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Belladonna extract [rquote=629109&tid=154680&author=Herr Haber][rquote=629096&tid=154680&author=SWIM]
... |
13-3-2020 at 11:43 by: Mr. Rogers |
Belladonna extract [rquote=629041&tid=154680&author=Fery]
While I was servicing basic military training we had ... |
6-1-2020 at 00:14 by: Mr. Rogers |
Belladonna extract [quote]I don't think anyone (including the OP) is saying this was anything other than a bloody stupi ... |
5-1-2020 at 23:25 by: Mr. Rogers |
Belladonna extract TL;DR. etc.
I'm just sharing my thoughts I guess...
Six months ago I bought 1 lb of dried bell ... |
5-1-2020 at 02:21 by: Mr. Rogers |
Belladonna extract Don't ever try this. It's the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life. |
5-1-2020 at 00:00 by: Mr. Rogers |
Do we need a separtate forum for lab safety and waste treatment? [rquote=612698&tid=149927&author=j_sum1]Perhaps, "Lab Housekeeping".
Responsible practice, ... |
16-5-2019 at 04:04 by: Mr. Rogers |
tannin source I have gallotannic acid. PM if you're interested.
[Edited on 13-5-2019 by Mr. Rogers] |
12-5-2019 at 18:47 by: Mr. Rogers |
Fume Hood Exhaust Fan [rquote=611974&tid=149749&author=Abromination] ... |
8-5-2019 at 18:44 by: Mr. Rogers |
Vinyl chloride
The Pubchem summary states this is used ... |
7-5-2019 at 08:25 by: Mr. Rogers |
Future-gazing: available now, restricted tomorrow? Sodium nitrite you can find with the spices usually. It's used in canning.
5-5-2019 at 00:46 by: Mr. Rogers |
Round bottom flask vs 'round bottom flask with flat bottom' Messing with corks and glass tubing like that you're just going to end up stabbing yourself. |
30-4-2019 at 20:29 by: Mr. Rogers |
From $40 a vial in 2000 to nearly $39,000 today If I was president, I would immediately seize and nationalize the companies that pull these stunts. ... |
30-4-2019 at 20:09 by: Mr. Rogers |
Future-gazing: available now, restricted tomorrow? The bleach concentration varies brand-to-brand in the US. In my area, the generic store brand is li ... |
29-4-2019 at 15:22 by: Mr. Rogers |
Notre Dame Smoke [rquote=609691&tid=148080&author=S.C. Wack][rquote=609536&tid=148080&author=unionise ... |
25-4-2019 at 20:05 by: Mr. Rogers |
Trying to get rid of chemicals. Nearish Philadelphia [rquote=609772&tid=148444&author=RogueRose][rquote=609771&tid=148444&author=Mr. Roge ... |
21-4-2019 at 20:05 by: Mr. Rogers |
Trying to get rid of chemicals. Nearish Philadelphia That's /r/chemistry if you're not part of the priest class.
21-4-2019 at 19:05 by: Mr. Rogers |
VWR Safepak containers [rquote=609732&tid=148632&author=CharlieA]I may be wrong, but those just look like wide-mout ... |
21-4-2019 at 17:58 by: Mr. Rogers |
In search of fading pigments Nope! I never signed that contract!! See...
21-4-2019 at 13:42 by: Mr. Rogers |
Trying to get rid of chemicals. Nearish Philadelphia I'd def be interested in the tin chloride, and silver nitrate after Rhodanide.
[Edited on 21-4- ... |
21-4-2019 at 02:29 by: Mr. Rogers |
VWR Safepak containers I'm looking for a source of these in the US -- ... |
21-4-2019 at 02:19 by: Mr. Rogers |
Notre Dame Smoke [rquote=608764&tid=148080&author=RogueRose][rquote=608762&tid=148080&author=myr]The ... |
17-4-2019 at 12:37 by: Mr. Rogers |
Safely storing Diethyl ether You can get Et2O in small quantities in Al bottles with two piece caps that come hermetically sealed ... |
8-4-2019 at 09:06 by: Mr. Rogers |
Safely storing Diethyl ether The best way I think, is to buy several small bottles rather than one large one, and keep them in a ... |
8-4-2019 at 08:59 by: Mr. Rogers |
Made to order PTFE adapters [quote]I would want a groove cut in the adapter to take a Keck clip,
and preferably a ptfe washer a ... |
31-3-2019 at 10:23 by: Mr. Rogers |
Made to order PTFE adapters Hey!! Good work!! We want these, so keep at it. You have an audience here that will buy these. I ... |
30-3-2019 at 22:13 by: Mr. Rogers |
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