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29-1-2016 at 16:37
by: Polverone
"Forgot password" recovery email not being sent(gmail)
Why I'm not fixing our outgoing mail system, and why it takes increasing effort for any independent ...
29-1-2016 at 16:30
by: Polverone
Windows XP use
[rquote=435922&tid=65093&author=Pinkhippo11]Hooray! Does this mean no more security warnings ...
20-1-2016 at 10:24
by: Polverone
Windows XP use
I am planning on using <a href="">Let's Encrypt</a> instead of a ...
19-1-2016 at 19:11
by: Polverone
ScienceMadness: the Next Generation?
Forum threads are not the best format for long-term collaboration and polishing material.

I think ...
19-1-2016 at 19:04
by: Polverone
No, it is not Nascent Hydrogen
That nascent hydrogen article you cite from is actually an uncr ...
14-1-2016 at 11:04
by: Polverone
Books for the beginner books (or how to brush up on old studies one has forgotten)
I didn't check every single link, but it looks like IUPAC publishes free-but-watermarked PDFs of the ...
6-1-2016 at 17:45
by: Polverone
Politics, religion, flame wars and the "Whimsy" sub forum-
I should add: if you haven't seen Rosco Bodine contribute positively to this forum, you must not rea ...
4-1-2016 at 22:21
by: Polverone
Politics, religion, flame wars and the "Whimsy" sub forum-
It's hard to believe that I wrote that injunction against politics nearly 9 years ago and we're stil ...
4-1-2016 at 18:59
by: Polverone
Can I change my username?
I can rename your existing account. Send a U2U with your new name.
15-12-2015 at 13:47
by: Polverone
Let's Encrypt
I have been planning to use Let's Encrypt since I first heard about it. I will set it up after it's ...
8-11-2015 at 12:37
by: Polverone
apologies owed; knuckled down
It's nice to see you back.
27-10-2015 at 19:05
by: Polverone
Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
A few updates: even with 128 GB of RAM, there are a number of calculations that won't run until the ...
27-10-2015 at 19:03
by: Polverone
Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
Yes, you will need port forwarding set up. Put a long password on the account if you're going to run ...
23-10-2015 at 15:31
by: Polverone
Homemade Birkeland-Eyde reactor?
[rquote=423948&tid=64046&author=WGTR]My hobbies and work tend to overlap. The majority of m ...
22-10-2015 at 14:59
by: Polverone
Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
Any further progress with the SunFire? I am excited at the prospect of trying it for these calculati ...
22-10-2015 at 08:40
by: Polverone
Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
128 GB of RAM you say? I would be [b]very[/b] interested if you could give me a ssh login for one of ...
20-10-2015 at 15:13
by: Polverone
Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
Yes, Ubuntu 14.04 should be fine. That's what I compiled NWChem under most recently.
20-10-2015 at 13:00
by: Polverone
Q about rate constant and thermodynamic kinetic problem w/o experimental data
The Green research group at MIT is working on models for similar problems: ...
16-10-2015 at 10:03
by: Polverone
"Forgot password" recovery email not being sent(gmail)
Many mail providers block sciencemadness at a high level since our mailing account was temporarily t ...
14-10-2015 at 15:38
by: Polverone
Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
No, the Python code's memory/CPU footprint barely registers. It's just used to provide high level ca ...
9-10-2015 at 13:43
by: Polverone
Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
<i>How much hard drive space is needed ?</i>

Ah, I didn't answer this before. You nee ...
9-10-2015 at 13:32
by: Polverone
Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
Here's how I build NWChem on my Ubuntu machine.

I have <a href=" ...
9-10-2015 at 12:09
by: Polverone
Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
Great! Are you willing to participate? If so, make sure that you can build the NWChem 6.6 beta inclu ...
9-10-2015 at 11:47
by: Polverone
Anyone have a Linux or OS X machine w/32 GB RAM?
Yes, that machine looks OK. I've received a private response from a member with access to an academi ...
9-10-2015 at 11:03
by: Polverone
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