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TNT - chlorate composition [rquote=302022&tid=26202&author=caterpillar][rquote=301978&tid=26202&author=killswit ... |
4-10-2013 at 05:00 by: killswitch |
TNT - chlorate composition What about TNT/NH4ClO4? |
3-10-2013 at 15:11 by: killswitch |
hexanitrobenzene from hexachlorobenzene? Does the procedure require crown ether? And what solvent would work with silver nitrite?
And of ... |
3-10-2013 at 14:13 by: killswitch |
Nitric esters via DCM with no bicarb wash
Nitration of nitric esters in mixed acid/methylene chloride:
If I'm rea ... |
3-10-2013 at 14:03 by: killswitch |
Explosive stable to over 500ÂșC: BTDAONAB BTDAONAB (N,N'-Bis (1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)-4,4'-diamino-2,2',3,3',5,5',6,6'-octanitroazo-benzene) is am ... |
2-10-2013 at 07:37 by: killswitch |
Unconventional aromatic nitrations So I've learned from personal experience that phosphorus pentoxide and sodium nitrate in 98% sulfuri ... |
29-9-2013 at 10:35 by: killswitch |
Initation and properties of rubberized materials Stabilizer. It absorbs evolved NO2.
Though I'm unsure if it's necessary in this case. |
25-9-2013 at 06:58 by: killswitch |
Initation and properties of rubberized materials PETN mixed with Sylguard 182 in a 4 to 1 ratio of nitrate to polymer produces a material that can be ... |
24-9-2013 at 19:37 by: killswitch |
WFNA without vacuum? The distillation of a mixture of KNO3 and 98% sulfuric acid under vacuum is the most common route to ... |
24-9-2013 at 14:26 by: killswitch |
Effects of amines on C-NO2 bonds Forming the aci-nitro of TNB would introduce an sp[sup]3[/sup] carbon and destroy aromaticity. |
19-9-2013 at 19:16 by: killswitch |
Effects of amines on C-NO2 bonds What about hexamine? Does that dissolve in NM? |
18-9-2013 at 15:32 by: killswitch |
Isomers & leaching That... is very interesting. Verrrry interesting.
Is it possible to isolate nitrobenzaldehyde der ... |
18-9-2013 at 07:36 by: killswitch |
Isomers & leaching When I prepared mononitrotoluene, the product came in two forms: a pale-yellow solid and a dark gree ... |
17-9-2013 at 08:40 by: killswitch |
OTC insecticide precursors to nitroguanidine derivatives So, from what I gather, polyhexanide (PHMB) in 100% HONO[sub]2[/sub] at 0 Celsius or below would res ... |
13-9-2013 at 07:11 by: killswitch |
OTC insecticide precursors to nitroguanidine derivatives [size=2][b]Imidacloprid:[/b][/size]
[img] ... |
12-9-2013 at 06:20 by: killswitch |
Is there an error in this textbook? [rquote=299110&tid=26077&author=AndersHoveland]In case you did not know, there is always som ... |
7-9-2013 at 20:59 by: killswitch |
Is this a new way to make AP If you are making enough of it for that to matter, that is the least of your problems. |
7-9-2013 at 14:53 by: killswitch |
I have officially quit organic peroxides [rquote=297503&tid=25865&author=Adas][rquote=297398&tid=25865&author=plante1999]I am ... |
7-9-2013 at 14:45 by: killswitch |
Is there an error in this textbook? On page 11 of [i]Organic Chemistry of Explosives[/i] (J. P. Agrawal & R. D. Hodgson, 2007), ther ... |
7-9-2013 at 14:31 by: killswitch |
Nitromethane + hydroxide reaction Roughly 20 ml of purportedly 100% NM (direct from a racing fuel supplier) and 5 grams sodium hydroxi ... |
3-9-2013 at 10:48 by: killswitch |
Nitromethane + hydroxide reaction [rquote=296824&tid=25837&author=woelen]The reaction with hydroxide in the presence of water ... |
28-8-2013 at 14:59 by: killswitch |
Nitromethane + hydroxide reaction So I finally received a 5-gallon pail of 100% nitromethane the other day and was surprised to find t ... |
25-8-2013 at 20:18 by: killswitch |
FOX-7 as a ligand [rquote=285696&tid=24298&author=Adas][rquote=285688&tid=24298&author=chemcam][rquote ... |
25-8-2013 at 06:18 by: killswitch |
FOX-7 as a ligand [rquote=286119&tid=24298&author=Motherload]Is Fox-7 capable of undergoing diazotization usin ... |
11-8-2013 at 09:33 by: killswitch |
The next wave of IEDs Restrictions on explosives have come a long way since the [url= ... |
11-8-2013 at 09:17 by: killswitch |
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