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Scifinder vexation Agreed with the last poster. If it's something more common, it's by far easiest to search by the CA ... |
22-1-2013 at 20:14 by: Mumbles |
most powerful whistle mix Having been through a very serious pyrotechnic accident myself, I can assure you that you're asking ... |
4-1-2013 at 00:50 by: Mumbles |
High-order flash powder? To me, there is little doubt that some mixtures used in pyrotechnics can undergo a DDT when being us ... |
4-1-2013 at 00:41 by: Mumbles |
Cu from Cu(I)Cl Your best best is probably to convert to a water soluble form, and reduce it with aluminum, iron, or ... |
7-10-2012 at 11:24 by: Mumbles |
CLO4 vs CLO3 It's likely partly a matter of perchlorate allowing the central chlorine to achieve a noble gas elec ... |
23-7-2012 at 23:08 by: Mumbles |
copper oxide for very dense composite explosives Another possibility I've always been interested in for the preparation of very fine metal oxides is ... |
3-7-2012 at 13:04 by: Mumbles |
Chlorate I obtained some experimental batches from the plant that produces the boron type. Over the course o ... |
2-7-2012 at 21:48 by: Mumbles |
Chlorate I cannot speak to all electric matches. Of the ones I am familiar with made in the US, one is made ... |
1-7-2012 at 00:20 by: Mumbles |
Chlorate If you had to sensitize a KClO4/Al mixture to get it to ignite, you're doing something wrong, or hav ... |
28-6-2012 at 21:44 by: Mumbles |
Stars Is there anything specific you had in mind? There are a number of different varieties of stars with ... |
29-5-2012 at 15:49 by: Mumbles |
Iron Perchlorate Iron (II) Halides are produced from a methanol suspension of iron metal in methanol with the added a ... |
4-5-2012 at 22:17 by: Mumbles |
Sand baths I use sand baths on occasion. Back with my homelab, I'd use them to do some moderately high tempera ... |
6-3-2012 at 01:52 by: Mumbles |
Oxidation of alcohols via KMnO4+NaHSO4, strange liquid formed? I'd bet there is excess bisulfate in that liquid. It will react with zinc selectively. You could p ... |
1-3-2012 at 11:32 by: Mumbles |
Barium Chlorate The legends of the instability of potassium chlorate and sulfur has been largely overblown, and is p ... |
28-2-2012 at 10:05 by: Mumbles |
Mercury metal [rquote=238058&tid=18903&author=Nick F][rquote=237813&tid=18903&author=barley81]I wi ... |
24-2-2012 at 11:10 by: Mumbles |
Blue color using copper II benzoate I can give you all sorts of tried and tested blue formulas if you'd like. I personally don't like A ... |
26-1-2012 at 19:46 by: Mumbles |
Blue color using copper II benzoate Without getting into the extreme details of this, yes, if you add dextrin and activate it with water ... |
26-1-2012 at 11:27 by: Mumbles |
Blue color using copper II benzoate I've used copper benzoate prepared quite similarly to yours and successfully made decent blues. It ... |
26-1-2012 at 02:28 by: Mumbles |
Drying agent for epoxide It depends on the epoxide. Typically they're dried over something like sodium, fused KOH, or CaH2 a ... |
26-1-2012 at 02:13 by: Mumbles |
Solvent Pot Problems We have a Grubbs type solvent purification system for everything except THF. You know, everything e ... |
12-8-2011 at 09:03 by: Mumbles |
Solvent Pot Problems I've been put in charge of the solvent stills in the lab I work in. About the only one we really ru ... |
11-8-2011 at 21:59 by: Mumbles |
KNO3 Fertilizer I've always liked Champion or Haifa brand. |
8-5-2011 at 21:24 by: Mumbles |
Anhydrous FeCl3 (attempt) [rquote=208370&tid=16159&author=xwinorb]I totally agree with woelen ( see third post on this ... |
28-4-2011 at 17:37 by: Mumbles |
about the name Negative X? The first two parts are no where near how it works.
From the best I can gather, it is a corrosi ... |
27-4-2011 at 12:03 by: Mumbles |
Making fire (youtube collaborative video) The eutectic melting point of KOH/NaOH isn't much below the alledged ignition temp. I think it woul ... |
26-4-2011 at 22:22 by: Mumbles |
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