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my article + my future
^ I published that last year, ... |
17-8-2019 at 23:02 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Detonation nanodiamonds [rquote=603229&tid=145163&author=Iron Madara]!
carbon powder is not necessary as any oxygen ... |
22-2-2019 at 16:23 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Detonation nanodiamonds So nanodiamonds is widely known to form after detonations,
This may be a already tested or asked ... |
20-2-2019 at 19:48 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Robot arm manipulation - for risk aversion with energetic materials But on the other hand, one shouldn't be synthesizing any amount that is enough to blast your fingers ... |
8-1-2019 at 19:20 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Robot arm manipulation - for risk aversion with energetic materials Good ideas, something like a robotic arm that is remote controlled for synthesis is something i envi ... |
8-1-2019 at 18:12 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Guess the energetic material! right, bright orange, thats what i thought, that color looked a bit more dark so it threw me off my ... |
22-11-2018 at 22:18 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Guess the energetic material! is FOX-7 usually orange? that threw me off. |
22-11-2018 at 19:38 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Guess the energetic material! Hmm... "obscure energetic" any hints? say 1 of the starting chemicals haha |
22-11-2018 at 16:32 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Guess the energetic material! It does look like fox-7, Hmm... "obscure energetic" any hints? say 1 of the starting chemicals haha
... |
22-11-2018 at 16:32 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Guess the energetic material! A Tetrazole salt? |
22-11-2018 at 15:53 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Hydrazinium Pentazolate is claimed to have a Detonation Velocity of 10,400m/s. Many promising stuff was just published here.
The VOD might be slightly too exaggerated though, t ... |
18-11-2018 at 10:14 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Exotic solid rocket propellants You can completely replace AP potentially.
First using a perchlorate-free energetic oxdizier (eg. ... |
6-11-2018 at 14:30 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
temperature dependent color change of a solution? Sulaiman, theyre not in solutions though? do they still behave the same in a solution ?
7-10-2018 at 14:37 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
temperature dependent color change of a solution? Anyone aware of color change of solutions where the color change starts at around a temperature of 4 ... |
6-10-2018 at 18:58 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
crystal structure prediction of organic chemicals bumping because the spams have reduced the visibility of this post. |
1-10-2018 at 19:41 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
crystal structure prediction of organic chemicals Let me know if anyone is interested in this, and potentially collaborating in doing some theoretical ... |
1-10-2018 at 09:02 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
New pentazole paper : Review
A new review paper on pentazoles ... |
27-9-2018 at 23:15 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Thermocalculations in Energetic Materials So recently after a lot of effort to do computational chemistry for energetic materials, I can help ... |
24-9-2018 at 22:20 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Measuring the pressure of an explosion an actual detonation will probably shatter a "combustion chamber", also what you're talking about is ... |
21-9-2018 at 14:56 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Doable synthesis of F2 in amateur setting? although its do-able, sounds like an extremely low yield procedure |
29-8-2018 at 10:27 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Doable synthesis of F2 in amateur setting? What process do you rip of fluorines off these flourocarbons?
If we use electrodes, would the F2 ... |
27-8-2018 at 15:41 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Gaussian 09 weird errors hey metacelsus do you have skype or discord? |
21-8-2018 at 16:42 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Thermocalculations in Energetic Materials red, yes, it seems on B3LYP that the eZPE is already corrected, for some reason.
edit, otherwise, ... |
21-8-2018 at 11:02 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Thermocalculations in Energetic Materials [size=7][b]Introduction and Method[/b][/size]
Recently, I visited almost every thermochemical cal ... |
20-8-2018 at 23:08 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
Computational methods / calculations in Energetic materials I have also tried B3LYP, CBS-X, B3PW91, and W1U based methods recently.
the W1U method gives extr ... |
20-8-2018 at 01:29 by: DubaiAmateurRocketry |
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