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Metabolism of Propylene Glycol People vaporize propylene gycol in e-cigarettes all the time.
I'm not saying it's healthy, but they ... |
12-2-2014 at 16:37 by: Finnnicus |
Are you going to observe Comet ISON? Anyone in southern 'Straya know how and when to view the comet? |
27-11-2013 at 17:18 by: Finnnicus |
Better/Advanced Chlorate Formation What about the use of Ca(ClO)[sub]2[/sub] as the hypochlorite source?
The CaSO[sub]4[/sub] should p ... |
7-11-2013 at 23:03 by: Finnnicus |
Why Hot Water Freezes Faster Than Cold—Physicists Solve the Mpemba Effect I found this article on reddit.
Hopefully thi ... |
31-10-2013 at 03:41 by: Finnnicus |
Oxidizing Chlorides The Mg(ClO[sub]2[/sub])[sub]2[/sub] based method is suggested because Mg(ClO[sub]2[/sub])[sub]2[/sub ... |
29-10-2013 at 19:05 by: Finnnicus |
Making a revised 'Anarchist Cookbook' As an [almost] complete noob at practical chemistry (<strike>arguably</strike> theoretic ... |
26-10-2013 at 20:19 by: Finnnicus |
Stories of extremely chemophobic parents and yours :p [b]Cou[/b], can you please explain what '[i]burnt chlorine[/i]' is? Quite sure chlorine is non-flamm ... |
26-10-2013 at 20:10 by: Finnnicus |
Sodium Borohydride from chinese supplier Methinks its USA. uuu ssss aaaa
Wonder how much that is? (500g - USA to Australia)
BTW: I'm not ... |
17-10-2013 at 02:27 by: Finnnicus |
U.S. Goverment Shutdown So a core problem here is that congress seems incapable to pass, er, anything. Hank Green once said: ... |
13-10-2013 at 00:14 by: Finnnicus |
Education on Illicit substances Getting back a little more on topic. 
Being raised in a family that accepts responsible use of ... |
29-9-2013 at 04:34 by: Finnnicus |
Ampouling Gallium? "Gallium expands 3.1% on solidifying, so it should not be stored in a metal or glass container that ... |
28-9-2013 at 22:27 by: Finnnicus |
chem haters Even though I have my pyro moments (controlled, may I assure you), friends of mine seem to like that ... |
28-9-2013 at 22:19 by: Finnnicus |
tesla I deeply apologise on not noting down my source, but I have watched a video in which university stud ... |
24-9-2013 at 21:45 by: Finnnicus |
Possible opportunity for univ lab equipment Nottingham,UK Particularly if you come confidently, as both a scientist and a viewer of Haran's work. |
17-9-2013 at 06:46 by: Finnnicus |
Decent price on cork rings for RBF? OT: We need a SCM salute! (/Hand gesture/T-Shirt)
Actually, anyone with a chemistry T-shirt shou ... |
12-9-2013 at 20:26 by: Finnnicus |
Dangers of distilling acetic acid without the use of a fumehood? I would say that was a little overkill, but better safe than sorry! -
Personally, I think you mig ... |
12-9-2013 at 20:23 by: Finnnicus |
What to do with excess electricity? Any neat things to produce? [rquote=299389&tid=23810&author=phlogiston]pressurized air
The bitcoin mining was a bit in ... |
11-9-2013 at 05:51 by: Finnnicus |
Cancer Cure Can we have some sort of research or paper about said "Radioactive nanoparticles" and their function ... |
10-9-2013 at 20:03 by: Finnnicus |
Science equipment looking for a home Sorry if its already been mentioned, but how much is shipping to Australia? (Melbourne) Namely on th ... |
10-9-2013 at 15:52 by: Finnnicus |
What to do with excess electricity? Any neat things to produce? Maybe last year mining BTC would be a good idea, but with the increase in [url= ... |
7-9-2013 at 02:50 by: Finnnicus |
Selling My Lab in Preparation for Move How much is the shipping to Australia?
I am also interesting in the vacuum filtration stuff.
Wha ... |
3-9-2013 at 15:50 by: Finnnicus |
Called by the police for glassware "a simple distillation setup from laboy"
Is that all you have in the house?
How old are you?
... |
19-8-2013 at 05:17 by: Finnnicus |
Stupid idiots make meth labs and ruin it for us Ouch! This happened in our beautiful Shitstralia ([b]adamsium...[/b])? Looks like Guy#1 was playing ... |
19-8-2013 at 05:11 by: Finnnicus |
Quantum Research using:
-[url=https://www.googl ... |
19-8-2013 at 02:08 by: Finnnicus |
Best and worst smelling chemicals? Cancer takes a while to set in. 
[url=]Be safe.[/ ... |
18-8-2013 at 08:19 by: Finnnicus |
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