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Exotic thermites & analogs [rquote=686519&tid=10249&author=knowledgevschaos]Hello everyone, I have a question and this ... |
4-9-2023 at 08:44 by: Linus1208 |
Mystery Glassware Identification Thread Among lots of other, common pieces of used glassware from former GDR labs, I found these interesting ... |
30-10-2022 at 04:55 by: Linus1208 |
What to do with styrene? [rquote=673734&tid=158580&author=Antiswat]
if you want concentrated NaClO, pool chlorinatin ... |
24-5-2022 at 14:31 by: Linus1208 |
What to do with styrene? [rquote=673388&tid=158580&author=Antiswat]iirc you can turn styrene oxide - or just styrene ... |
23-5-2022 at 05:53 by: Linus1208 |
What to do with styrene? [rquote=673314&tid=158580&author=SplendidAcylation]
BTW Styrofoam might not be the easiest ... |
23-5-2022 at 03:22 by: Linus1208 |
What to do with styrene? So I have lots of styrofoam laying around and I was thinking about depolymerising it to make styrene ... |
7-5-2022 at 04:29 by: Linus1208 |
Accidents... [rquote=670470&tid=19597&author=MineMan]
What, what is this? Your just telling us you groun ... |
29-1-2022 at 05:31 by: Linus1208 |
Accidents... I didn't have that bad injuries.
One of them I can remember is 0.5g-1g of KMnO4 / Mg / S flashpowde ... |
28-1-2022 at 13:27 by: Linus1208 |
Interesting white flare composition (Breslau Fire) [rquote=670434&tid=158200&author=Morgan]
Below some characteristics of plaster and dental s ... |
27-1-2022 at 09:16 by: Linus1208 |
Interesting white flare composition (Breslau Fire) [rquote=669715&tid=158200&author=Herr Haber]I am pretty sure that if you add water to an Mg ... |
6-1-2022 at 14:30 by: Linus1208 |
Got it to work with just Al So I got the composition to work with just Al.
The stoichiometric ratio is 29parts of CaSO4*0.5H2O ... |
5-1-2022 at 04:15 by: Linus1208 |
Interesting white flare composition (Breslau Fire) [rquote=668954&tid=158200&author=Herr Haber]Sooo...
Mg + 2H20 ---> Mg(OH)2 + H2[/rquote] ... |
20-12-2021 at 15:42 by: Linus1208 |
Interesting white flare composition (Breslau Fire) [rquote=668950&tid=158200&author=katyushaslab]
~40% spherical aluminum, 60% plaster of pari ... |
20-12-2021 at 05:00 by: Linus1208 |
Interesting white flare composition (Breslau Fire) I found an interesting flare composition in a german youtube video: ... |
20-12-2021 at 04:11 by: Linus1208 |
Where to look for solubility data? I found this german website pretty useful when looking for solubilities of anorganic compounds in wa ... |
17-12-2021 at 04:56 by: Linus1208 |
The definition of a "detonation"? Personally I like the definition of a detonation having a reaction front moving supersonic more.
Th ... |
21-11-2021 at 03:02 by: Linus1208 |
The stigma against EM enthusiasts This reminds me of someone sending an article of someone having blown himself up building a "firecra ... |
21-11-2021 at 02:57 by: Linus1208 |
Exotic thermites & analogs [rquote=661416&tid=10249&author=Linus1208]
A mix of anhydrous copper sulfate and magnesium ... |
20-11-2021 at 06:15 by: Linus1208 |
Reducing surface coating of CuO to metal [rquote=666699&tid=158038&author=zerodan]
As for ascorbic acid I have vitamin C fizzing tab ... |
1-11-2021 at 00:58 by: Linus1208 |
Small scale production of H2SO4 in the amateur lab Oh, and I thought being able to buy kilos of red phosphorus and a few 100g of KMnO4 but heavily rest ... |
28-10-2021 at 02:10 by: Linus1208 |
Small scale production of H2SO4 in the amateur lab What about thermal decomposition of NaHSO4?
NaHSO4 decomposes at 280°C to form H2O and at 480°C ... |
27-10-2021 at 15:34 by: Linus1208 |
Reducing surface coating of CuO to metal And a question just out of curiosity:
What exactly are you doing? |
27-10-2021 at 15:18 by: Linus1208 |
Ascorbic acid as a reducing agent An aqueous solution of ascorbic acid should work for this purpose.
I did this multiple times with ... |
27-10-2021 at 15:15 by: Linus1208 |
magnesium from soda cans At first, I'm not sure that all soda cans consist of one alloy, I heard that some are made from tinp ... |
26-10-2021 at 14:26 by: Linus1208 |
Some experiments with cyanate ion Nice, I was just reading/thinking some interesting stuff about cyanates and similar, just what I nee ... |
23-10-2021 at 11:40 by: Linus1208 |
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