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Profile for BromicAcid
Username BromicAcid
Registered: 13-7-2003 (0.42 messages per day)
Posts: 3242 (0.59% of total posts)
Avatar & Member Status:
International Hazard

Last active: 10-11-2024 at 18:57

Other Information
Location: Wisconsin
Birthday: None
Bio: I started out on this forum shortly after I started college. At that point I had already been doing chemistry at home for several years. Most of my work was done in vacuum, but eventually I started to spread out. A few of those early attempts were in newsgroup sci.chem but one day I saw someone mention Sciencemadness in a post.

After I found my way here, I was hooked. I have never been a part of another chemistry forum, there was no need. Starting out unsteadily I built my reputation by having the university library at my disposal and gophering up anything useful I could on the most popular topic at the time. And of course getting out there and experimenting whenever I could. By the time I left college I not only had my BS degree in Chemistry but a whole different level of education thanks to Sciencemadness.

Since that time over a decade ago I have held many positions in various companies. I don't do chemistry at home any more, but when I get the chance I like to drop in and see how things are going around here.
Current Mood: Rock n' Roll
Forum most active in: Chemistry in General (769 Posts) [23.7% of total posts]
Last Post: I bought a lab glassware lot and id like Thoughts on the condensers that are jacketed over the female joint portion (5-11-2024 at 19:22)

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