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Will someone please delete my posts? I am ashamed of what I said. I sweat over what I said at night, ...
23-7-2009 at 13:17
by: nodrog19
H2O2 Restriction
No i have never heard that. Its true though. They are going to have to ban all nitrates, azides, per ...
3-7-2008 at 15:18
by: nodrog19
H2O2 Restriction
[Edited on 3-7-2008 by nodrog19]
3-7-2008 at 14:40
by: nodrog19
Fuel from atmospheric CO2
CO2--->C+O2 via electrolysis of the liquid phase might work.
its going to be cold so Sterling H ...
2-7-2008 at 20:00
by: nodrog19
Here we go again, TX man busted selling cyanide to FBI informant...
"There is also a legitimate use for the stuff in organic chemistry, namely, in SN2 substitution reac ...
27-6-2008 at 17:21
by: nodrog19
making dichloromethane
THanks any way, guys.
27-6-2008 at 16:55
by: nodrog19
Glassware identification/use help/opinions
The second one could be a Schlenk volumetric pipet. Just a guess.
27-6-2008 at 16:50
by: nodrog19
making dichloromethane
what is it sold as?
26-6-2008 at 14:14
by: nodrog19
making dichloromethane
What would you reduce it with?
NaNH2 is out of the question.
25-6-2008 at 20:07
by: nodrog19
NaNO3,NaOH,Al seperation
what about ethanol?
is NaNO3 soluble in alcohol?

in california, there are zero sources of NO3- e ...
23-6-2008 at 19:34
by: nodrog19
NaNO3,NaOH,Al seperation
I bought some drain cleaner that is made of sodium hydroxide and sodium nitrate with the occasional ...
23-6-2008 at 18:09
by: nodrog19
Ni from coins
the penny was changed in 1983
23-6-2008 at 18:05
by: nodrog19
Sword Forging!
Im just saying it works. Hitler was a horrible person.
If i offended someone im really sorry.
23-6-2008 at 17:52
by: nodrog19
palladium electrodes, sodium bromate
23-6-2008 at 13:58
by: nodrog19
Sword Forging!
Back to the injection thing. What about 70% H2O2 and a MnO2 suspension in seperate tubes? ouch!!
Th ...
23-6-2008 at 11:36
by: nodrog19
palladium electrodes, sodium bromate
Will palladium electrodes corrode or are they like platinum? I know that they store alot of hydrogen ...
23-6-2008 at 11:15
by: nodrog19
sodium acetate electrolysis
now you tell me!!
just kidding.
why would it turn blue?
19-6-2008 at 16:09
by: nodrog19
sodium acetate electrolysis
I didnt realize you could melt lye over an alcohol burner, so thats how Ill do it.
19-6-2008 at 09:05
by: nodrog19
sodium acetate electrolysis
Is it possible to electrolyse anhydrous sodium acetate in a copper crucible? My friend gave me some ...
18-6-2008 at 19:56
by: nodrog19
Nitric Acid Synthesis
what about refluxing a mix of Ca(NO3)2 and H2SO4 in a boiling water bath?
the CaSO4 will precipitat ...
17-6-2008 at 20:56
by: nodrog19
Aluminum powder synthesis
oops, it was silicon.
"Reynolds Wrap® Aluminum Foil is 98.5% aluminum. The balance is primarily i ...
17-6-2008 at 20:53
by: nodrog19
Endothermic freezing mixtures
i found this table in [u]Organic Laboratory Techniques[/u], 3rd Edition

ice- water ...
16-6-2008 at 19:04
by: nodrog19
molarity questions
never mind, its 1.367

[Edited on 16-6-2008 by nodrog19]
16-6-2008 at 08:42
by: nodrog19
molarity questions
Thank you very much
What is the density for 60% HNO3?

[Edited on 16-6-2008 by nodrog19]
16-6-2008 at 08:30
by: nodrog19
molarity questions
"distillation gives an azeotrope with a concentration of 68% HNO3 and a boiling temperature of 120.5 ...
15-6-2008 at 19:49
by: nodrog19
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