _
If you are not part of the solution you are par tof the problem _,249.h...
If you haven't learned anything by now , don't trust anything watson.fawkes says
Quote: Originally posted by watson.fawkes | Quote: Originally posted by IrC | Very high up agencies in the government have equipment which can read your entire hard drive down the AC power line. Don't ask me how I am sure it is
very high tech gear but I assure you they can do it. [...] Believe me this technology is real and they already use it. | Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. It's wasting my breath to ask for a citation, but for the benefit of
everyone else, I'll point out this is utterly unsubstantiated.
I've seen some paranoia here before, but this one tops them all. Unfortunately, that's quite saying something. |
My subsequent rebuttal _
" 5th column " - conspirators who undermine a larger group from within ,
with sabotage and disinformation. That there is concerted steering of the
dialog presented in Sciencemadness is plain to see. Just note who they
are , move on , and don't get baited into a fruitless argument intended
to make you weary. It's all just tactics.
[Edited on 23-6-2013 by franklyn]
International Hazard
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Rebuttal? Hardly. Straw men, irrelevant link spam, semi-paranoid assumptions about
firmware compromise by manufacturers. In other words, the usual.
I won't grant that you can recognize a rebuttal, but I will at least grant you that you can recognize your own butt. At least for now. Warning: Do not
confuse them.
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Too feed into your paranoia - List of programs to perhaps avoid being spied on by proprietary software and government agencies.
International Hazard
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Alarm at what is actual is not paranoia which is imaginary persecution.
The unanswered question is what is it that prompts the actual paranoia
in government to know all about everyone , when your chances of being
killed by an act of terrorism is as remote as being struck by lightning twice
in your lifetime , assuming you survive the first time. That private business
collects and can make it available to other private parties should really rile
anyone who would protest being stalked in other circumstances. There
are bad people in all walks of life which is the reason to have oversight.
People who say what's the problem are clueless as a five year old.
I'll trust you only when you can't see my cards at the poker table.
P.S. the only way to keep from being spyed on is to use the U.S. mail
or a dead drop or other tradecraft like sendng encrypted items separated
into a few parts , which makes it not just difficult but impossible to crack
unless you posses all the parts and know they go together.
[Edited on 27-6-2013 by franklyn]
National Hazard
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A suspicious government is a weak government. One cannot travel to the US without having their fingerprints taken! How the rest of the world treats
it's criminals is how the US treats it's visitors. Any country which has a civil war so recently in its past will always be suspicious of itself,
until it matures as a country and as a people.
[Edited on 26-6-2013 by sonogashira]
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One Noose fits all
It seems I should bite my tongue , and be careful what I wish for.
Lower paragraph here _
International Hazard
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This 20-person business offers what none of the big search engines do ,
zero tracking. It doesn't use cookies or store data about its users'
IP addresses , doesn't offer user logins , and uses an encrypted connection
by default. (Google provides an encrypted connection for logged-in users ,
but not automatically for non-logged in users.) If the NSA demanded data
from DuckDuckGo , there will be none to hand over.
Another good reason to chuck Google , Yahoo , search _
Bet you didn't realize
Having your data passed around can also lead you to be charged more
for an item , if your browsing history shows you visit high-end sites ,
some sites will increase prices. ( That's why plane fares can drop if you
delete the "cookie" files in your browser.)
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<strong>franklyn</strong>, the NSA monitors and decrypts all internet traffic regardless of what search engine you're using. This is
irrelevant. Why do you insist on constantly spamming nonsense in large colored fonts? And the links you provide often don't even support your wild
Hazard to Others
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I'm sorry; I just can't resist any longer.
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With all the bullshit <strong>franklyn</strong> and <strong>Rosco Bodine</strong> have been posting, it completely slipped my
mind to link to the obligatory Wikipedia article on the <a href="" target="_blank">Utah Data
Center</a> <img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" />.
[Edited on 7/11/13 by bfesser]
International Hazard
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Relevent news _
or get it here _ Attachment: NSA-Black-Paper.pdf (954kB) This file has been downloaded 938 times
For the myopic who missed it before _
[Edited on 12-7-2013 by franklyn]
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o.k. this is already a big thread but i want to know if anybody here has gotten busted ordering chemicals already.we know our gun rights are always
threatened,we know shit always coincide together when bills are difficult to pass.immigration reform(gun control),medical care(gun
control)littering(gun control) which by the way we were told at work that we are all buying insurance or the IRS will be pissed.. it's scary because
republicans from boston mass. act like democrats from texas and vise versa and i think big brother is the one warning people of big brother.honestly
besides the obvious creepy feeling we all have is there proof among us?i personally i have just kept quiet because i've been kidding myself that i
will eventually get that knack of things and be one of the exploiters/pervert anti-christ voyeurs. if i get busted i will scream it so loud everywhere
i go unless of course big brother tells me not to.
[Edited on 7-12-2013 by cyanureeves]
Thread Split 12-7-2013 at 08:04 |
International Hazard
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Precedence for this round about see first paragraph here _
Thread Split 12-7-2013 at 15:17 |
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They will soon be able to, and then even public key encryption will not offer protection.
A technology company called D-Wave Systems, in Burnaby, British Columbia, recently manufactured a quantum computer for Google. Although this custom
quantum computer is just a prototype, containing only 512 qubits, interfaced with a conventional computer its potential usefulness has already
It would take a quantum encryption system, and a huge bandwidth of encryption code, to be able to counter this. This might not be completely
unfeasible for computer users in the future, with fiber optic cables and cloud computing to a host organization's quantum computer processor. But then
again, the unencrypted data could be intercepted before it became encrypted.
I would not be surprised if the NSA has already developed an advanced quantum computer in secret and is using this in its new facility.
[Edited on 12-7-2013 by AndersHoveland]
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Quote: Originally posted by AndersHoveland | I would not be surprised if the NSA has already developed an advanced
quantum computer in secret and is using this in its new facility. |
This is very true. Intelligence gathering has the highest priority in funding of
projects earmarked by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ,
DARPA. Reconnaissance satellites most notably. Since money is no object ,
technology is developed that is 10 -15 years in advance of anything in the
public realm. Later , advanced technology becomes subject to export
controls and distribution will remain limited to approved users. If the more
prosaic electronic test equipment from Tectronix and Agilent are indicative
don't expect quantum processors to be common before 20 - 25 years
from now , barring unusual developments. Even then expect these to have
limitations built in to prevent undesired application , similar to ' locking '
conventional microprocessors so that they cannot be overclocked to run
faster , and built in circuits enabling or disabling functions according to
permissions obtained for it. Tamper resistance causing failure of the whole
processor or just selected functions also will interrupt unapproved uses.
Another article on the D-wave _
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